
 “Sam hates Valentine’s Day. When you’re in love with your brother, it kinda sucks.” Bas

“Sam hates Valentine’s Day. When you’re in love with your brother, it kinda sucks.” 
Based on “It’s Happening Today, Valentine, Valentine” by kissingwinchesters [valentine’s day, case fic, mutual pining, first time together] 

Uncensored version on my patreon|Shop|LJ

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 Is my boy Dean birthday and my present for him this year is his two favorite things. (yeah I know p

Is my boy Dean birthday and my present for him this year is his two favorite things. (yeah I know promises about Sam in lingerie were made last night here, I owe you)   

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It’s everywhereIn the doorways, below light fixtures, over the men of letters desk, in the k

It’s everywhere

In the doorways, below light fixtures, over the men of letters desk, in the kitchen. Hell, Sam’s sure he even saw some dangling from the wing mirror in the Impala.

Dean has literally decked the halls.

“Where did you even get this much mistletoe on Christmas Eve?” Sam asks, trying and failing not to stare at Dean’s ass. Dean is halfway up a ladder and it’s right there at eye level, curved and perky even at his age, so it’s not exactly Sam’s fault. “And what’s with the hat?”

“So many questions,” Dean sighs, the bell in his Santa hat jingling. “Pass me the pins.”

Sam does, and Dean attaches another bunch of mistletoe to yet another doorway.

“I read somewhere once that mistletoe is good at warding off spirits. They’re rife at this time of year, Sammy. It’s good. It’s for protection.”

“Right,” Sam replies. “It’s funny, I’ve never heard that before.”…

Art based on Thank You, Dean. I Love It on ao3 
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Finally put all the links for my animations IN ONE PLACE

Sheesh I didn’t realise I had that many 



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For@thegoodthebadandtheart who asked for Dean with glasses and Sam‘s reaction to it. Well, guess he likes it…

i participated in a number of big bang projects last year and had the incredible luck to have some fic written inspired by or in exchange for my art too. i figured i could collect the links to all those fics in one handy post for easy reading. please consider leaving a comment if you enjoy a story - it means the world to any author.


duskby@cowboywincest (dean/jack, sam/dean)

Dean’s not feeling guilty, but it’s a close thing.

double exposureby@flownwrong(sam/dean)

A sequence of shots with Dean in every one where he expected empty space, looking right at him where Sam expected him to turn away, only it’s not new, either—just one of the things he didn’t take the time to notice.

what lastsby@zmediaoutlet(sam&dean)

Not long after they move into the bunker, Dean loses a leg. Most of a leg. After the hospital, Sam brings him home, and they figure out how to live with what remains.

stains in the nights, whiskey and kissesby@redmyeyes(dean/john)

A lifetime of experience has taught Dean how to deal with his father’s mood swings and drunken stupors. Sometimes, John just needs to forget. Dean makes him remember what’s important.

[untitled]by@zmediaoutlet (implied dean/john)

Three hundred dollars in crumpled mixed bills in Dean’s duffle.

father knows bestby@sakarrie-creates(sam&dean)

Teenchesters; John sets up a training simulation for the boys in which a sedated Sam plays the injured victim and Dean has to get him to safety before ‘the monster’ catches them or Sam passes out from 'blood loss.’ Dean is determined to prove himself a worthy leader, but it soon becomes clear that something’s off. The traps they come across are extreme and dangerous, and Sam starts to experience more effects than just a mild sedative should cause. Dean faces one of his greatest fears as it’s revealed this test was never about him after all.

negating, repeatingby@flownwrong(sam/dean)

After all the years, they get more, and to spend them together.

pay phone by @rollthatbeautifuldeanfootage (sam/dean)

Still, he doesn’t give up hope. He dials Dean’s beeper, almost laughing at the idea that he’s dialing Dean’s beeper as he does it. He wonders if he still has it. It’s the early aughts after all and having a beeper is definitely no longer en vogue. Sam imagines Dean unclipping it from his belt and he actually does laugh at that image. It does help that he’s still a little drunk. Mostly. The cold is bracing him enough to help sober him slightly.


The rings are new.

on the eighth dayby@goodluckdetective(dean/castiel)

Post Season 13AU!
Michael was made for War, not creation. He was never going to be able to play God. He tried anyway. In the strange new world Michael left broken, Castiel and Dean run a clinic for injured travelers who stumble upon it. Dean gardens. Castiel heals with mostly human hands. They trade in information, hoping their lost family will find their way back to them. But there are other things traversing this new world, things that pose dangers like they have never seen. A year after settling in, Castiel starts seeing things that aren’t there. Is the pressure of everything finally getting to him? Or is there something else coming their way? And if so what? And what does it want with Castiel?

and oh my heart tolls for youby@xwubzxbubzx(castiel/jack)

Castiel would do anything Jack asked.


the hand of franklinby@simplyirenic (peglar/bridgens, ensemble)

It’s 2014, and Terror Football Club is about to take on Erebus Athletic in the quarterfinals of the FA Sunday League Cup: a proper derby, or so captain Francis Crozier believes. But he can he inspire his lacklustre teammates to a win? Where’s his Lucozade gone? And who’s this flash new striker Erebus have chosen to replace the retired James Clark Ross?

these are the days that must happen to youby@rubysharkruby(little/tozer)

In a camp filled with the dead and dying, Edward Little sits down to wait for the end, but instead of death finding him it is Sergeant Tozer; ragged and wild-eyed but in surprisingly good health. He killed a bear, he claims, and will share what he has. It’s not a lie, but as Edward feels his bones shudder and twist beneath his skin and begins to see impossible things, he realises it isn’t the whole story.

We’re looking for artists (as well as writers, edit-makers, and more) to participate in the first issue of Winchester: a Sam & Dean Fanzine. Here’s a quick run-down of what it’s about:

  • focused on Sam, Dean, and their relationship
    • both gen and Wincest content welcome, but everything will be rated T or lower
  • containing a wide variety of content from several different creators (including fic, art, edits, meta, other articles, con stuff, episode stuff, etc.)
  • all issues will be based on a theme around the language of flowers
    • first issue’s theme is the daffodil
  • will be put together into a full-colour, physical fanzine that people will be able to buy (probably around 100-150 pages)

If you’re interested in participating, you can apply by filling out this form. Applications are open until April 10th (though they may go on longer if necessary). If you want to know more, here are some links you can check out:

About//FAQ//Themes//Original post// Find us on LiveJournal

Signal-boosting is much appreciated, and if you know somebody who might be interested, then tag them! We want to get as many people involved as possible.

If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message here or an email at [email protected]. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!

…and content creators to join our project, Winchester: a Sam & Dean Fanzine.

We’re trying to gather up people who love Sam, Dean, and their relationship (platonic or otherwise) to be a part of this project and to help us bring it to life. Some of the content that will be included in the zine:

  • fan fiction +poetry
  • fanart
  • fan edits
  • meta analyses
  • various other articles
  • convention coverage +photography

We need people who can offer this kind of content and be a part of our very first issue. We’re also looking for graphic designers/layout designers to help with the design of the zine. 

For full information about the project, check out this post, or any of our pages:

About//FAQ//Themes //Apply to participate //Find us on LiveJournal 

To apply to participate in this project (just for the first issue for now), justfill out this form. Applications are open until April 10th. 

Signal-boosting is much appreciated so that we can get this project off the ground and have as many people interested as possible. Thank you, and have a nice day!

Are you a fan of Sam and Dean? Do you love fic, poetry, and meta about them? How about fanart? Episo

Are you a fan of Sam and Dean? Do you love fic, poetry, and meta about them? How about fanart? Episode discussions, both old and new? Convention coverage? All the Sam and Dean content that could possibly be put into print?

We’re looking for content creators to participate in the inaugural issue of Winchester: a Sam & Dean Fanzine. It’s a project aimed at creating a recurring fanzine with a wide variety of content, all focused primarily on Sam, Dean, and their relationship. 

Some of the content we’re looking to include:

  • fan fiction + poetry
  • fanart + comics
  • fan edits
  • meta analyses
  • various other articles, including (but not limited to)…
    • recent episode coverage
    • classic SPN spotlights for old episodes
    • convention coverage (featuring Jared and Jensen) 
  • convention photography
  • and whatever else you can find in a fandom space that will transfer to a hard printed format. 

We’re also looking for graphic/layout designers to help with the design of the zine, as well as editors/betas to proofread later on. To view more detailed information about any of the mentioned content, or to apply as a contributor for this project, check out our application page!

Every issue of Winchester will have a theme based on the language of flowers, focusing on one flower per issue. For our first issue, we’ll be using the daffodilas our central theme. More information can be found on our theme page.

Once all the content is ready, everything will be put together into a zine that people will be able to buy. More information about this will come out later in the project!

If you’re interested in participating, or want to know more about the project, then feel free to check out our pages or send us an ask!

About|FAQ|Theme Info|Apply to be a contributor

Sign-ups will be open until April 10th unless otherwise stated. Signal-boosting is much appreciated so we can get as many people involved in this project as possible, and make sure to follow this blog for further updates and information about this project. Thank you all, and have a fantastic day!

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There’s just one week left for people to join on for the first issue of Winchester: a Sam & Dean

There’s just one week left for people to join on for the first issue of Winchester: a Sam & Dean Fanzine! We’re looking for writers(of fic, poetry, meta, and other stuff), artists,graphic designers, and more to contribute to what we hope can become a recurring fanzine with a wide variety of content, all focused on Sam, Dean, and their relationship (brotherly or otherwise).

If you’re interested in participating, you can apply by filling out this form. Applications are open until April 10th (unless otherwise stated). If you want to know more or have any questions, here are some links you can check out:

About//FAQ//Themes//Original post//Find us on LiveJournal//Timeline info

Signal-boosting is a huge help right now so we can get as many people involved as possible, and make this project a success, so please reblog this post to spread the word, and make sure to follow the blog for more info and updates!

If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message here or an email at [email protected]. Thank you, and have a fantastic day!

(photo source)

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We’re still looking for all kinds of fans to be a part of the first issue of our zine, including writers, artists, graphic designers, and more! Here’s a quick run-down on the project:

  • focused on Sam, Dean, and their relationship (with a small side of J2 news and con coverage)
    • both gen and Wincest content are welcome (but everything will be rated T or lower)
  • containing a wide variety of content from several different creators (including fic, art, edits, meta, other articles, con stuff, episode coverage, and more)
  • all issues will be based on a flower theme
    • first issue’s theme is the daffodil
  • will be put together into a full-colour, physical fanzine that people will be able to buy (probably around 100-150 pages)
  • if all goes well, more issues will follow!

If you’re interested in participating, you can apply by filling out this form. Applications are open until April 10th (unless otherwise stated). If you want to know more, here are some links you can check out:

About//FAQ//Themes//Original post//Find us on LiveJournal // Timeline info

Signal-boosting is much appreciated so we can get as many people involved as possible, and make this project a success!

If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message here or an email at [email protected]. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!

I think that Supernatural wouldn’t have fallen off if they let Cas have a female vessel for at least a season


Deleted SPN Scene

—- —-

[JODY walks in. DEAN is sitting at the table using a laptop.]

Jody: oh, hey. Whatcha doing?

[DEAN turns the screen toward her, a fitness tracking app is visible]

Dean: just seeing how we’re doing.

[JODY pauses, visibly confused]

Jody: we…? [Giving up] Dean, I’ve never seen you wear a Fitbit.

Dean: oh no, Sam wears it.

Jody: ……

Dean: … ?

[JODY leaves. This is none of her business.]
