#sunghoon fanfic


[6:02 PM] — park sunghoon. established relationship. (0.4k words)

Sunghoon’s life is growing tired. He’s not quite sure when it started, but he realizes it now — deflated and exhausted on his way home. He deduces it might’ve been from all his waiting only for nothing to come.

He catches himself unfocusing his eyes and breathing out until the stream of air thins more often than he’d like. A pang in his chest follows at the realization. Though, the reminder of a homecooked meal awaiting him makes him calmer.

His next breath is a sigh — there you are, in all your glory, his shirt framing your figure as you quietly make dinner. He guesses you must be wearing earphones from the way you don’t budge at the sound of the door opening.

Bleary and exhausted, he turns to wrap his arms around you, lips ghosting over your head as he mumbles sweet words of love to you.

It startles you for a moment, but you immediately calm when you breathe him in so instead, you let your body absorb the gentle rise and fall of his chest.

When you take his hands into yours, Sunghoon utters a prayer for the first time in the long time. A silent plead for the moment to stay like this, never fading and forever breathing against his lover’s back after a long day.

You feel like comfort, especially through flitting moments like these when the two of you are quietly standing in the kitchen, leaning into each other for support, and breathing in the smell of home.

Being with you is like going home — it’s like basking into the familiarity of victory.

A warm smile breaks over his face and he gently tugs at you to turn around so he can see you. He wants to bathe in your presence, into the feeling of longing finally achieved. And when you do, it takes him a few minutes to catch his breath.

Comfort really does surround you and encompasses the entirety of your life, Sunghoon thinks. Perhaps, unknowingly, you’re comfort personified.

He uses his palm to cup your cheek, moving slowly to catch glimpses of this moment into photographs in his mind. He inches forward, lips aching to steal yours into a long kiss. And when his mouth finally slots with yours, the overwhelming wash of his feelings almost make him cry.

Time slowed, and stilled. It was just the two of you, fingers carding through each other’s hair and stroking down spines in the empty, sunlit kitchen. The weight he felt earlier rolls out of his chest with ease, until he feels like he can finally relax and smile properly again.

He’s been so patient, and he thinks it’s finally come, that something he’s been yearning for all his life.

Sunghoon’s convinced that today, his life stopped growing tired.

— Mister Perfect —

+ pairing: park sunghoon x female reader
+ genre: angst, fluff, classmates to lovers, impliedfake-dating,implied unrequited love, high school!au, hearthrob!sunghoon, best friend!jake
+ warnings: none
+ word count: 0.8k
+ requested as part of my Drabble Event #2
+ summary: Sunghoon might have stolen your heart with his perfection, but you had also stolen his heart, even if you were unaware of it.
+ lia’s note: Hello, how are you today? When I tell you this drabble has my heart, it’s because it does. I am very happy with it and I hope you enjoy it as well! Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it; I am always appreciative of your feedback! As always, happy reading!

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“You’re doing it again.” Jake rolled his eyes as you stared at the mirror inside your locker, checking your makeup. “Y/N, you look fine. Any more mascara and I’m afraid your lashes will touch the ceiling.”

You turned around and glared at him, pulling the books he was carrying for you out of his arms. He sighed and leaned away from the locker behind him, messing up his hair. Jake kept staring at you for a while as you packed your belongings inside your locker, picking up the books for your next class. When you were done, you closed it and smiled at your friend, a gesture he reciprocated.

“You do look pretty. You look pretty every day, not just today. It’s just that I-”

At the end of the hallway, a group of students disturbed the peace with bright smiles and happy cheers, high fiving everyone they knew on their way to class. Your eyes landed on the one leading the group, and you couldn’t help but smile at him. That was the Park Sunghoon effect. No one resisted his charms. Not even you.

Sunghoon was everything you looked for in a guy. Besides his good looks, he was an extremely kind and caring person who also had good grades. Other girls described him as mister perfect, and you were almost sure you would start using that title as well. What wasn’t there to like, appreciate or love about him? In theory, Sunghoon could be considered perfect.

When his arms wrapped around a girl’s shoulders and he kissed her cheek, your heart sank in your chest and suddenly, you came back to reality. Perfection wasn’t a part of your world. You could stare all you wanted at Sunghoon, you could admire him from afar, you could even exchange a few words in class, but that was about it. He rarely took more than two seconds to look at you.

If perfection existed, the two of you would be together. If perfection was real, he would be the one you would call boyfriend. If perfection existed, he would be eager to get to know you the same way you were excited to get to know him.

But alas, perfection doesn’t exist. And the fake scenarios in your hand would be just that. Fake.

“Why isn’t he into me?” You said under your breath as he strolled down the corridor with his girlfriend, kissing her cheek softly when he passed in front of you. It felt like the universe was punishing you. “What am I missing?”

You gulped and under Jake’s attentive gaze, you started to make your way to your next class, your eyes staring down at your feet. After a while, Jake wrapped his arm around your shoulders and patted it softly, making you look at him. He offered you a kind smile.

“It’s his loss that he doesn’t see what’s right in front of him.” He booped your nose and the two of you stopped in front of your classroom. “You’re great, Y/N. And I… I hope someday you’ll fall in love with someone who appreciates you deeply for who you are. Someone that doesn’t make you feel like you’re lacking something. Because you’re whole on your own. And pretty great too.” He cleared his throat and shrugged, fixing the bag on his shoulder and shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Maybe a little bit annoying. Oh, and you complain a lot too.” At this, you rolled your eyes and pushed him away from you, making him giggle slightly. “Okay, fine. Fine! I’ll walk you home after classes?”

You fixed your jacket and nodded, giving him a thumbs-up.

“Can we stop by the ice cream shop on our way home? I’ll pay for yours!”

“Sure.” He waved at you and started to walk towards the stairs, climbing them two steps at a time.

When he was out of your sight, you took a deep breath, thankful that you had someone like Jake in your life. He was the best friend you could ever ask for and he always knew how to lighten up the mood when you were feeling sad.

As you entered the classroom, you scanned the different tables to try and see who was missing. When your eyes landed on Sunghoon, you forced out a smile his way that he didn’t reciprocate. Instead, he looked away from you and focused on his notebook in front of him, a sad look in his eyes you couldn’t ignore.

Still, you wouldn’t ask him about it. You would wonder about the source of his sadness for the remainder of the class, trying to think of ways to cheer him up, completely oblivious to the fact that you were the source of all the pain he carried right now.

After all, how could Sunghoon admit his feelings for you when what you had with Jake was simply too perfect for him to ruin?

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UNLIKELIHOOD | chapter three

PRECIS. the chances of you confessing to your crush sums to zero when you realise you have to pretend to have a crush on sunghoon, just to help your friend hide her feelings for the ice prince.

or, alternatively, in which you borrow an eraser from your friend, yi kyeong, which has sunghoon’s name written on it ( or so you think ) so, when the mentioned boy sees it, you have no other choice but to lie that you have a crush on him to avoid disclosing your friend’s secret.

GENRE. humour, fluff, angst if you squint hard enough, coming of age

WARNINGS. minor angst ( 4.1k )


after much consideration, you’ve reached the conclusion that you haven’t fallen for sunghoon. your heart is skipping beats because of arrhythmia and you’re persuading your mom to get you an appointment. 

you simply can’tfall for sunghoon. he’s way out of your league ( see, you’re not shy to admit that ) besides, you don’t know each other. you don’t know about him but to you, sunghoon is just an ideal classmate, or a close acquaintance, or simply a friend, at most. moreover, here comes the best friend’s code : you can’t crush on your best friend’s crush, let alone date. you sleep with your guilt plagued mind everyday, knowing you and sunghoon are in ‘love’ behind your best friend’s back. 

“yn,” you feel a push towards your shoulders, driving you out of your thoughts to find sunoo looking at you with concern written all over his face. “what are you thinking?” 

you shake your head. “nothing,” another lie. well, you’ve been lying a lot recently. you don’t remember creating high walls of lies around you in just a few days, with only sunghoon knowing the way in, but again he’s looking at another lie you’ve made him believe. 

“take a break if you need to. the play will start in a few minutes,” right, the play. you’re excited to see sunghoon and kyeong steal the show. you’re dying to see them receive best actors award for the night. you’re dying to have the annual school magazine print their picture on the front page. you’re excited for them, or so you tell yourself. 

it’s embarrassing to know that somewhere inside, you feel a little bitter about the whole crew picking sunghoon without any recrutionary procedure. you don’t think he’s a bad actor, god, you can never. you haven’t seen him act but there’s nothing that boy can’t do. there’s a rumour spinning about how his mother was one of the best actors in Seoul’s best theatre crew. though, you don’t know how much of it is true. 

but, that’s beyond the point. you don’t need to find his family history to know that he’s talented in all aspects. it’s crazy how similar sunghoon and yi kyeong are. you’re about to discard all those thoughts and continue with the procedure until you hear the commotion in the hallway. 

“we have— oh my god, yn, thank god you’re here.” jake takes a breath of relief, walking towards you with a hopeful stare. “sunghoon has sprained his leg, we need a replacement.”  

now, that isn’t the issue you want to deal with around ten minutes before the play. “what am i supposed to do about it?” 

“do you know someone who can fit the role?” he questions further.

you’d be lying if you say you’re actually thinking of someone as a replacement, for your brain is too busy worrying about sunghoon as his injury. call it the godsent timing, because just then, your eyes fall upon the boy standing across the room. “how about seonghwa?” 

“what? who, me? no,” he declines with an awkward laugh. “i have terrible stage fear. i’m sure no one wants to see a prince charming with overflowing anxiety.” yeah no, he’s right. besides, yi kyeong will be upset to know that not only she’s working with a substitute prince charming, but also, he has chronic anxiety. 

“but they want a handsome prince charming.” jake isn’t half wrong either. they never held auditions for prince charming, proceeding to pick sunghoon as if the rest of the population is a joke. hence, the audience doesn’t care about skills, but rather, the looks. “just practise your scenes. we’ll pre-record your lines and schedule the play as the closing show.” 

jake turns to look at you. “yn, can you please—” 

“i’m sorry, do you know where sunghoon is?” the question falls off your lips almost immediately, without giving him any chance to speak. you hear something along the lines of ‘school backyard’ as a responseand sprint as if it’s the race for your life. 

it’s basic human decency, you presume. had it been someone else, someone you haven’t even seen, you would still run, almost tripping and bumping into people. you would still grab a bunch of bandages and relief sprays from the medkit in the staff room if this were about someone else. it’s not just sunghoon, you tell yourself. he’s not special, especially to you. 

“geez, did you forget to walk to something?” you snicker as soon as you spot him sitting by the stairs, browsing through what looked like twitter at the slight glance you managed to steal. 

sunghoon chuckles, stuffing his phone inside the pocket of his padded coat. “you look tired.” 

“yeah, i ran from the other side of the school and almost tripped thrice on my way here.” you feel him snicker at the irritation in your voice while you take a look at his ankles and start dressing— by the way, you notice that he has pretty toenails; and after recalling how pretty his fingers look, it makes you wonder if he gets his mani-pedi done every week or so. “gosh, do teachers know that their favourite student can’t even walk to save his life?” 

“are you worri—”

“of course, i am!” and then a pause; sunghoon flaunts a taunting smirk in your direction and you realise how punchable his face looks. “i mean, anyonewould be worried. what if it’s a fracture instead? they treat you like a national treasure, everyone will go crazy.”

you’re not wrong. 

everyone in the school, or even outside the institutional premises if possible, treasures sunghoon more than their lives. you still remember the day minhee took the blame on her after sunghoon accidently broke the principal’s bonsai, only for him to thank her by saying that she’s like his younger sister. long story short, there are numerous tales about people vouching for him and what not— it’s exhausting. the point is how big of a breaking news it would be when his ‘fans’ will know that sunghoon hurt himself and won’t be attending school for the next couple of days, probably. you wonder if people will still watch the play once they know that their beloved sunghoon isn’t the male lead anymore. 

“how long do you think it’ll take to heal?” it’s an attempt to strike a conversation and you’re glad sunghoon took the initiative. you were starting to feel embarrassed with his ankles in your hand. 

“hm, three days? or four? maybe a weak? depends on how well you’re taking care of yourself.” 

“four days,” another pause, he tends to think before tapping on your shoulder, making you look up at him. “do you want to go on a date with me?” 

it’s like you’ve experienced culture shock. “what?”

“what? we have one due from the last time,” he smirks again, and you realise that he has been smirking a lot late. it’s beyond extents and makes you want to wipe that smirk off his face. “so, do you want to, you know, four days later?” 

it’s back, the arrhythmia. you seriously need to get yourself checked before cardiac arrest knocks on your door. oh, and you’d love to punch his good for nothing handsome face but you don’t, maybe because he’s injured. after all, how is a man supposed to live with a broken leg and nose? 

“looks like you’ve hit your head too.” you stand up, handing him the remaining bandages before storming off the venue. little did you know that your cheek started heating up the moment you looked into his eyes.

“hey, you didn’t give me an answer!” and you don’t want to either. you walk away, assuming someone would come and assist him to the main building because if you stay next to him for another second, you’ll go crazy. you absolutely hate coming to terms with your feelings but maybe, maybe you do have slight infatuation with sunghoon; and maybe, you need to get onto it with kyeong before it’s too late. 




“and the last scene? i was screaming internally—” 

“can we talk?”  you interrupt kyeong, partly because your ears will bleed if you heard another word about how ecstatic acting with seonghwa was and partly because you actuallywant to talk. 

she stops, slight nervousness settling on her face. “yeah, sure.” 

“about your crush,” it’s just three words and you’re already willing to leave the conversation taking place on your own accord. “okay, all i’m saying is that i like him too. i’m sorry, please don’t be mad.” 

 and then you hear her laugh, out of everything. a part of you wants to scream because you just disclosed an important info, something you don’t even want to acknowledge yourself, and she’s laughing. moreover, it’s about the love of her life. your friendship is at stake and she’s laughing. perhaps you have a broken humour for not getting the joke. 

“why would i be mad?” you blink, wondering if you heard her right. not like you were expecting her to go off and beat you in the middle of the street at 9 pm, but there’s always a chance. “i don’t think i have a chance with him either way. so, i’ll just root for you.” 

this is why you think sunghoon and yi kyeong are perfect for each other. they both are nice, literal saints, embodiments of kindness, not a vile cell inside of them. as for you, you had your sibling’s snack last evening and stepped on your mom’s foot while running away across the household. you don’t think sunghoon has even stepped on an ant. instead, he seems the type to help them navigate or something. 

“i feel bad now that you’re giving up,” you confess, and it’s true. probably the truest truth you’ve said so far. you feel frustration pent up inside you, threatening to overflow any second. “why did i have to fall for sunghoon out of all the people?!” 

“wait, sunghoon?” kyeong asks, dumbfounded, or rather, confused. 

“yes, we’re talking about sunghoon, right?” okay, you don’t have a good feeling about the direction this conversation is heading towards. 

“no?” she clarifies and the look on your face morphs into visible panic. “i don’t like sunghoon.” 

“what?” you yell, turning a few passing heads towards you. however, you pay them no mind. “i thought you liked sunghoon because of the name on your eraser. p-s-h, park sunghoon, it makes sense!”

kyeong shakes her head in denial. “no, it’s p-s-h, park seonghwa. i like seonghwa and not sunghoon!” 

an awkward pause follows. it’s a mess inside your head. you abso-fucking-lutely can’t believe the way you misunderstood the whole situation, and got yourself into a problem with seemingly no way out. you could’ve asked her about the eraser but you didn’t, proceeding to make your own assumptions and ending up in an even bigger issue. 

yi kyeong gasps, pulling you out of your thoughts. “oh my god, then you have a crush on sunghoon?” that phrase doesn’t surprise you anymore. “i thought you liked sunoo.” 

maybe, that surprises you a bit. you remember fawning over sunoo, thinking about him all day, reading and re-reading your conversations with him. being with sunoo has always been the highlight of your day, yet you don’t recall thinking about him ever since sunghoon walked into your life. you didn’t seem to mind when sunoo hung out with other people but you feel as if you have a knife by your neck whenever you spot sunghoon with others. 

you simply don’t know what’s happening to you. “yeah, uh, surprise?” and this isn’t the time to laugh but you do, trying to lighten the burden on your shoulders. “i’m not really sure if i like sunghoon yet.” liar, you are. you may deny it till the end of the time but you know you’re falling for sunghoon; slowly and gradually, but you are. 

“didn’t you just say you like sunghoon, though?” she smirks as if she can see through the lies you tell yourself. “well, whatever. at least, we don’t have to be love rivals.” yeah, maybe there’s onegood thing about this whole situation. imagine having a crush on your best friend’s crush, embarrassing. but again, being in this situation built over misunderstandings is even more embarrassing, it’s eating you out. 

at this point, you don’t even care about you, or your so-called reputation if someone discloses this whole thing to the public. you don’t care about sunoo, nor do you give two flying fucks to your seemingly dead feelings for him. you only have one thing on your mind : park sunghoon. 

it isn’t about how you feel towards him. you’re still in the maybestage. perhaps, you don’t like sunghoon and this is just your fatigued brain coming up with bizzare conclusions. you remember falling for sunghoon the day he walked you home. however, the next day, you were back to normal. you didn’t remember shit about butterflies and zoos. perhaps, it’s the same this time as well. so, you don’t care about your feelings, but you can’t seem to ignore how he feels towards you. 

to sunghoon, who doesn’t have any idea about the truth lying within, every second of this is true. every moment, every step, every word, every touch, every gaze, every smile, everything. he thinks you like him. no, actually, he’s convinced that you like him. and sunghoon being the kindest person on earth is trying his best to like you back, to know you beyondeveryone else’s perception of who you are. he greets you every morning over texts and bids you good night. he asks if you’re doing okay, if you need help with assignments, if you’re down for an evening stroll— he’s giving hiseverything; and you always turn his advances down, never daring to cross the wall you’ve created between you and him. 

sunghoon takes one step towards you, and you take four away from him. 

kyeong bids her goodbyes at the intersection from where you both have opposite ways home. you had planned to spend the night at her place, only for your mother to refuse, saying she has a few things she needs to talk to you about. you halt at the intersection, staring and sighing at the night sky, contemplating how mess of a life you have as if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions. 

“yn?” you close your eyes. now is not the time. sunoo is like the last person you want to see tonight. “what are you looking at?” he chuckles, mirroring your actions as he follows your gaze and looks up at the empty night sky as well. 

“your mom,” he frowns at your reply, sending a sour stare your way. sunoo isn’t the biggest supporter of your mom jokes, actually. “what are you doing here? didn’t you leave for home long ago?” 

“yes but,” he pulls out what seems like your scarf from his bag, handing it out to you. “you forgot this. sunghoon said he would’ve given it to you himself but his leg … you know. don’t be sad that your boyfriend couldn’t make it, though. he said he’d be at school tomorrow.” 

boyfriend, right. it feels odd hearing it from sunoo, and you and sunghoon aren’t even dating yet. would he still be able to say those words with ease if he knew you have a crush on him, or rather, usedto? overthinking apart, you’re glad sunoo came to return your scarf or your mother wouldn’t have let you inside tonight. it doesn’t take you realise that sunghoon and sunoo are actually close, and they have gotten even closer over the past few days thanks to you and your crush on sunghoon. 

maybe, sunoo is the only one who can help you out. “can i ask you about something?” he nods, and you narrate your whole story about how you borrowed the eraser from yi kyeong, sunghoon misunderstanding the setting, the person kyeong actually has a crush on and everything else, all the things except the fact that you like sunoo— usedto.  

“can you get more stupid?” that’s the first thing sunoo comes up with after you update him on your dilemma. 

“how am istupid when sunghoon assumed everything in the first place?” you slap his arm playfully, earning an exaggerated response. “what should i do?” 

sunoo scoffs. “tell him the truth.” god, no, asking him was the wrong-est move you’ve ever made. “don’t look at me like that! i hope you know you’re basically playing with that poor boy’s feelings.” that’s right. that’s the phrase; playing with his feelings. you didn’t want to accept it initially, you’re not the type to play with anyone’s feelings and what’s happening right now is a big misunderstanding. 

however, hearing it from sunoo makes it sound even worse. not to mention, you feel awful. you try to imagine sunghoon’s reaction after you tell him the truth. you couldn’t bring yourself to do that. what would you do if you were in his shoes? how would you react? maybe you’d end up actually hating him, scream and shout, act like a dramatic bitch, and whatnot; but sunghoon doesn’t seem the type to do that. he doesn’t come off as someone who’d shout at you. maybe, he’ll say it’s okay, and thank you for coming clean, and move on as if nothing happened. 

the problem is, even if he’s heartbroken, he wouldn’t let you know; and you, being yourself, would believe it and stamp him as just another passerby in your life. 

“how do i bring it up to him?” you mumble, looking at sunoo. you’re thinking of another excuse in the back of your head. something along the lines of ‘hey, i don’t think you have to force yourself to like me yada yada—’ it sounds hella generous. you don’t want to turn this in your favour. even if sunghoon claims he’s not forcing himself to like you, you will convince him otherwise. that’s your thought process, your silly way out of this situation. 

“just be straightforward.” sunoo interrupts your trail of thoughts. “you know, he lives just a street behind yours so if we hurry, we can make it before ten.” you take a look at your phone screen : 9:50pm. sunoo’s hand slips into yours as he sprints towards sunghoon’s house. you don’t know what time has to do with any of these. sure, ten at night is probably not the right timing to go visit someone but still, you have had your friends stand out of your window at two in the morning for impromptu midnight escapades. 

maybe, sunghoon is one of those ‘good boys’ who goes to bed at ten sharp, without excuses. to be honest, it sounds very sunghoon-like. dinner at seven, studies following, and then to bed at ten, seems like something the one and only park sunghoon would do. 

before you realise, you find yourself standing in front of what is supposed to be sunghoon’s house. it’s nice, beautiful, even. the garden is well maintained and you wonder if he’s into gardening. sunoo shoots a call to sunghoon, who peeks down at the street through his window just a few seconds later, waving at you before disappearing behind the grey curtains. 

it’s cute, you think, and then decide that you’re crazy. no way, you just called park sunghoon cute. sure, you find him a bit interesting but not like you have a passionate crush on him. you can be one of those fans, nothing more. 

a girl opens the door and you recall that she could be his sister. he talks about her every time you both complain about siblings. sunghoon helps himself down the stairs, using wall as support while his sister aids him shortly. you wonder if this is a wrong time to meet him. his ankle doesn’t look bad, not like you can actually see it, but back at school, he wasn’t even able to move it. 

“how’s your leg?” the question falls off your lips instinctively, without giving him or sunoo, a chance to even breath in each other’s direction. 

sunghoon smiles, looking down at his ankles before setting his eyes back on you. “quite better.” involuntarily, you reciprocate his smile, nodding before waving at his sister as well, who excuses herself shortly. “would you like to come in?” 

“no, actually,” sunoo cuts in, giving you a look of assurance. “we want to talk about something. shewants to, actually.” and sunoo steps aside, leaving you and sunghoon alone to talk everything out and clear all the misunderstandings. 

“so, the eraser,” you begin, hesitatingly, looking at sunoo who shoots you thumbs up from a distance. “it actually belongs to yi kyeong. i borrowed it for a test since i didn’t bring mine. the name too, the psh on it stands for park seonghwa, and not park sunghoon.” you want to dig a hole and die because first, this is so embarrassing. sunghoon looks at you unfazed as if he’s too stunned to speak; and second, your voice practically dies towards the end of your sentence, making it more terrible than it already is. 

sunghoon doesn’t speak for next thirty seconds. he simply looks at you, blinking occasionally, making you wonder if your confession traumatised him so much that he lost his verbal abilities. you won’t blame him. this whole thing is hurtful enough to give anyone a trauma. furthermore, as you’re about to speak more, he lets out a dry chuckle, almost convincing you that he has gone crazy. “that’s it?” 

that’s it? that’s it? that’s allhe has to say? you’re about to lose your mind. 

“i mean, i’m sorry for not bringing it up earlier,” you kind of want to scream in the middle of the road because you went through all this trouble, beating your mental health to death, only for him to chuckle and say that’s it? then you ponder if it’s sarcasm, or if sunghoon wants a written apology from you, one that you will post on the school’s forum and recite in front of the whole school at morning assembly. you’re marginally close from ripping your hair out, strand by strand. 

“it’s okay. you couldn’t tell me before because i took it so seriously. it’s my fault for jumping to conclusions.” you’re almost in tears once again. had it been someone else, or let alone someone else, had it been youin his shoes, you would’ve made a scene; and sunghoon is here, in front of you, taking the blame for something that isn’t his fault in the first place. 

“no, sung—” 

“i said it’s okay. i’m glad you brought it up. you don’t have to worry about it anymore.” he cuts you off, reassuring you again and again. all this time, you’ve been thinking about yourself, never really considering him and when you finally give him a chance to call you out, he turns the situation in your favour. “honestly, i’m relieved.” 

“sunghoon, what are you doing outside?” an unfamiliar voice breaks in before you could respond to his words. you run your eyes around, who sunghoon seems to have forgotten about, only to realise he has already left. turns out, the voice belonged to sunghoon’s mother and godbless, she’s just as pretty as him, or even more. “and you should invite your friend inside. it’s cold out here.” 

“yn’s not a friend. they’re more of a,” ain’t no way. if sunghoon’s planning to say what you’re thinking then there’s no way he hasn’t gone crazy. “classmate. they were about to leave.” his mother nods, smiling at you as she walks inside, leaving you and sunghoon basking in silence. suddenly, all the words inside your mouth die down, leaving a taste of speechlessness as you mutter a silent goodbye to him. 

“you good? why do you look pale all of a sudden?” sunghoon asks, stepping forward to check your temperature, only for you to step back as an empty frown settles on his face. 

“i know i lied but i always thought we were at least friends,” you say it with a chuckle, having sunghoon retreat his hand as you turn around, proceeding on your way back home. “take care of yourself.” 

it’s funny because all this time, you’ve been stepping away from sunghoon, never letting him approach you, taking multiple steps away from him; but just watching him step away from you feels like the life inside you has been knocked out. but it’s fine, this is what you’ve wanted. 

and just like that, you and sunghoon get all the way back to step one, being what you initially were : classmates

NOTE. hi this took so long help i hope you haven’t forgotten me ( hi it’s caelin bffies ) anyway only two chapters to go yeahhh however, they might take even more time to come out since i’m moving to another state this wednesday. so, i’ll be busy for the rest of this month, then i have college entrances next month so i’ll be busy till july 20th too :( i don’t think i’ll get time to post but i’ll definitely try to update soon after !
