

Main masterlist

angst = ♠ | fluff = ♥ | smut = ♣
female reader = ♀ | male reader = ♂ | gender neutral = ○ | No reader insert = ☼ 



Got7 reaction to their s/o wearing a saree

Got7 reaction to their mermaid s/o

Got7 reaction to their s/o hugging them while having a nightmare

Got7 reaction to their fan fainting


Coming soon!


Coming soon!


☼♠♣♥Watching the Lights From Above (2jae) - part 1|part 2


Coming soon!

! WtLFA is permanently hidden since it was just, like, not good, at all, lmao


Ruin our friendship || kim yugyeom



Warnings: sub!Yugyeom but not really, first time dom!reader, toys, thigh riding

It was supposed to be a prank. A stupid prank for your best friend’s birthday. He’d open his gift, spare you a shocked look, and then you’d both laugh about it. Nothing could go wrong, right?



Sure, after opening the small box you handed him, Yugyeom did look shocked. For a split second, the reaction you hoped for was right there, and then… it changed into something different. Not bad, just different. One you had trouble reading.

“Should I put it on?” he asked.

You nodded, quite sure he was joking. Quite.

He wasn’t.

So here you are, sitting right in front of your best friend, on his birthday, with his dick in your hand. Not exactly the way you pictured the night would go.

He whines, hips bucking into your hand as he desperately tries to get some friction.

“P-Please…” he begs. “It’s m-my birthday, please.”

Clicking your tongue, you slowly move your hand.

“I know it’s your birthday, you’re wearing my gift.” you retort, pointing at the pink vibrator strapped to his shaft.

A loud groan leaves his lips as soon as you remove your hand from him, his hips desperately thrusting into the air, craving contact more than ever.

He looks pretty, you think. You don’t know if it’s the look on his face, or the way his body reacts to your touch - or, maybe, it’s the way he begs, the way he calls your name when he thinks you’re not giving him all of the attention he deserves. Like right now.

“Y/N…” he mewls, and you feel something flutter in your stomach. Butterflies? Perhaps.

“Ride my thigh.”

The words leave your mouth before you can stop them. In return, Yugyeom gives you a confused look.


Maybe you’ve crossed a line. Blushing, you try to explain what you mean, avoiding to look right into his eyes - which is kinda hard, considering that his face is just a few inches away from yours. It’s almost funny, how he’s the one naked, with a toy on the highest setting sending vibrations all over his body, and yet you’re the one who’s getting embarrassed.

“You want me to ride your thigh?” he repeats, slowly, and you can’t help but notice how dirty he makes it sound.

Nodding, you try to regain the confidence you had a couple of minutes before. Thankfully, Yugyeom seems more intrigued and aroused than concerned. Seems like you didn’t ruin your friendship. Yet.

“Alr- ah, alright.”

It takes him a couple of seconds to climb on your lap, settling on your right thigh. Instinctively, you spread your legs, allowing him to sit in a more comfortable position.

“Ever done this before?” you ask.

Shaking his head, he moves slowly, trying to find the right angle to get the most friction possible.

“You?” he questions, a curious look painted on his face. Then, as quickly as it appeared, it disappeares, replaced by what seems like pure pleasure.

“Never.” you admit, trying your best to hold in a laughter. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t find the whole situation almost hilarious, but you somehow manage not to show it.

You never pictured Yugyeom as the loud-in-bed kind of guy - somehow, you imagined his personality was the complete opposite in intimate situations. God, you were wrong.

You’re almost sure he’ll get a noise complaint from the neighbors in the morning, but right now you couldn’t care less, not when he looks like that. Brows furrowed, lips parted and head slightly reclined, glistening pink cheeks, he truly is a sight to behold.

Your hands move to his hips, nails digging into the flesh as you try to control his pace. He huffs, but gives in quite easily. You can tell he’s not extremely happy to be slowed down, but he doesn’t protest. Maybe, you think, maybe he wants this to last longer as well.

“Good boy.” you whisper, earning a soft whine in return.

Panting, Yugyeom hides his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. Then, you feel his lips on your skin - light as a feather at first. He leaves a trail of soft pecks on your neck, moving closer and closer to your ear. He bites your lobe, causing you to let out a surprised squeak. Delighted by your reaction, he does it again, chuckling right beside your ear. Shivers running all over your spine, you dig your fingers into his skin even harder, trying to pull him closer.

Before he can protest, your hand moves to his shaft, quickly stroking it, eliciting a string of moans from his mouth.

“Feels good?” you ask.

Mouth agape, he can’t answer. Instead, he nods, his hands on your shoulders, scratching your skin. Hissing, you try to quicken your pace. At this point, you don’t care anymore about making it last, you just want to see him come undone. No, not want. Need.

It doesn’t take much time. Actually, it happens so quickly that he can’t even warn you. He cums all over your hand, a few drops staining your clothes, sinful moans escaping his lips.

Unfortunately, you don’t get to see him. His head is still buried in the crook of your neck, relishing in the sweet smell of your hair.

“T-Turn it off, please.” he cries, whining.

Hadn’t he mentioned it, you probably would have forgotten about it. As soon as you remove the vibrator, Yugyeom lets out a satisfied groan. Quickly, you turn it off, before putting it down on the couch.


Nodding, Yugyeom slowly moves away from you, trying his best to get back to his original place.

It takes him a couple of minutes to catch his breath. In the mean time, you get something to drink for him, a dry towel, and head back to the couch. Handing him the glass, you dry the sweat on his forehead, on his neck, his chest, feeling his gaze on you the entire time.

“So… that was a cool birthday gift.” he says, a small chuckle caught in his throat, once you put the towel down.

“Yeah?” you ask, tilting your head to the side, ignoring the blush creeping on your face. “Round two, then?”

Somehow, you manage to sound bolder than you really are.

Yugyeom laughs, and then, almost - almost - surprisingly, he nods.

“Wanna tie me up?”
