#sugar glass cookie


Sugar glass edit redesign thingy I did

Less crusty upscale version


They should be besties!

waggle dance


Making a list of how I personally rate/feel about the 2021 Ovenbreak Cookies for the fun of it!! I’m prolly gonna make a 2020 and 2019 list since I was around during those years, too!! But for now, 2021 Cookies (and Pets I guess because some pets got their own trailer)!!

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Sugar Glass has a lot of issues what with being assigned one task and not being able to properly fulfill it. Fear of failure, crippling self-doubt, all that jazz… Some of which is improved by the end of the plot. I am not saying these traits make them a bad character by any means, but combine this with how brash (and sometimes a little rude/accusatory) Amber Sugar is, and I just don’t think these two mesh well.

This is probably just me focusing way too hard on that one scene where Sugar Glass continuously doubts and apologizes for their actions, but it reminds me of Bad Things that makes me feel like Amber Sugar is just… Stuck with Sugar Glass? Like if Amber Sugar were to try and leave on his own, Sugar Glass would self-depricate and guilt trip him to stay- whether or not they realize it’s wrong to do so.

I know this likely has a lot to do with how I personally interpret the characters, so take it with a lot of salt!! And if others love Sugar Glass and Amber Sugar together, by all means keep them together!! One interpretation will never be universal. :3


Sometimes when your friend has low self-esteem you gotta yell a little & then offer them tea
