#su heart of the crystal gems

I want to explain more about this idea.My original post (7/25): https://www.reddit.com/r/stevenunive

I want to explain more about this idea.

My original post (7/25):https://www.reddit.com/r/stevenuniverse/comments/91on90/the_key_to_being_whole_just_an_idea_i_had/

Body: Yellow Diamond (YD) represents the body as her power causes gem bodies to fall apart. She healed Centi’s body to a point, but as her power can only heal the physical damage there was something missing (her sense of self).

Soul: I feel that Blue Diamond (BD) represents the soul based on my understanding that the soul represents the sense of self. There is research to show that many animals do not possess a sense of self, but those who do (e.g., dolphins) are considered sentient similar to humans. I also like the representation of souls in the Harry Potter books. Dumbledore explains that without at least 1 piece of soul Voldemort would have no sense of self and the Dementors can destroy a person but leave the body alive by sucking out the soul. When BD attempted to heal Centi, she had a sense of self again though she had lost control of her emotions.

Heart: To me, Pink Diamond (PD) represents the heart as she, and Steven, have powers related to emotions like compassion and empathy. Steven represents empathy, compassion, and love. He helps others understand themselves at an emotional level while in terms of BD the sense of self is more related to “what” they are.

Mind: The mind ties everything together in our bodies. It can control our physical form but also our emotions and sense of self. So while the other 3 could allow Centi to fully form, they couldn’t keep her together. They needed White Diamond (WD).

If gems lose their sense of self (the soul), they could still think and move as their mind and body survive. They would have little sense of who they are outside of their intended purpose. Think about a depressed person who can still feel happy or joyful (heart), but have a dead feeling inside. From my own experience, there is this piece of me that is missing and I forget how to do things I knew before because I don’t know who I am anymore. I can still feel happy and excited, but the emptiness doesn’t go away. The compassion of others and what I feel for them helps to fill that void, so I see BD as living in a severe depression that she couldn’t escape without PD. A gem without the heart would be an unfeeling drone with no care for others or even themselves. So in essence, the HEART gives them compassion and empathy while SOUL gives them individuality.

Again this is just my thinking and I appreciate others’ input and opinions as well. :)

- Jen

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