


Happy Pride to Lena specifically





Kara: Did you hear what she said? I think she’s talking about me

Clark: Yes, I heard it, of course I heard it, I’m standing right next to you, you big lesbian

Lena: bad news?

Kara: what is it? Are we out if dumplings?

Lena: No thats not it, Lillian will be joining us for dinner?

Kara: What! Why?

Lena: And she is bringing William as a date.

Kara: what on earth did I do to deserve this?

Kara:I just wanted you to know you are the best part of my day. Just seeing you, makes me happy beyond words. Dare I say it, you know exactly how to perk me up. You are so soft and warm, I can’t help but feel loved everytime I touch you. I love you, both of you so much

Lena:….uh Kara my eyes are up here

Kara: yea I know

Villan:Hey you want some candy

Kara: Yes!!!

Lena: No

Villan: Muhahaha, here you go

Kara: Thanks

Lena: Kara its poison

Kara: I know, sugar is bad for you

Lena: No it will kill you

Kara: Death by choclate, sign me up *munches away*


Kara:*getting sleepy* Worth it!

Kara: Are you mad?

Lena: No I’m not mad at you

Kara: Really?


Kara: Cause you are doing that thing….

Lena: You brought a panda bear home!

Kara: Yea it needed a home

Lena: It destroyed our home!

Kara: At least it had a home to destroy


Kara: So you are mad at me?

Kara:*munching on a choclate bar and popcorn watching the elevators*

Nia: What are you doing?

Kara: Waiting


Kara: She is going to do the thing!

Alex: Why are we starring at the elevators?

Nia: Apparently she is going to do the thing

Alex: What thing?

Kara: the thing!

*Elevator door dings*

Kara: Its happening

Lena:*walks out of the elevator*

Kara: *munching on popcorn*

Lena:*crosses her arms * Seriously kara

Kara: come on do the thing!

Lena:*Raises an eyebrow*

Kara:*happy squel*

Alex: What the hell did I just witness?
