#su crewinverse


I have never loved something as much as this!


Please do not harass the show runners.

Thankfully we’re past the time when DYKSU fans would directly harass them over stuff they saw on DYKSU, but they’re still getting a lot of harassment over other SU stuff. And that’s gotta stop. Here are some things to remember:

- The crew members are human beings. What you’re saying can hurt them, and they don’t deserve that. 

- Steven Universe is a cartoon. It’s really not worth harassing anyone over. Seriously.

- Steven Universe is a cartoon for kids. If you’re wondering why certain ships aren’t canon or why Steven has decided against shattering the Diamonds, remember that Steven Universe is a show for kids on a network for kids. They’re currently only able to do so much in terms of LGBT pairings (and what they HAVE done is already a hell of a lot), and the show has to have a positive outlook because it’s for kids.

- The crew hate the leaks as much as we do. Even more so, I imagine. But if there was anything they could do about them they’d have stopped by now. Try to ignore them as best you can, and don’t harass the crew over them. And whether you watch leaked episodes or not, please actually watch the show on Cartoon Network when it airs - I can’t express how important this is.

Long story short - just calm down and quit harassing people who make the cartoons you enjoy.

And yes, I am writing this because of what people have been saying to Lauren Zuke over twitter (harassment over shipping and leaks, from what I’ve seen), which eventually provoked her into shutting down her twitter account.

Zuke is personally one of my favourite crew members (alongside Hilary Florido), and it’s awful to see that people are treating her like this. None of the crew members deserve this.

At the moment Zuke clearly wants some space, which is understandable and I’m sure she needs it. If she does choose to come back, please show her some support and think twice before sending any more hate.

That really goes for all crew members - show your support, quit the harassment.

DYKSU out.
