#supergirl humor


Nia:*on coms* quick you guys pretend to be a couple

Kara: *red in the face*

Lena: Quick hold my hand and kiss me

Kara: She said to be a couple not best friends

Kara:I just wanted you to know you are the best part of my day. Just seeing you, makes me happy beyond words. Dare I say it, you know exactly how to perk me up. You are so soft and warm, I can’t help but feel loved everytime I touch you. I love you, both of you so much

Lena:….uh Kara my eyes are up here

Kara: yea I know

Villan:Hey you want some candy

Kara: Yes!!!

Lena: No

Villan: Muhahaha, here you go

Kara: Thanks

Lena: Kara its poison

Kara: I know, sugar is bad for you

Lena: No it will kill you

Kara: Death by choclate, sign me up *munches away*


Kara:*getting sleepy* Worth it!

Lena:*humming walking into the room* leave the door open

Alex: how was your weekend?

Lena: It was good

Kara:*humming walking into the room* Leave the door open

Esme: Hey you are both singing the same song

Alex:Oh boy

Esme: Are you two dating?

Kara: What!?…..mshdjehdkhkd….

Lena: Yes

Taping Supergirl Season 6x13

Lena: Kara there is something I need to tell you.

Kara: What is it?

Lena: I am in love with you

Producer: Cut! This just doesn’t seem right to me.

Writer: What would make more sense

Producer: Lena is actually Morgana! Yea let’s make her a witch instead

Intern: Morgana was a witch, but pretty gay as well.

Producer: Who keeps letting this kid in here! Get out!

Katie: So it makes more sense for Lena to be a witch than have her confess her feelings to kara?

Producer: yes exactly! No feelings. Just super friends!

Melissa: I dont know….

Katie: Yea same…

Intern: Supercorp forever. You may be saying witch but we all know what you mean

Producer: Security!
