#sun queen



“So you were a…”

“A Sun Queen,” Jess supplied, beaming. “And yes, I was.”

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Written for today’s samjessweek theme, “Sun Queen.”

Just a head’s up, this has references to The Silmarillion. Basically all you need to know is that Arien was the lesser goddess who drove the chariot of the sun through the sky in Middle Earth, and she didn’t look humanoid, instead choosing to wear something closer to her true form of flame.

“They were robbed!” Jess raved. “I’m so mad! That was bullshit! They never even kissed! Éowyn and Faramir in the Houses of Healing is one of my favorite things in the whole fucking trilogy, and is also super important because it’s like the peak of Éowyn’s character development and self-awareness, plus that kiss up on the battlements in the sun where everyone can see them is the most romantic thing ever, and they cut practically the whole thing! Ugh!” And with that, Jess flopped over onto her back on the couch, kicking her legs onto Sam’s lap, and throwing a pillow over her face for dramatic effect.
Sam smiled, amused that this was the change that was upsetting her the most. Of course, he knew how important Éowyn was to her, and she was right that trimming the scenes to nearly nothing was more detrimental to Éowyn’s character arc than to Faramir’s, which was what he’d been paying more attention to. Still, “Now, don’t hate me, but personally I’m a lot more offended that they completely left out the scouring of the Shire,” Sam said.
“Oh my god, right?” Jess said, throwing the pillow on the floor and sitting up. “Talk about missing the fucking point!”
“Exactly! They hobbits weren’t supposed to go home and find everything just as they’d left it! The war affected them and their home, too, but because of their adventures they were able to save it and rebuild it! But they were still different, everything was different …” Sam trailed off.
Jess looked at him intently, knowing this was one of those moments where the conversation had made him think about that part of his life that he kept all to himself, the part that had left scars and nightmares and lots of odd little behaviors in its wake. “Still,” she said, hoping to bring him back to the present, back to her, “I’m definitely more upset about Éowyn and Faramir.”
He smiled. “Fair enough. But, regardless, best movie ever?”
“Best movie ever,” she agreed, grinning. “And now we have to ask ourselves the very serious question of whether it’s even worth keeping the DVDs of the theatrical versions, now that we have all three extended editions in all their glory.”
“Hmm,” said Sam, attempting to be serious but breaking into a smile.
“All right, just for that, you’re about to be treated to an extended lecture on the importance of Éowyn and Faramir kissing in front of the whole city, both in the book and in the development of my notions of romance.”
“Yes, professor,” Sam said meekly, laughter dancing in his eyes.
“And you really won’t tell me what this is about?” Jess asked for the hundredth time as they pulled into the parking lot of Foothills Park the next day.
“Since when am I not allowed to plan a spontaneous hike for us on a beautiful sunny day?” Sam asked.
“Since you’ve had your ‘up to something’ face on the whole time.”
Sam did his best to look innocent. “I have an ‘up to something’ face?”
Jess swatted him on the shoulder. “Don’t play innocent with me, mister! You know I’m building up an immunity to your puppy eyes.”
“I thought you said that was impossible to build up an immunity.”
“Shut up.”
Sam led the way, choosing trails that led to the top of a hill. They held hands and talked as they hiked. The sky was clear, there was a light breeze, and the temperature was just right.
They stopped when they reached the hill’s summit. Sam turned to face Jess, admiring the way her hair looked as it caught the sunlight, shining gold. She looked at him curiously.
“You know,” he said. “I bet if Arien had chosen to maintain a form the way the other Valar and Maiar did, she would have looked like you.”
Jess laughed. “Where did that come from?”
“Just you, standing here in the sun, all tall and, as I’m sure Tolkien would say, queenly. I mean, originally I brought you up here because,” and he pulled her close and kissed her deeply, one hand on her face and the other in her hair; she wrapped her arms around his neck and tangled her fingers in his hair, pressing herself against him. When they broke apart, breathing a little more heavily than normal, Sam continued, “It might not be Gondor, and there might not be lots of people to see and smile, but it was the best I could do.”
“Oh,Sam,” she said, and pulled his face down to kiss him again.
An Art dump of my project called R.E.M! A story I am developing of a young woman who after a traumatAn Art dump of my project called R.E.M! A story I am developing of a young woman who after a traumatAn Art dump of my project called R.E.M! A story I am developing of a young woman who after a traumatAn Art dump of my project called R.E.M! A story I am developing of a young woman who after a traumatAn Art dump of my project called R.E.M! A story I am developing of a young woman who after a traumatAn Art dump of my project called R.E.M! A story I am developing of a young woman who after a traumatAn Art dump of my project called R.E.M! A story I am developing of a young woman who after a traumatAn Art dump of my project called R.E.M! A story I am developing of a young woman who after a traumatAn Art dump of my project called R.E.M! A story I am developing of a young woman who after a traumatAn Art dump of my project called R.E.M! A story I am developing of a young woman who after a traumat

An Art dump of my project called R.E.M! 

A story I am developing of a young woman who after a traumatic experience is unaware she is trapped within her own dreams a dream-walker enters her dream hopping to wake her.

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skyneverthelimit: Link : https://www.patreon.com/skyneverthelimitI love illustrating and character dskyneverthelimit: Link : https://www.patreon.com/skyneverthelimitI love illustrating and character dskyneverthelimit: Link : https://www.patreon.com/skyneverthelimitI love illustrating and character dskyneverthelimit: Link : https://www.patreon.com/skyneverthelimitI love illustrating and character dskyneverthelimit: Link : https://www.patreon.com/skyneverthelimitI love illustrating and character dskyneverthelimit: Link : https://www.patreon.com/skyneverthelimitI love illustrating and character d


Link : https://www.patreon.com/skyneverthelimit
I love illustrating and character design and if you like my art and my original project R.E.M think about supporting me and my artwork. you will receive artwork that won’t be uploaded anywhere else and I ask for my patrons to keep it private. 

I want to expand my personal project to one day become a webcomic on webtoons, my goal is to bring my passion project to life but to do so I would need the support of my patrons to help me in anyway they can financially (to help pay my rent and bills)  to help pursue this dream.

$2 - Digital Sketch Tier:
- you will view digital sketches of R.E.M

$5 - Sketch + Coloured Tier:
- above reward plus a different digital coloured drawing.

$9 -  Sketch + Coloured + custom digital sketch

$30 - Sketch + Coloured + custom digital sketch + personal traditional commission mailed to you (limited to five patreons, USA Only)

Hey everyone! I want to let you know about my Patreon! I create exclusive work relating to my dream projects R.E.M on my patreon! You are able to dive into my process and ideas that I wouldn’t share! I’m going to add more rewards in the future like private chats etc. Please consider joining or at least sharing this post! thank you so much for your support!

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The Dream Project’s Concept art of both new and old characters. There’s a new Villain for  Dream ProThe Dream Project’s Concept art of both new and old characters. There’s a new Villain for  Dream ProThe Dream Project’s Concept art of both new and old characters. There’s a new Villain for  Dream ProThe Dream Project’s Concept art of both new and old characters. There’s a new Villain for  Dream ProThe Dream Project’s Concept art of both new and old characters. There’s a new Villain for  Dream ProThe Dream Project’s Concept art of both new and old characters. There’s a new Villain for  Dream ProThe Dream Project’s Concept art of both new and old characters. There’s a new Villain for  Dream ProThe Dream Project’s Concept art of both new and old characters. There’s a new Villain for  Dream ProThe Dream Project’s Concept art of both new and old characters. There’s a new Villain for  Dream Pro

The Dream Project’s Concept art of both new and old characters. There’s a new Villain for  Dream Project/R.E.M and his name is Leon (image 7,8,9 ref poses from kibbitzer) relaying on brute strength alone Leon will crush anyone in his way from his mission to return the Queen back to her throne. Charming and deadly Leon loves killing his enemy in the most violent way possible.

(all images will be in future zine TBA)

(halo by Lily-fox at DA)

thank you for all your support!

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Concept Art for my Dream Project (R.E.M) majority of my past and present art will be in my upcoming Concept Art for my Dream Project (R.E.M) majority of my past and present art will be in my upcoming Concept Art for my Dream Project (R.E.M) majority of my past and present art will be in my upcoming Concept Art for my Dream Project (R.E.M) majority of my past and present art will be in my upcoming Concept Art for my Dream Project (R.E.M) majority of my past and present art will be in my upcoming Concept Art for my Dream Project (R.E.M) majority of my past and present art will be in my upcoming Concept Art for my Dream Project (R.E.M) majority of my past and present art will be in my upcoming Concept Art for my Dream Project (R.E.M) majority of my past and present art will be in my upcoming Concept Art for my Dream Project (R.E.M) majority of my past and present art will be in my upcoming Concept Art for my Dream Project (R.E.M) majority of my past and present art will be in my upcoming

Concept Art for my Dream Project (R.E.M) 

majority of my past and present art will be in my upcoming zine so stay tune! Thanks again for the support and love!

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Concept Art of my Dream Project (R.E.M.) Hope you all enjoy! (I’ll be away vacationing in Japan for Concept Art of my Dream Project (R.E.M.) Hope you all enjoy! (I’ll be away vacationing in Japan for Concept Art of my Dream Project (R.E.M.) Hope you all enjoy! (I’ll be away vacationing in Japan for Concept Art of my Dream Project (R.E.M.) Hope you all enjoy! (I’ll be away vacationing in Japan for Concept Art of my Dream Project (R.E.M.) Hope you all enjoy! (I’ll be away vacationing in Japan for Concept Art of my Dream Project (R.E.M.) Hope you all enjoy! (I’ll be away vacationing in Japan for Concept Art of my Dream Project (R.E.M.) Hope you all enjoy! (I’ll be away vacationing in Japan for Concept Art of my Dream Project (R.E.M.) Hope you all enjoy! (I’ll be away vacationing in Japan for Concept Art of my Dream Project (R.E.M.) Hope you all enjoy! (I’ll be away vacationing in Japan for Concept Art of my Dream Project (R.E.M.) Hope you all enjoy! (I’ll be away vacationing in Japan for

Concept Art of my Dream Project (R.E.M.) Hope you all enjoy! 

(I’ll be away vacationing in Japan for two weeks starting tomorrow so if you message me please be patient since my internet might be slow thank you!) 

I know Tumblr has been getting worse by the minute but for those who are still here and sticking by me and my art thank you! I wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! 

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