

Kinktober Day 19 - choking x Minho (f!reader)


“Mommy…”Minhowhined, an obviously exaggerated pout adorning his lips as he pushed your phone out of your face, replacing it with himself, straddling you

“Yes?” You looked to him, raising a brow

“I’ve been really good lately, you know,” He said, meeting your gaze with wide eyes

You snorted condescendingly before putting your phone on the bedside table and looking back to your boyfriend, who looked like he was- or was at least trying to be- serious.

“Baby,” You chuckled “What kind of ‘good boy’ so shamelessly asks for a reward?”

“I didn’t ask for a reward,” He shrugged

“Well it’s obvious you want something. What is it?”

“Choke me,” He said, eyes darkening and a smirk finding it’s way onto his face

You blinked, before leaning to the side and grabbing your phone again. Minho whined, and took the phone from your grasp, placing it behind him. You sighed, rolling your eyes shortly as Minho fussed on top of you.

You met eyes with you boyfriend once again.

“Beg me,”

Minho huffed, but nonetheless, he opened his mouth.

“Please choke me mommy,” He said, voice child-like, but that didn’t stop him from begging with the most sinful things that first popped into his mind “Want your hands wrapped around my dumb little throat so bad- want you to choke me like the fucking slut I am, mommy,”

“Jesus christ you’re such a desperate whore,” You muttered, and without saying another word, lifted your arms up to wrap them around Minho’s throat, immediately pressing your two thumbs into the front of his neck, quite hard as well, giving the boy no time to brace himself. Minho gasped, letting out a soft, choked moan.

“At least this shuts you up,” You smirked

“M-more-” Minho said meekly

Your smile dropped, and you let go of him. Minho’s eyes widened and he immediately went to grab your wrists.


“I was already going hard enough,” You said, placing your hands on his thighs and pulling him closer to you- Minho knew you were scolding him, and your tone was harsh, but the glint in your eyes suggested that in the moment, he worried you “Maybe if you had more concern for your own wellbeing when I’m doing things like that to you-”

“I’m sorry,” Minho said, hands pawing at your shoulders “Please- I- I know my boundaries- please keep going mommy I promise I’ll tell you if I really can’t breathe,”

You regarded him for a moment

“Lie down,” You said, and he immediately got off of you, going to lay flat on his back

You climbed in top of the boy, hands once again, going to his neck and wrapping around it, but this time, you started off lightly.

“You’re such a trouble-maker,” You growled

“Mm- yeah- hah-” Minho started “but it turns you on, doesn’t it?”

You rolled your eyes, beginning to press harder.

“Guess not even choking can make that dumb mouth of yours stop,” You muttered, making sure Minho kept eye contact with you as you spoke “Maybe next time we should try a gag,”

Kinktober Day 9 - creampie x Minho (f!reader)


“Fuck!”Minhoyelled frustratedly, and he jerked his body, but his arms stayed obediently on the bed “Just put it in me already!”

You chuckled shortly, continuing to prod the ejaculating strap you were wearing against Minho’s hole, occasionally putting just the tip in before quickly taking it back out.

“Horny bitch,”

Minho stopped fussing a moment to glare at you, and you smiled back to him before, all at once, you thrusted your hips forward, ramming the entire dildo into Minho. The boy made a high-pitched, very loud moan, his eyes rolling back at the unexpected action.

“That what you wanted?” You cocked your head

He stayed silent with his chest heaving up and down for a moment, not answering, before he opened his mouth to speak, but as soon as he did, you began to move, and Minho cut himself off with a small whine.

“Fuck…off…” He managed to get out between his heavy breaths

“Better watch your language, kitty,” You muttered “Or mommy won’t cum inside your slutty little hole,”

“No-” He started immediately, but quickly shut his mouth

You chuckled, and leaned over him, placing a hand on his cock, and slowly beginning to pump him, slowing your thrusts in time with your hand.

“Don’t you want me to?” You continued, and Minho stayed silent “I’m not gonna give it to you unless you beg, kitty,”

Minho hesitated for a moment, his lips trembling with whimpers.

“Please,” He finally spoke “I’m sorry mommy. Please fill me up with your cum- I- ah- I need it so bad-”

“That’s better,” You smiled, and immediately sped up

Minho tried to keep his mouth shut for the first couple seconds, but quickly gave up, and allowed his jaw to go slack as you fucked him

It wasn’t long before the boy beneath you began whining more, and his movement became increasingly sporadic and desperate. You licked your lips.

“You gonna cum, kitty?”

“Please- please yes- please let me I- ahh-” He moaned, letting his tongue hang out

“Would you rather me cum in you, or have yourself cum?” You questioned, smile only widening as you saw panic flash across Minho’s face

“P-please- cum in me-” He managed

Breathing out a small laugh, but sadistic nonetheless, you complied- cumming inside the boy with the strap. Minho’s eyes rolled back as he felt the liquid filling him up, and you saw his cock twitch, but you took out the dildo before he could cum, causing a loud whine, and Minho began to buck his hips upwards.

You leaned back, hushing him, eyes focused between his legs, watching intently and with a wide smirk as the fake cum dripped out of his hole. Minho immediately noticed your eyes fixed on him, and he scowled before going to close his legs, and positioning himself on the bed so you couldn’t see.

“Kitty,” You chuckled, looking to him and putting a hand on either of his legs- as strong as you liked to think of yourself, your arms weren’t a match for your boyfriend’s thighs “Open them,”

“Are you gonna let me cum?”

“After you just did that?” You raised a brow “No.”

“Wait- mommy-” He started, eyes widening as you began to get up- he could tell you were serious “Mommy please,”

You regarded him for a moment.

“Spread your legs, kitty,”

Minho immediately complied, looking to you with desperate eyes.

“Good boy,” You breathed, sitting back down on the bed properly


sub!Lee Know x reader | use of safewords (but with a good ending!), pegging, Minho missed you a lot :(


“Ah!” The loud cry resonated throughout the bedroom as you gave Minho yet another harsh thrust, jerking him forward with the force. He was currently on all fours, splayed out beneath you as you rolled your hips into him. Your hands were gripping his hips, pulling him closer to you each time.

Neither of you expected the night to go like this, but here you were. You, having just gotten home not too long ago, and Minho, paying the price for jerking off without permission while you were gone.

You weren’t complaining, though. Having had a rather stressful day, it felt great to be able to release your frustrations a bit while also bringing pleasure to your lovely boyfriend.

What you didn’t know, however, was that Minho wasn’t feeling it the same way you were.

He wanted to have sex with you, of course, just…not like this. When you caught him in your bed, hand wrapped around his aching cock, it was only right for him to receive a punishment for it, he understood that. And he would have liked that any other day too, just, maybe not today.

You see, what you perceived as your boyfriend misbehaving without any care, maybe even doing it on purpose to rile you up, couldn’t have been farther from the truth.

Throughout the day, Minho had been feeling a bit down. He didn’t know why at first, just going about his day with a sad pout on his face. Only hours later into the day did he realize it was because of you.

The two of you barely had any free time together these days, mostly just talking through text messages every now and then. You were living together, yet you didn’t see each other for more than two hours at a time.

And as Minho finally got back home from work, that pit in his heart only grew as he was met with complete silence once again. You were still at work, meaning he’d have to wait a few more hours until you’d come back.

Feeling sad and lonely, he spent the next hour or two just moping around the apartment. He tried to occupy himself any way he could, but nothing seemed to help.

At last, he found himself in your joint bed, deciding he would just take a nap and sleep the sadness away until your return.

But as he slipped under the covers, you were on his mind yet again. Everything was suddenly reminding him of you. The cute pajamas lying on your side of the bed, the still slightly indented pillow next to them, hell, even the blankets smelled like you.

Too caught up in the thoughts of you, he didn’t even realize he was getting hard, only noticing once he felt his dick straining against his boxers.

Sighing, he laid on his back, pressing his head into the pillow under him as he slipped his hand into his underwear. Closing his eyes, he let out a quiet hiss as he wrapped his hand around himself, feeling way more sensitive than usual. The feeling made his frown even bigger, reminding him of just how long it has been since you’d last gotten intimate. 

Way too long, if he was being honest.

As his wrist started moving up and down, his thoughts went back to you. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this. He knew that he’d get punished if you found out what he was doing. But he just couldn’t help it, it’s been so long and-

“Minho? Care to explain what you’re doing?”


After that, everything happened rather fast. You tore the sheets away from his body, stripping him of his boxers and yourself of your own clothes as you joined him on the bed.

Immediately, he could tell that you wouldn’t be going easy on him. Quickly getting the lube from your bedside table and spreading it on your fingers, he knew where this was going. He wasn’t complaining, of course, he was finally getting the attention he was craving the whole day.

Or so he thought.

As things went on, a weird feeling started to settle in Minho’s chest. An inner conflict, if you will.

Your touches felt really good, amazing even, but he just couldn’t seem to lose himself in the sensations like he normally would. He usually liked you being rough with him, making him feel like you really had complete power over him, but nothing about that felt right tonight.

When he was jerking off to you, it was because he missed you, your love and affection. And as much as he liked the way you were filling him up to the brim right now, manhandling him on his hands and knees to your liking, it didn’t feel right after being away from you for so long. He enjoyed feeling used by you, yes, but tonight it just felt more disconnected than anything.

And with each thrust from you that shoved him further into the mattress, the strange pit in his stomach only seemed to grow.

The words left his mouth before he knew it.

“P-peaches!” He cried out, his voice coming out shaky and weak, muffled by the pillows beneath him.

You halted your movements immediately, worriedly examining your boyfriend as you questioned him.

“Oh fuck. I’m so sorry, baby. What’s wrong? Are you hurting anywhere?” You asked, panting slightly while running one of your hands on his back in circles.

Lifting his head up to speak more clearly, Minho noticed the tear stains on the pillow. Had he been crying? He didn’t even realize, too caught up in his own head to notice.

“No, no, that’s- that’s not it. I’m just- Could you turn me over, please?” He asked, feeling a blush creeping up his neck as a weird feeling of embarrassment washed over him. How was he going to explain this to you?

“Of course, baby, let me just-” you pulled out of him, making his thighs tremble slightly and a whimper leave his lips. You gently helped him turn over, laying him on his back. You watched his chest rise and fall as his breathing slowed down again. Brushing his damp hair out of his face, you looked him in his eyes as you spoke.

“What happened, baby boy? Did I do something that you didn’t like? Do you need a moment before we talk about it?” You tried again, hoping you weren’t pressuring him too much.

He shook his head before replying. “No, we don’t need to wait. It’s just- I’m not sure how to explain it myself, really,” he said, cheeks heating up as he met your worried but soft gaze.

“It’s okay, baby. Let’s just calm down and try to figure it out together, hm?” You smiled at him, hoping to calm him down at least a little bit. “I’m guessing something that was happening just now made you uncomfortable?”

He thought for a moment before eventually talking again. “Yeah, I think so. It’s just that it felt kind of…cold? I don’t know. I usually like you to be rough like this, but it just felt really distant this time and that scared me a bit, I guess,” he finished with a sheepish chuckle, looking away once again.

“I see…was it because we haven’t been together much lately?” You asked, slowly putting the pieces together. He nodded. You just smiled, bringing your hand up to his cheek and caressing it. “Aw, baby, it’s okay. I’ve missed you too, a lot. I should have thought about how this would make you feel, I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t be sorry, please,” Minho interrupted you, “I was still enjoying it, it just feels a lot better now that I can see you.”

“I see,” you could feel your heart flutter at his words, watching the adorable twinkle in his eyes as he smiled up at you. Leaning down, you gave him a soft peck on his lips, quickly followed by another and another as the kisses deepened.

Before things could get heated again, however, you pulled away, much to Minho’s dismay. As much as you wanted to just get right back into it, you needed his confirmation.

“Do you want to continue then? I’ll be gentler with you this time, I promise,” you asked, softly caressing his side.

He shivered at the feeling, reminding him just how hard and needy he still was. He could feel the tip of your strap touching his hole, gently pressing on it, as if asking for permission. Just the thought of how you could slip inside of him so easily again made his cock twitch, helping him make his decision quite a bit. 

His arms came up to wrap themselves around your back as he nodded. “Yes please. I’ve missed you so much, (Y/N), make me feel good, please,” he said with a slight whine to his voice, watching you from below.

You smiled, reaching your hand out to brush over his hair one last time. Then, pulling it back, you grasped his waist firmly as you repositioned yourself between his legs. Grabbing the strap-on with your other hand, you slowly guided the tip to his hole, gently pushing back inside.

Minho gasped softly at the feeling, wrapping his legs around your middle to bring you closer.

Hiding his face in the crook of your neck, he could feel his chest touching yours as he panted at the feeling of being full again. His cheeks were completely flushed and his heart felt warm as he lay under you, feeling smaller than ever.

Pulling his head back to look at you again, he gave you a tired, lazy smile.

“This is exactly what I wanted today. Thank you,” he spoke in a breathy voice, running his hands over your arms languidly.

“There’s no need to thank me, baby. I’m enjoying this as much as you are,” you reassured him, bowing down to give his lips a chaste kiss. You still hadn’t moved, however, much to Minho’s annoyance.

“(Y/N),” he whined, tightening his grip on you as he pulled away from your lips, “please.”

You grinned at him, deciding to tease him just a little bit more tonight. “Please what?” You asked smugly, your smirk widening when he huffed out in frustration.

“You know what I mean,” he said, averting his eyes. “Just…make love to me, please.”

You felt your heart skip a beat at his words, feeling yourself growing even more fond of him, if that was even possible.

Steadying yourself on your knees, you grabbed the back of his thighs. Leaning over to give him one last kiss, you finally started moving again.

“As you wish, my pretty prince.”


Main masterlist

angst = ♠ | fluff = ♥ | smut = ♣
female reader = ♀ | male reader = ♂ | gender neutral = ○ | No reader insert = ☼ 



Coming soon!


Coming soon!


Coming soon!


♥♣ Untitled (sub!Lee Know x reader | pegging, use of safewords, fluff) - sin


♣ Untitled (sub!Jisung x reader | brat taming, pegging) -sin 


Coming soon!
