



stop insulting yourself. it doesn’t help.

But what if it’s true

it still doesn’t help. you can call yourself as many names as you want, but it won’t make you a better, happier, healthier or kinder person.

punishment doesn’t work. only positive reinforcement does. be kind to yourself and get better.

labels, names and pronouns are like clothes. try them on if they sound nice. keep them as long as you’re comfortable with them. experiment with new styles you haven’t thought about before. always be ready to change.

stop insulting yourself. it doesn’t help.

it’s okay to miss someone, but you aren’t nothing now they’re gone. there are many beautiful people in the world, and you have a lot of time to meet them all. you’ll find another one who makes you feel like everything, and another, and another. some will stay, and some won’t, and that’s okay.

you can talk all you want about how worthless you think you are, but it won’t make it true.

you are never finished unlearning prejudice. you’ll be doing it every day for the rest of your life. it doesn’t make you bad; you’re the product of a prejudiced society. don’t beat yourself up over it, but don’t fall into contentment either.

sometimes you just need to kick your own ass. “no, stop that, that’s silly.” “you’re being ridiculous.” “that’s not true.” try not to self-deprecate when correcting yourself sharply, but don’t be afraid to be firm. and if you can’t do it yourself, get a friend who’s ready to.

eat when you’re hungry. you need it.

Hello everyone.  I use to do a thing called slut of the day where I would post pics of a girl and she would be slut of the day.  Well starting today I am doing it but this time I am going to also have a written piece for the slut.  Probably going to degrade her and take her down in it. 

Please suggest celebrities or any girls to do.


i hope you know that i mean it, fully and honestly, every time i say that i love you.


If anyone can get through this it’s us. Together.


concept: my sleepy eyes open, and you’re lying right next to me. i trace my fingers lightly over the shape of your sunlit body, and you shiver. i listen to our hearts beating in tandem with my head on your chest, and all is well and safe and happy within the world


your presence calms me like no other


i love you, and i want you so badly.

We may not be perfect, but that fact that we never stop trying for eachother makes everything perfect to me

I look forward to the day I can confidently say, “my wife and I” without fear.

My love for you is so great, I would fight wars to keep you in my arms.

I hope to one day be worthy of your love. To be every beautiful thing you think I am.

Got a love no one can undo.

There’s something about you that makes my chest squeeze every time I look at you
