#subby boy


i wanna wrap my legs around a cute boys hips and force him to breed me over and over again until the poor thing is shaking and begging to stop, too overstimulate to keep going

im pretty short and i use to be very self conscious about it, especially since i’m a dom, but you know what?

my small height is the best part of it.

yeah, im smaller than you, and you probably could outrun me if you really wanted… but youdon’t. you’ll still letting me own and control you, cause you know your place. thats cute.


thinking about beelzebub. he hasn’t ever cum properly, always getting to his peak and stopping. you, however, keep going. his stomach feels hot, breathing speeding up while you got him to the edge, a thick load of milky white cum spilling all over your hand.

hi guys i’m sorry i haven’t been as active, but i’m FINALLY OUT OF THE HOSPITAL!! this means i’m treating you guys with an extension of this little snippet i made. i hope you enjoy.

cw : beels been edging himself, crying, soft aftercare

under the cut

he thought he had reached the peak. his thighs trembled and his breaths quickened as your hand stroked up and down his leaking cock. he was cumming, fuck he was gonna cum and leak more than he had never leaked before… but you didn’t stop. “w-wait-..!” he croaked, his voice cracking as he grabbed on to your arm, stopping you from continuing. “what’s wrong, beel? shit- i didn’t hurt you did i?” you asked, kissing his forehead. “i-i came.. you can stop n..now..” he spoke after a few moments of silence, his hand lacing with your hand that you had placed on his thigh after he had told you to stop. you gave him a confused look.

“beel? you didn’t cum.” you stated, stroking the hair out of his face that stuck on his forehead from his sweat. “huh?” his brows furrowed, fuzzy indigo orbs looking into yours. “but i… i leaked wasnt that enough?” he questioned. you wanted to laugh, not at him but at the circumstance. “you didn’t cum, sweetheart. you’re still hard, love.” you placed your hand back on his dick, watching as he winced hips stuttering. he was going to let you guide him. you smeared the pre from his leaking tip to the base and back up again, thumb stroking over his slit and earning a groan from his throat. he covered his mouth with the back of his hand, his other hand clutching the sheets beneath him. you started picking up the pace, pumping his cock up and down and squeezing the base and up and down and squeezing the base…

“cumming-!” he said with a shaky voice and you shook your head, continuing with your strokes. fuck. what was that? he felt a warmth growing in his stomach, a heat growing inside of him. it felt euphoric. “hah.. hah-hah..! hngh..!” he gasped, hips bucking upwards involuntary, biting on the skin on the back of his hand. you felt him throb, placing your other hand on his balls to massage them gently. his chest heaved up and down as you continued. his other hand shot to the side and you looked up, watching as his hands clenched the sheets and his face turning into the pillow that sat next to his face. one final stroke and the heat evaporated and the knot snapped and he let out a guttural moan as he painted your fist white with his release. his breathing was erratic and he trembled in the aftershocks of his orgasm, chest raising slowly up and down.

you waited a few seconds before you removed your hand from the base of his still throbbing cock and wiped your hand off with the corner of your shirt, you could clean it later. you climbed onto the bed, placing a hand on the side of his face and carefully placed your other hand on the other side of his face, feeling wet tears on your fingers. “what’s wrong, baby?” you asked, tilting your head to the side. he stared up at you, leaning into the warmth of your hand and finally spoke. “it felt too good..” he whispered, barely audible. you smiled at him softly, kissing his lips wet with drool and pulled back, helping him sit up and rest his head on your shoulder.

“let’s get you cleaned up, sweetheart.”

thinking about beelzebub. he hasn’t ever cum properly, always getting to his peak and stopping. you, however, keep going. his stomach feels hot, breathing speeding up while you got him to the edge, a thick load of milky white cum spilling all over your hand.

i haven’t been feeling well again lately and im not allowed to leave my hospital bed for a bit so here’s a drabble for my beauties. <3

summary: mammon humping a pillow and then some thigh riding. that’s literally it. you slap his ass with a flogger a few times but it’s only stated a couple of times.

“Hngh.. f..fu-CK!” the white haired male whimpered as you bought the black leather flogger onto his red ass once more, watching as his hips stuttered and thighs tensed against the white fluffy pillow he was currently fucking. His eyes were teary, tilting his head back to look at you with his ‘unfair’ eyes as he continued to grind his leaking cock against the soft cotton underneath him. You knew he was edging himself, you knew how he liked to chase his high and then let himself lose the building heat in his tummy. “Mammon, you’re so cute. That pillow feel good?” you asked which made him nod his head, “Feels good.. S'good, human i-..” Mammon stuttered, his back arching again, mouth hanging open on a pained moan as you hit him yet again. “What did you just call me? You trying to make me mad, baby boy?” you watched as he shook his head, a string of pleas escaping his mouth. “m'sorry! M'sorry M-Mommy..-!” he was chasing his orgasm again, you could tell how his moans became louder and shorter, getting himself ready to blow his load all over the pillow. This time, you stopped him. “Thats enough, you’ve been so good.”

He sobbed, lifting up his head to stare into your eyes. Tears rolled down his face, eyes glossy and drooling, wetting his chin. “Shh.. Don’t worry, you’ll get to cum.” you spoke, taking a seat on the bed next to him and beckoning him over to sit on your bare thigh. He obeyed, too dumb to deny you. “Move.” you whispered at him, he nodded in response, letting out a drawled out moan as he thrust his hips against your thigh, resting his head on your shoulder. You took hold of his hips, making him tilt his head before you helped him grind down onto your leg, his face flushing. “Kis…” Mammon sniffled, “Kiss m..m…-” you cut him off, shoving your tongue into his mouth and making him whine. He was close again, knowing that he wasn’t allowed to stop even if he tried. He moaned into your mouth, eyes opening as he pulled away, a silver string of saliva connecting him to you. “G'nna.. S'cumm'n..~” he managed, humping onto your thigh like his life now depended on it. “Cum for me, puppy. You can do it, cmon.” you whispered, holding his head against your shoulder and playing with his white locks. He spazmed, hips stopping abruptly for a second before he pushed himself to continue, a high pitched scream leaving his mouth as milky white spilled onto your thigh and up your stomach. “U-unmgh… Haaah…” he moaned against your shoulder, sniffing lightly as he sobbed against you, muffled. “That’s my good boy… Shhh, it’s okay. Did so well for me.” you smiled, moving your thigh to drive him into overstimulation. He gasped, shaking his head and letting out a whine which made you chuckle lightly, stopping your movements, “Okay, okay. Let’s get you cleaned up, sweetheart.”

RAILING INUMAKI. and im not talking just hitting it from behind. I’m taking grabbing his little hips, slamming into him with your strap and fucking his prostate over and over again. He’s clawing at your back and whimpering, the gag in his mouth making drool slip from the corner of his lips, his eyes crossed as you lean down to bite at his neck, leaving marks littered all over the pale skin. God just imagine he’s wearing a little bunny outfit. The butt plug he had in had a little fluffy tail attached to it, but you didn’t take it out when you started pushing your dildo into him. No, you kept it in, stretching his perfect hole. Imagine him in a pink skirt, thigh highs slipping down to his knees as you slam him against a desk in your classroom, nobody walking in because they can hear their classmate being fucked mercilessly.

really want to make a boy cum by having him sit on my knee in just his underwear and rut against my thigh. I want to hear his desperate moans because if feels good but it’s just not enough, and his frustrated whines in my ear because he managed to get himself worked up just enough to get him there but a small change in position ruins all his hard work. I want to tell him he looks pretty all flushed and trembling working hard for me and run my fingers through his hair and give him soft touches that do nothing for him but frustrate him more. And to tell him how good he is when he finally comes.

Ooooh my! Sharing the sexy odalisqueaction of this beautiful boy Check out more on his page and support tasty treats ☺️
