#superior ship


I’d like to emphasize these two moments:

Kara’s words to Lena are essential. It means that if she weren’t on Supergirl’s team, if she weren’t on Kara’s team, Kara would have likely given up in the Phantom Zone. And this thought is reinforced by her confession to Alex. As important as Alex and her friends are to her, Kara feels alone because they all have someone. Alex has Kelly, J’onn has M’gann, and Nia and Brainy have each other. Kara doesn’t have a special someone to go home to. And it would have been easier to give up knowing that everyone would be fine. But see, Lena wouldn’t be, because Lena is alone too. And I think Kara starts to understand that she’s not alone and that she actually has someone to go home to. And that someone is Lena Luthor.
