
Studying face planes with Dean and the Asaro Head <3 I know this is messy, but when I finished pr

Studying face planes with Dean and the Asaro Head <3 I know this is messy, but when I finished practicing, I thought it looked nice. Hope you think that too!

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amityspark-deadblog:My plan is to fight. My plan is to try. My plan is to give a damn. Are you telamityspark-deadblog:My plan is to fight. My plan is to try. My plan is to give a damn. Are you tel


My plan is to fight. My plan is to try. My plan is to give a damn. Are you telling me there’s nothing? You telling me there’s nothing to fight for, that there’s nothing to hope for?

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@theangiediary replied to your gifset ‘A Deanpala moment from 12x15' 

#oh hon don’t you know sam is a Beast in bed like… respectfully u don’t want him driving baby the way he. uh. treats a beautiful woman……


Dean (well-known soft-focus Earnest Lover): Sam, treat the car like a beautiful, beautiful woman

Sam: *crinkles forehead* okay i guess

Sam: *gets in the car*

Sam: *foot to the floor, 0-100 in .5 seconds, disappears out of frame, car screeching*


i can feel my old tumblr years sneaking up on me due to learning that misha collins came out as bisexual

Merlin enjoying a bit of Supernatural

Merlin enjoying a bit of Supernatural


being saved is hell

sunnydean:@spnhateblog inspired big gay valentines wedding looks sketch (x)


@spnhateblog inspired big gay valentines wedding looks sketch (x)

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