




15x18 is objectively and easily the ugliest cry dean gets and then they never addressed it again

for fifteen years he cried one eye at a time. even while standing over his brother’s body and explaining what he did in hell. and then all of a sudden he broke down entirely into double-eye crying and followed it up by sobbing for hours. the episode is literally titled despair. he single-eye cried as he was dying, for fuck’s sake.

this isn’t rocket science. crying = sad, crying hard = more sad and he cried harder in 15x18 than he ever had on-screen because. because. fuck. because he was in LOVE. and they showed us that and never resolved that. he wasn’t crying because the world was gone. he didn’t even know the world was gone because he was crying too hard to pick up the phone. his world was already gone and they showed us that and never brought it back.



Misha i misspoke it happened to be jimmy novak apology when

@misha no need to crowdsource advice at a con this time, just use this template


Every few months we’ll get a different Planned Supernatural Ending until we reach the boss level (dean and cas 42 minute sex scene)


i will not forget hes a leo he loves lying he loves creating drama for no reason repeat after me i will not forget hes a leo he loves lying he loves creating drama for no reason

in Season 4 episode 18 The Monster at the End of This Book, Castiel disobeys Heaven/God and tells Dean that prophets are protected by archangels, so if a demon, say, Lilith, were to threaten him an archangel would appear and smite her

Dean immediately goes to get Chuck, who (in story lore) is still a prophet at the time

when Dean busts into Chuck’s house, Chuck says, “What are you doing here? I didn’t write this.

Chuck had no idea Dean was going to show up because Castiel was already so far off book and Chuck/God had no idea how much it would cost him

Castiel (season 4): It’s an honour to meet you, Chuck. I admire your work.

The Work:

imagine another hunter needing to work with Eileen but they don’t know asl so they have to use a video relay service

“was the heart was missing?”
“no but the body was drained dry”
“silver & stakes don’t work on vampires. you’ve gotta cut off the head”
“have you tried salting and burning it?”

the poor interpreter~~~

Supernatural season 5 was the culmination of Sam & Dean’s original story arcs. Through the whole episode we keep having brother dialogues like:

S5 Dean: “Family is great, I want a family, I wish we’d had a different childhood, kids & a dog & a white picket fence please”

S5 Sam: “family sucks glad I got out of that one I just want to hunt forever”

And those sentiments are reflected in Sam’s supernatural sacrifice (throwing himself into the pit) and Dean’s immediate retreat to normal life (returning to Lisa, retiring from hunting).

Watching 15x20 with this in mind, really nails home the point that the writers did NOT understand the complexity of the characters they were dealing with. Dean was not a hunter who only liked pie and cars and wanted to die in action, and Sam was not a Boy Scout who would ever be able to move on from Dean’s death to start a family (not with his soul in tact anyway) and just abandon the world when monsters still exist.

Author : Lou :p

fandom : Supernatural

episode : 5x09, The real ghostbusters

Summary : reader is a hunter who’s case is in a hunted house which unfortunately is the place where a certain supernatural convention is taking place.

A/N : I hope it’s good, I just really like this episode and I thought it would make a good imagine. Feel free to send feedback, I really want to know what you guys think. There maybe are mistakes, English isn’t my first language.

You were parking in front of the hotel when you saw a bunch of cars, that strangely looked all alike, in front of the place.

‘great, just great’ you thought to yourself ‘why would anyone would want to check in here?’

you walked out of your car, your leather jacket on, went to the trunk to collect the material you needed, it would probably be a basic hunt but the amount of people made it more difficult. Then you saw two men running out of their vehicle, one was a built and very very tall guy, the other was smaller, dark blond haired, quite a cute guy. You saw them talking to a man, then a girl with wide eyes, it probably wasn’t a big deal, you were continuing to take what you needed when you felt eyes upon you. You watched behind your back and saw the cute smaller guy staring at you with confused eyes. You glared back with raised eyebrows, mumbling a ‘what’, then they took of and went inside. 

You took your favorite gun,iron knife that you stuck in your boot along with throwing knives in the inside pockets of your jacket, your EMF, munitions, all you need for your ghost hunt.

When you walked inside, you couldn’t believe what you saw, there was a ton of people disguised in monsters and demons ‘how on earth would they know how demons look like?’ you thought.

You walked in a room where there were people sitting in front of a platform where you could see a sign with “supernatural convention” written on it.

“what the holy hell is that?” you asked out loud to the two men from earlier.

“it’s the coolest event you could of dreamed of” the giggly girl said.

“About what?” you asked with confusion.

“the supernatural books, Sam, Dean, they’re hunters, they hunt supernatural things !” she explained briefly.

“What do they hunt?” you asked fearing the answer.

“Demons, ghosts, vampires, wendigos, basically all the legends of the dark”

“Oh.. seemed like a deja vu to me” you mumbled.

“What?” the shorter man asked.

“What? nothing just talking to myself” you replicated while smirking, these people don’t even know what they’re talking about, still you wondered how this man on stage got this idea.

You were looking around for a clue about the ghost you knew was here, you heard about the legend of the headmistress who murdered four children then herself in the orphanage.

Suddenly you heard the word “colt” behind you, you turned around and saw the same two men with another one and the fangirl. It wasn’t possible that they heard about the colt if they weren’t hunters.

“Excuse me, who are you?” you questioned the guys.

“What do you mean?” the tall man responded.

“I mean who are you and how do you know about the colt?” you said frowning.

  “We read the books?” the girl commented.

“What books? These books?” you asked chocked, pointing at the sign of the supernatural books.

“Wait a minute, you didn’t read the books?” the dirty blond haired broke in.

“No, I didn’t know they existed before I came here” you informed them.

“Then, if you know what the colt is but didn’t read the book then you’re a hunter” the tall man pointed out.

“What are you..” you began 

“We’re hunters too” the other one interrupted.

“Okay, then who are you?” you required.

“I’m Dean, this is my brother Sam, who are you and what are you doing here?”

“You expect me to believe that your names are Sam and Dean like the characters from the books?” you laughed.

Sam and Dean looked at you suspiciously.

“I didn’t read the books nor did I know they existed but I was there for the first ten minutes of the conference earlier, I heard the names, plus everyone is calling Sam or Dean another person” you explained

  “Aren’t you a smart one” sighed Dean “it’s a real story, Chuck here, the author is a prophet and knows our lives and put it into books” he revealed.

“Hi” Chuck gulped.

“And what are you, the girl they both fall in love to?” you mocked.

“I’m Becky, number one fan” she giggled.

“So, now that we introduced ourselves, it’s you turn to tell us who you are and what you’re doing here” Sam remarked.

“Okay, well I’m Y/N, I’m here for the ghost that haunts this place”

“There’s no ghost here, we would of known sweetheart” Dean smirked.

“Well, Sherlock, if you would have just paid more attention, you would have seen something. Like that the story the entertainer is telling is true, then you would have asked the man behind the counter, he would of told you that there was indeed a headmistress that killed four children in the attic and that today is the 100th anniversary of their deaths. Is that enough for you sweetheart?” you explained proudly

“But nothing happened today” responded Sam.

“you sure about that?” you nodded towards a man who seemed chocked and had blood spilling from his ear.

“I’m telling you she’s upstairs, a real live dead ghost !” the man freaked out.

“Look I’m sure she was one of the actress” the friend told the guy.

“who beat the crap out of me and then vanished? I’m getting out of here and you should do the same”

“Real enough for you guys? Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a scalper ghost to hunt” you smiled, and walked to the attic.

“Wait ! we’re coming with you” Sam shouted to you while he and his brother reached your sides.

“It’s not my first rodeo cowboys” you chuckled to them.

“Well, we wouldn’t miss an opportunity to work with a beautiful huntress” Dean winked down at you. You rolled your eyes and kept moving.

The three of you went to the attic by a small trapdoor, there was a bunch of old furnitures stuffed everywhere. You pulled out your EMF which was going wild like the one Sam had.

“EMF’s going nuts” Sam pointed out.

“When all of this is over, I expect you two to buy me a drink, if it wasn’t for me, you would have let this one murder again” you bragged.

“We would of seen it sooner or later but okay for the drink” Dean agreed “I’ll need it after this ghost and all of these dudes pretending to be us, poking at it”
“You guys are like celebrities for nerds” you laughed at them, “these people would totally kill to be you if only for one day”

“Yeah well I don’t understand why, who would want to risk his life everyday? they’re lunatics” Dean responded, he didn’t believe that someone would want to be miserable and live his life, he would do anything to just be at least the basic hunter he used to be before the Apocalypse, his 40 years in Hell, his dad’s death, anything.

“I don’t know, I think it’s because a lot of people would do anything they could to be important and saving lives is the perfect thing for feeling this way” you reflected, even if sometimes you wanted to have a normal life, you didn’t complain about you way of life, you helped people and that’s what you would tell yourself anytime you felt like you couldn’t take it anymore.

“My mommy loves me” you jumped when you saw a little boy crouching in a corner

“I said my mommy loves me” the boy repeated with his hands on his head. 

“I’m sure she does” Sam tried to reassure the boy.

“My mommy loves me this much” the boy said while spreading his arms, you could see a large part of his head scalped away with blood spilling.

“so that’s why you said scalper ghost huh?” Dean asked.

“Yep, real psycho”

Sam was at the phone trying to collect informations on Leticia Gore while you were with Dean, waiting for him.

“Why is she looking at him like that?” you asked flabbergasted by Becky who was staring at Sam like he was meat on a hook.

“She’s a Sam girl” Dean answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“A Sam girl?” you replied dumbfounded.

“Yeah she’s a girl who’s got a weird thing for Sam, I don’t know why though, everyone with good eyes can tell I’m the funny one” 

“Is that so? Well, funny, I don’t know, but the one with the most self-esteem, definitely” you replied laughing at him.

“Alright so that was a guy with the County Historical Society” Sam began.
“And?” Dean interrupted.

“Not only did Leticia Gore butcher four boys, but one of them was her own son” Sam informed.

“Her son?” you asked dumbfounded.

“Yeah, according to the police at the time, she scalped the poor kid”

“Oh that’s it, I’m gonna deep fry this bitch, extra crispy” the oldest snorted “Dude said where she was buried?”

“He doesn’t know” 

“Hey, check it out” you nodded towards the table with two guys talking with forced deep voices about a map on their table.

You three walked to the two men, Sam took the map from them.

“It’s real” Sam testified by touching it “a century old, and he’s right there is a cemetery”

“Where did you get that?” Dean spoked.

“It’s called a game pal, it ain’t called charity” fake Dean retorted. 

“Alright give me the map chuckles” Dean urged him.

“You’re the chuckles, chuckles besides Dean don’t listen to nobody” he told him while opening his jacket to reveal a fake gun.

You chuckled at how stupid this conversation sounded, Dean gave you a stern look which only made you laugh more.

“Dean, cool it” fake Sam told fake Dean.

Dean, then open his jacket to reveal his real gun.

Dean !” Sam warned his older brother.

“What? They’re freakin’ annoying” Dean growled.

“Can’t argue with that” you agreed, finding these persons to be a waste of time in this serious case.

“Look guys, how about you give us this map and we will burn the bones? Don’t worry you’ll have the check if you want, it’s just a serious thing” you tried to convince them.

“And who the hell are you supposed to be, Ruby, the demon?” fake Dean asked.

“Who are you calling a demon you fraud?!” you barked at him while pulling your .45 from your waist, if there is one thing you didn’t like to be called it was a demon.

“Woah, no one is calling anyone a demon” Sam broke in trying to calm down the situation or more you than the situation “look we all want to find the bones right? We just thought it would go faster if we all worked together” Sam suggested hoping it would work.

“Ahem, like the lady who’s not Ruby said, we get the Slizzer gift card” fake Sam requested.

“Fine” Dean agreed with a sarcastic smile.

“And we get to be Sam and Dean” fake Dean demanded.

you all looked at each other, then Dean agreed to it.

You all went to cemetery to dig up Leticia’s grave, the two fans were arguing pretending to be Sam and Dean which made you laugh internally, but it didn’t really entertain the real ones.

“You know what, that’s it, that is it” Dean had enough.

“What’s wrong Bobby?” asked the fake Dean confused.

“I’m not Bobby okay? You’re not Sam and you’re not Dean. What is wrong with you? Why in the hell would you choose to be these guys?” a really pissed Dean questioned, you stood there watching the scene, not knowing what to say.

“Because we’re fans, like you” the tall man pretending to be Sam said.

“No, I am not a fan okay? Not fans, in fact I think that the Dean and Sam’s story sucks. It is not fun, it’s not entertaining. It is a river of crap that would send most people howling to the nuthouse. So you listen to me, their pain is not for your amusement. I mean you think they enjoy being treated like circus freaks?” Dean corrected, he really wasn’t enjoying the fact that some people would take his story and make fun of it which was understandable.

“Uh, I think they don’t care, because they’re fictional characters” fake Dean replied.

“Oh they care, believe me. They care a lot”

“He huh, takes the story really seriously” you tried to explain Dean’s behavior, then walked to him.

“You really let this get over you huh?” you commented to Dean when you caught up with him.

“Well get your story published and tell me if you like it” Dean responded harshly.

“Yeah I guess, but you know, once a hunter’s story is revealed, you don’t need another one” you remarked, Dean gave you a confused look.

“Well, all hunter’s stories are the same right? basically, they all went into the business to get revenge or because it’s family and something tells me that yours isn’t a generation older than you is it?” you added.

“Like I said, smart chick” Dean affirmed.

“Well, how would have I survived all by myself if I wasn’t?” you smirked at him, you didn’t trust someone so easily normally but these boys seemed to be different than most hunters, you felt like you could tell them something and they wouldn’t use it as an advantage but of course you wouldn’t deliver your story just yet. 

“This is it” Sam told you as you walked into the cemetery.

You all began to search Leticia Gore’s grave to dig up her bones and burn them.

“Found her” you said as you saw a grave with the ghost’s name on it.

You, Sam and Dean began to pick your shovels from your bags, you looked up to see two fans quite speechless by what you were about to do.

“Wait are you serious?” fake Dean coughed.

“Deadly” Dean retorted in all seriousness.

“We’re not really digging up grave guys, we’re just playing the game” fake Sam said kinda scared of what you wanted to do.

“Trust us, you wanna win the game right?” you tried to convince them “or maybe you’re not suited for this life” you said as if you were playing along with them.

They nodded, then Dean and Sam started to dig while you and the two others were holding a flashlight. The wind began whistling more and more the closer they got to the coffin. Dean opened it to reveal the remains of Miss Gore.

“That’s not a plastic skeleton, that’s a skeleton skeleton” fake Dean gasped.

“You just dug up a real grave” fake Sam remarked.

“Yeah, what did you think it was?” you laughed at their naïvety.

“You guys are nuts” fake Dean declared.

“I thought you guys wanted to be hunters” you recalled to them “If you’re afraid of that, I wonder how you would be in front of wendigos or demons” you stated.

“Hunters aren’t real, this isn’t real, God you’re insane” he told you with a shocked look as they began to walk away.

“What did you just say to me?” you snapped

“Look..” fake Sam froze.

“What now?” you asked as you turned around, the ghost was there and made Sam fly across the place.

“Naughty, naughty, naughty” she said while pushing Sam.

“Damn it !” you and Dean said, he went to burn the corpse while you were going after the ghost who began to attack the Supernatural fans. Leticia was about to hit you when she disappeared in embers. The two civilians were frozen to death.

“Real enough for you?” Dean quoted you.

Fake Sam and fake Dean were at the bar drinking their fear, real Dean and real Sam came to talk to them, you smiled at how gentle they were considering you couldn’t even try to be nice to them, they made you waste a lot of your time and it wasn’t a thing you liked. You gathered your stuffs, the boys went to you, you three began to head towards the entrance, you didn’t have to be in that nerdy place anymore. You tried to open the door but it wouldn’t work.

“That’s weird” you mumbled.

“Definitely” Sam agreed.

You tried all the openings you could find doors, windows but none of them seemed to open.

“Anything?” Dean shouted.

“No” Sam replied.

“Everything is locked” you added “it’s almost like something is..”

“Keeping us in? yeah” Dean completed.

“This is bad” Sam remarked.

“Gee you think Sammy?” Dean wondered.

Suddenly you heard a woman screamed, you all rushed to her, it was the actress who played the role of Leticia Gore in the hunt that the convention organized.

“Don’t go in there” she warned.

“Get downstairs okay? go go !” Dean rushed her out of the room.

“Why did you do that? Why did you send my mommy away?” the boy from earlier asked still in a corner of the room.

“Maybe because of the high and tight she gave you huh? How about some thanks” Dean provoked.

“Ahem” you did, not wanting to irritate the ghost.

“I’m just saying a little gratitude would be nice once in a while” Dean continued.
“My mommy didn’t do this to me” the boy revealed.

“What? Then who did?” you asked as the boy suddenly just vanished.

You heard a man shout in German from another room, you all ran to it to find the hookman lying on the floor with his head scalped, this case was going creepier but nothing that you couldn’t handle, you hoped.

“Now what?” Dean asked angrily.

“Well no one can leave, so we have to gather everyone in the same room to prevent any other attack that might happen” you suggested.

“How are we gonna do that by not create a general panic?” Dean argued

“We could make Chuck to maintain the convention long enough so we can kill them” Sam submitted his idea.

“Yeah that can work” you agreed “ the conference room, we can salt the place, it can work” you said.

“Okay let’s go” Dean commended.

Sam went to tell Chuck to save enough time to let you guys kill the thee angry ghosts that remain in the hotel. Dean gathered the rest of the people in the room, closed the door, then you grabbed the salt an shed it along the openings.  

“New theory” Sam announced.

“The legend about Leticia are ass backwards obviously” you reported.

“Yeah, so let’s say those three orphans were paying cowboys and indians” Sam began “and let’s say they scalped Leticia’s son and killed him”

“Mom catches them, slices them and dices herself after” you concluded.

“If that’s true, we got three psychos children with knives in the building” Dean retorted.

“Leticia was the only one keeping them under control” you theorized.

“Until we took her out” Sam reminded.

“Smart move on our part” Dean stated “we have to get back to the cemetery and burn the kids’ bones”

“How? we’re trapped, we don’t even have our guns” Sam recalled.

“Well we are trapped, but like you said Dean, I’m smart” you said while taking out your gun from your waist, hunting iron knife from your boots and the six throwing knives you had from your jacket.

“Y/N you’re awesome !” Dean exclaimed.

“I know, now Dean you have your gun,  Sam here’s my favorite one don’t lose it, I’ll keep my knife and here’s two throwing knives for each of us but it won’t be enough even with the little we got, the kids run this place and they are only scared of one thing” you explained.

“Leticia” Dean mumbled “I know how we can scare them”

“Well, feel free to enlighten us” Sam told.

“The actress, the one that played Leticia Gore, she can do it”

“Yeah that could work” you thought.

“You want me to do what?” The actress asked shocked by the request.

“You’re an actress we just want you to act” Dean explained to her.

“I’m a waitress at Hooters in Toledo, no you can forget it” she told you.

“You’ll be safe, we promise, please it’s important” Sam pleaded.

You saw the two fans from earlier tapping on Dean’s shoulder.

“We want to help” fake Dean said.

“Just give her the puppy dog thing okay?” Dean advised Sam “guys no”

“Why not?” fake Sam questioned.

“Because this isn’t make-believe” you retorted not wanting them to mess up your plan.

“Look we know, we’re not nuts, we’re freaking terrified” fake Dean responded.

“Yeah but if all these people are seriously in trouble, we gotta do something” fake Sam went on.

“Why” Dean asked confused about why they would want to risk their life even if they don’t know how to save these people.

“Because that’s what Sam and Dean would do” fake Dean guessed.

You smiled, even if you didn’t know Sam and Dean for a long time, you knew it brought pleasure to Dean hearing this.

The five of you split up, you and Dean would be with the actress, trying to convince the children to open the doors for the three others to go to the graves and burn the bones.

“I don’t want to do this” the actress confessed.

“We’re right here sweetheart, we got your back, trust me this is gonna work” Dean tried to reassure her even though he wasn’t sure about himself, he gave you a look that said he didn’t know how this will end, you gave him a nod to tell him it will work.

“Boys? boys, come here th-this instant” she tried to sound angry “you come when I call you, do you understand me?”

“Miss Gore?” the three boys appeared before her.

“You boys have been very naughty, now you open the doors ! Open the doors right now !” she scolded.

The doors were opening more and more, fake Sam succeed and got out.

“Very naughty, you hear me? Naughty naughty naughty” the actress mimicked.

You nodded towards Dean to tell him it was working, the boys were afraid but suddenly the actress’ phone began to rang.

“Oh no” you whispered, Dean gave you the same look you had.

The ghosts regained their confidence back, the fans managed to get out but they blocked the doors after hearing the phone, Sam couldn’t leave.

You and Dean came out from where you were hiding, Dean was holding an iron bar and you were holding your iron knife.

“Run” he said to the actress, she did what she was told and got out of the room.

“Show time” you added, gripping at your knife.

You two went after the boys, one of them disappeared leaving one for each of you, you swung your knife to the throat of one of them while Dean was fighting the other one. You prayed that they were almost done with the graves, you didn’t know how long you could keep going like that. You were thrown across the room, you threw one of you knives at one of the boys, he resurfaced and tried to scalp you with his knife you tried to fight back as hard as you could, you saw that Sam and Dean were in the same situation, you hoped that it would be over soon and then all of the ghost vanished, it was over.

“You okay?” Sam asked the two of you while helping you get up.

“Yeah, I didn’t know children could be that strong.. or crazy” you responded regaining your breath.

“Well we smashed the sons of bitches, thanks to the two crazy Sam and Dean” Dean chuckled, he was grateful that they were here and that they risked their lives even if they weren’t trained.

“You know maybe that guy was right, maybe we should put these things on a bungee” Dean suggested holding up his weapon.

You looked at him confused.

“This guy, the hookman said it during the conference” Dean informed.

“Ah, that totally makes sense” you replied sarcastically.

You gathered your things, it was almost time to get back to the road, but first you thanked the fans who helped you.

“Thanks guys, you were really helpful back there” you admitted.

“I never thought you would be the thanking type of girl” fake Dean said.

“Well don’t push it” you smirked.

Dean took your place and talked to the guys, they explained why it would be cool to be Sam and Dean, to save the world, have a brother who would die for you, who wouldn’t want that. 

‘He does have a point’ you thought to yourself.

You said bye to Chuck and Becky then made your way to your car, packing your stuff in the trunk, you were ready to leave. But not without saying goodbye to your working buddies on this hunt.

“You know you have a pretty cool Ford thunderbird” Dean addressed to you.

“Thanks, it’s a 1957, and you do have a beautiful Impala” you retorted.

“A smart hunter and a chick who knows about car, aren’t you the perfect girl” Dean winked that made you chuckle.

“Leaving already?” Sam said joining the both of you.

“There’s work to do, it’s the Apocalypse, but you knew that, you’re the ones who started it” you asserted, they gave you a confuse look. 

“How do..” Sam began.

“How do I know? come on everyone knows” you chuckled.

“Don’t you want to kill us?” Dean asked interested about why you acted like you didn’t know.

“Killing you won’t do any good, besides you’re Michel an Lucifer’s vessels, the angels would only bring you back” you began “And you’re good guys, you’re obviously idiots but you’re not bad” you admitted, when you first heard about the guys who started the Apocalypse, you wanted to tare them appart, it’s your personality, but you thought about it and you knew that it was inevitable.

“You’re the first hunter to say that to us” Sam told you.

“Most of hunters don’t think, they just see the facts and act. I say that if it wasn’t you, the angels or the demons would have figured another solution to start the damn thing. All bastards if you want my opinion” you added.

“I never thought about it like that” Dean admitted.

“See, act but don’t think” you winked.

“Thank you for that, and for everything, you really are an amazing hunter” Dean complimented.

“You’re one hell of a good team too, like I said, idiots, but good team” you mocked them.

“Yeah I supposed we are” Sam laughed “take care Y/N, maybe we’ll see you again”

“I think we will, you might need my help again sometime” you winked.

“Probably” Dean smiled.

“Bye boys, and remember, don’t say yes” you advised.

“You can count on us” they said.

You entered into your car and drove away, a few moments later, a certain angel appeared next to you on the passenger seat.

“Damn it Cass !” you shouted losing the control of the car for a bit.

“I see you met the Winchesters” he replied.

“So that’s why you wanted me there, you wanted me to meet them. Why?” you demanded.

“They need you to advice them, they don’t always see the right choices” Cass retorted.

“Why me?” you asked.

“Because you will have the ability to convince them, you don’t know it yet but they will care for you and your point of view will be really important, you have the balance of both of their personalities, you’re the one who can lead them into the right way” he informed you.

“So that’s why you rescued me from Hell, you want me to advice two men who clearly don’t like to take opinion from others than them” you remarked.

“Yes, they need your help, they just don’t know it yet” the angel went on “like you said to them, you know how to think in ways they don’t”

“Great and now what?” you asked sarcastically.

“Now you will go where they’ll go, I’ll tell you when I know” he said before vanishing.

You didn’t quite understand your value to the Winchesters just yet but something told you that you will find out soon enough.

A/N : So I don’t know if the end is good, tell me if you like it or not and if you want a part 2, maybe I could begin a series if you find that it’s good enough. If you have ideas, remarks, anything, feel free to send them. Thanks !

Also, I originally posted this on an account my friend and I share but it didn’t get much views so I’m posting it here to try.


Author : Lou :p

fandom : Supernatural

episode : 5x09, The real ghostbusters

Summary : reader is a hunter who’s case is in a hunted house which unfortunately is the place where a certain supernatural convention is taking place.

A/N : I hope it’s good, I just really like this episode and I thought it would make a good imagine. Feel free to send feedback, I really want to know what you guys think. There maybe are mistakes, English isn’t my first language.


You were parking in front of the hotel when you saw a bunch of cars, that strangely looked all alike, in front of the place.

‘great, just great’ you thought to yourself ‘why would anyone would want to check in here?’

you walked out of your car, your leather jacket on, went to the trunk to collect the material you needed, it would probably be a basic hunt but the amount of people made it more difficult. Then you saw two men running out of their vehicle, one was a built and very very tall guy, the other was smaller, dark blond haired, quite a cute guy. You saw them talking to a man, then a girl with wide eyes, it probably wasn’t a big deal, you were continuing to take what you needed when you felt eyes upon you. You watched behind your back and saw the cute smaller guy staring at you with confused eyes. You glared back with raised eyebrows, mumbling a ‘what’, then they took of and went inside. 

You took your favorite gun,iron knife that you stuck in your boot along with throwing knives in the inside pockets of your jacket, your EMF, munitions, all you need for your ghost hunt.

When you walked inside, you couldn’t believe what you saw, there was a ton of people disguised in monsters and demons ‘how on earth would they know how demons look like?’ you thought.

You walked in a room where there were people sitting in front of a platform where you could see a sign with “supernatural convention” written on it.

“what the holy hell is that?” you asked out loud to the two men from earlier

“it’s the coolest event you could of dreamed of” the giggly girl said.

“About what?” you asked with confusion.

“the supernatural books, Sam, Dean, they’re hunters, they hunt supernatural things !” she explained briefly.

“What do they hunt?” you asked fearing the answer.

“Demons, ghosts, vampires, wendigos, basically all the legends of the dark”

“Oh.. seemed like a deja vu to me” you mumbled.

“What?” the shorter man asked.

“What? nothing just talking to myself” you replicated while smirking, these people don’t even know what they’re talking about, still you wondered how this man on stage got this idea.

You were looking around for a clue about the ghost you knew was here, you heard about the legend of the headmistress who murdered four children then herself in the orphanage.

Suddenly you heard the word “colt” behind you, you turned around and saw the same two men with another one and the fangirl. It wasn’t possible that they heard about the colt if they weren’t hunters.

“Excuse me, who are you?” you questioned the guys.

“What do you mean?” the tall man responded.

“I mean who are you and how do you know about the colt?” you said frowning. 

“We read the books?” the girl commented.

“What books? These books?” you asked chocked, pointing at the sign of the supernatural books.

“Wait a minute, you didn’t read the books?” the dirty blond haired broke in.

“No, I didn’t know they existed before I came here” you informed them.

“Then, if you know what the colt is but didn’t read the book then you’re a hunter” the tall man pointed out.

“What are you..” you began 

“We’re hunters too” the other one interrupted.

“Okay, then who are you?” you required.

“I’m Dean, this is my brother Sam, who are you and what are you doing here?”

“You except me to believe that your names are Sam and Dean like the characters from the books?” you laughed.

Sam and Dean looked at you suspiciously.

“I didn’t read the books nor did I know they existed but I was there for the first ten minutes of the conference earlier, I heard the names, plus everyone is calling Sam or Dean another person” you explained 

“Aren’t you a smart one” sighed Dean “it’s a real story, Chuck here, the author is a prophet and knows our lives and put it into books” he revealed.

“Hi” Chuck gulped.

“And what are you, the girl they both fall in love to?” you mocked.

“I’m Becky, number one fan” she giggled.

“So, now that we introduced ourselves, it’s you turn to tell us who you are and what you’re doing here” Sam remarked.

“Okay, well I’m Y/N, I’m here for the ghost that haunts this place”

“There’s no ghost here, we would of known sweetheart” Dean smirked.

“Well, Sherlock, if you would have just paid more attention, you would have seen something. Like that the story the entertainer is telling is true, then you would have asked the man behind the counter, he would of told you that there was indeed a headmistress that killed four children in the attic and that today is the 100th anniversary of their deaths. Is that enough for you sweetheart?” you explained proudly

“But nothing happened today” responded Sam.

“you sure about that?” you nodded towards a man who seemed chocked and had blood spilling from his ear.

“I’m telling you she’s upstairs, a real live dead ghost !” the man freaked out.

“Look I’m sure she was one of the actress” the friend told the guy.

“who beat the crap out of me and then vanished? I’m getting out of here and you should do the same”

“Real enough for you guys? Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a scalper ghost to hunt” you smiled, and walked to the attic.

“Wait ! we’re coming with you” Sam shouted to you while he and his brother reached your sides.

“It’s not my first rodeo cowboys” you chuckled to them.

“Well, we wouldn’t miss an opportunity to work with a beautiful huntress” Dean winked down at you. You rolled your eyes and kept moving.

The three of you went to the attic by a small trapdoor, there was a bunch of old furnitures stuffed everywhere. You pulled out your EMF which was going wild like the one Sam had.

“EMF’s going nuts” Sam pointed out.

“When all of this is over, I expect you two to buy me a drink, if it wasn’t for me, you would have let this one murder again” you bragged.

“We would of seen it sooner or later but okay for the drink” Dean agreed “I’ll need it after this ghost and all of these dudes pretending to be us, poking at it”

“You guys are like celebrities for nerds” you laughed at them, “these people would totally kill to be you if only for one day”

“Yeah well I don’t understand why, who would want to risk his life everyday? they’re lunatics” Dean responded, he didn’t believe that someone would want to be miserable and live his life, he would do anything to just be at least the basic hunter he used to be before the Apocalypse, his 40 years in Hell, his dad’s death, anything.

“I don’t know, I think it’s because a lot of people would do anything they could to be important and saving lives is the perfect thing for feeling this way” you reflected, even if sometimes you wanted to have a normal life, you didn’t complain about you way of life, you helped people and that’s what you would tell yourself anytime you felt like you couldn’t take it anymore.

“My mommy loves me” you jumped when you saw a little boy crouching in a corner

“I said my mommy loves me” the boy repeated with his hands on his head.

“I’m sure she does” Sam tried to reassure the boy.

“My mommy loves me this much” the boy said while spreading his arms, you could see a large part of his head scalped away with blood spilling.

“so that’s why you said scalper ghost huh?” Dean asked.

“Yep, real psycho”

Sam was at the phone trying to collect informations on Leticia Gore while you were with Dean, waiting for him.

“Why is she looking at him like that?” you asked flabbergasted by Becky who was staring at Sam like he was meat on a hook.

“She’s a Sam girl” Dean answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“A Sam girl?” you replied dumbfounded.

“Yeah she’s a girl who’s got a weird thing for Sam, I don’t know why though, everyone with good eyes can tell I’m the funny one” 

“Is that so? Well, funny, I don’t know, but the one with the most self-esteem, definitely” you replied laughing at him.

“Alright so that was a guy with the County Historical Society” Sam began.

“And?” Dean interrupted.

“Not only did Leticia Gore butcher four boys, but one of them was her own son” Sam informed.

“Her son?” you asked dumbfounded.

“Yeah, according to the police at the time, she scalped the poor kid”

“Oh that’s it, I’m gonna deep fry this bitch, extra crispy” the oldest snorted “Dude said where she was buried?”

“He doesn’t know” 

“Hey, check it out” you nodded towards the table with two guys talking with forced deep voices about a map on their table.

You three walked to the two men, Sam took the map from them.

“It’s real” Sam testified by touching it “a century old, and he’s right there is a cemetery”

“Where did you get that?” Dean spoked.

“It’s called a game pal, it ain’t called charity” fake Dean retorted. 

“Alright give me the map chuckles” Dean urged him.

“You’re the chuckles, chuckles besides Dean don’t listen to nobody” he told him while opening his jacket to reveal a fake gun.

You chuckled at how stupid this conversation sounded, Dean gave you a stern look which only made you laugh more.

“Dean, cool it” fake Sam told fake Dean.

Dean, then open his jacket to reveal his real gun.

Dean !” Sam warned his older brother.

“What? They’re freakin’ annoying” Dean growled.

“Can’t argue with that” you agreed, finding these persons to be a waste of time in this serious case.

“Look guys, how about you give us this map and we will burn the bones? Don’t worry you’ll have the check if you want, it’s just a serious thing” you tried to convince them.

“And who the hell are you supposed to be, Ruby, the demon?” fake Dean asked.

“Who are you calling a demon you fraud?!” you barked at him while pulling your .45 from your waist, if there is one thing you didn’t like to be called it was a demon.

“Woah, no one is calling anyone a demon” Sam broke in trying to calm down the situation or more you than the situation “look we all want to find the bones right? We just thought it would go faster if we all worked together” Sam suggested hoping it would work.

“Ahem, like the lady who’s not Ruby said, we get the Slizzer gift card” fake Sam requested.

“Fine” Dean agreed with a sarcastic smile.

“And we get to be Sam and Dean” fake Dean demanded.

you all looked at each other, then Dean agreed to it.

You all went to cemetery to dig up Leticia’s grave, the two fans were arguing pretending to be Sam and Dean which made you laugh internally, but it didn’t really entertain the real ones.

“You know what, that’s it, that is it” Dean had enough.

“What’s wrong Bobby?” asked the fake Dean confused.

“I’m not Bobby okay? You’re not Sam and you’re not Dean. What is wrong with you? Why in the hell would you choose to be these guys?” a really pissed Dean questioned, you stood there watching the scene, not knowing what to say.

“Because we’re fans, like you” the tall man pretending to be Sam said.

“No, I am not a fan okay? Not fans, in fact I think that the Dean and Sam’s story sucks. It is not fun, it’s not entertaining. It is a river of crap that would send most people howling to the nuthouse. So you listen to me, their pain is not for your amusement. I mean you think they enjoy being treated like circus freaks?” Dean corrected, he really wasn’t enjoying the fact that some people would take his story and make fun of it which was understandable.

“Uh, I think they don’t care, because they’re fictional characters” fake Dean replied.

“Oh they care, believe me. They care a lot”

“He huh, takes the story really seriously” you tried to explain Dean’s behavior, then walked to him.

“You really let this get over you huh?” you commented to Dean when you caught up with him.

“Well get your story published and tell me if you like it” Dean responded harshly.

“Yeah I guess, but you know, once a hunter’s story is revealed, you don’t need another one” you remarked, Dean gave you a confused look.

“Well, all hunter’s stories are the same right? basically, they all went into the business to get revenge or because it’s family and something tells me that yours isn’t a generation older than you is it?” you added.

“Like I said, smart chick” Dean affirmed.

“Well, how would have I survived all by myself if I wasn’t?” you smirked at him, you didn’t trust someone so easily normally but these boys seemed to be different than most hunters, you felt like you could tell them something and they wouldn’t use it as an advantage but of course you wouldn’t deliver your story just yet. 

“This is it” Sam told you as you walked into the cemetery.

You all began to search Leticia Gore’s grave to dig up her bones and burn them.

“Found her” you said as you saw a grave with the ghost’s name on it.

You, Sam and Dean began to pick your shovels from your bags, you looked up to see two fans quite speechless by what you were about to do.

“Wait are you serious?” fake Dean coughed.

“Deadly” Dean retorted in all seriousness.

“We’re not really digging up grave guys, we’re just playing the game” fake Sam said kinda scared of what you wanted to do.

“Trust us, you wanna win the game right?” you tried to convince them “or maybe you’re not suited for this life” you said as if you were playing along with them.

They nodded, then Dean and Sam started to dig while you and the two others were holding a flashlight. The wind began whistling more and more the closer they got to the coffin. Dean opened it to reveal the remains of Miss Gore.

“That’s not a plastic skeleton, that’s a skeleton skeleton” fake Dean gasped.

“You just dug up a real grave” fake Sam remarked.

“Yeah, what did you think it was?” you laughed at their naïvety.

“You guys are nuts” fake Dean declared.

“I thought you guys wanted to be hunters” you recalled to them “If you’re afraid of that, I wonder how you would be in front of wendigos or demons” you stated.

“Hunters aren’t real, this isn’t real, God you’re insane” he told you with a shocked look as they began to walk away.

“What did you just say to me?” you snapped

“Look..” fake Sam froze.

“What now?” you asked as you turned around, the ghost was there and made Sam fly across the place.

“Naughty, naughty, naughty” she said while pushing Sam.

“Damn it !” you and Dean said, he went to burn the corpse while you were going after the ghost who began to attack the Supernatural fans. Leticia was about to hit you when she disappeared in embers. The two civilians were frozen to death.

“Real enough for you?” Dean quoted you.

Fake Sam and fake Dean were at the bar drinking their fear, real Dean and real Sam came to talk to them, you smiled at how gentle they were considering you couldn’t even try to be nice to them, they made you waste a lot of your time and it wasn’t a thing you liked. You gathered your stuffs, the boys went to you, you three began to head towards the entrance, you didn’t have to be in that nerdy place anymore. You tried to open the door but it wouldn’t work.

“That’s weird” you mumbled.

“Definitely” Sam agreed.

You tried all the openings you could find doors, windows but none of them seemed to open.

“Anything?” Dean shouted.

“No” Sam replied.

“Everything is locked” you added “it’s almost like something is..”

“Keeping us in? yeah” Dean completed.

“This is bad” Sam remarked.

“Gee you think Sammy?” Dean wondered.

Suddenly you heard a woman screamed, you all rushed to her, it was the actress who played the role of Leticia Gore in the hunt that the convention organized.

“Don’t go in there” she warned.

“Get downstairs okay? go go !” Dean rushed her out of the room.

“Why did you do that? Why did you send my mommy away?” the boy from earlier asked still in a corner of the room.

“Maybe because of the high and tight she gave you huh? How about some thanks” Dean provoked.

“Ahem” you did, not wanting to irritate the ghost.

“I’m just saying a little gratitude would be nice once in a while” Dean continued.

“My mommy didn’t do this to me” the boy revealed.

“What? Then who did?” you asked as the boy suddenly just vanished.

You heard a man shout in German from another room, you all ran to it to find the hookman lying on the floor with his head scalped, this case was going creepier but nothing that you couldn’t handle, you hoped.

“Now what?” Dean asked angrily.

“Well no one can leave, so we have to gather everyone in the same room to prevent any other attack that might happen” you suggested.

“How are we gonna do that by not create a general panic?” Dean argued

“We could make Chuck to maintain the convention long enough so we can kill them” Sam submitted his idea.

“Yeah that can work” you agreed “ the conference room, we can salt the place, it can work” you said.

“Okay let’s go” Dean commended.

Sam went to tell Chuck to save enough time to let you guys kill the thee angry ghosts that remain in the hotel. Dean gathered the rest of the people in the room, closed the door, then you grabbed the salt an shed it along the openings. 

“New theory” Sam announced.

“The legend about Leticia are ass backwards obviously” you reported.

“Yeah, so let’s say those three orphans were paying cowboys and indians” Sam began “and let’s say they scalped Leticia’s son and killed him”

“Mom catches them, slices them and dices herself after” you concluded.

“If that’s true, we got three psychos children with knives in the building” Dean retorted.

“Leticia was the only one keeping them under control” you theorized.

“Until we took her out” Sam reminded.

“Smart move on our part” Dean stated “we have to get back to the cemetery and burn the kids’ bones”

“How? we’re trapped, we don’t even have our guns” Sam recalled.

“Well we are trapped, but like you said Dean, I’m smart” you said while taking out your gun from your waist, hunting iron knife from your boots and the six throwing knives you had from your jacket.

“Y/N you’re awesome !” Dean exclaimed.

“I know, now Dean you have your gun,  Sam here’s my favorite one don’t lose it, I’ll keep my knife and here’s two throwing knives for each of us but it won’t be enough even with the little we got, the kids run this place and they are only scared of one thing” you explained.

“Leticia” Dean mumbled “I know how we can scare them”

“Well, feel free to enlighten us” Sam told.

“The actress, the one that played Leticia Gore, she can do it”

“Yeah that could work” you thought.

“You want me to do what?” The actress asked shocked by the request.

“You’re an actress we just want you to act” Dean explained to her.

“I’m a waitress at Hooters in Toledo, no you can forget it” she told you.

“You’ll be safe, we promise, please it’s important” Sam pleaded.

You saw the two fans from earlier tapping on Dean’s shoulder.

“We want to help” fake Dean said.

“Just give her the puppy dog thing okay?” Dean advised Sam “guys no”

“Why not?” fake Sam questioned.

“Because this isn’t make-believe” you retorted not wanting them to mess up your plan.

“Look we know, we’re not nuts, we’re freaking terrified” fake Dean responded.

“Yeah but if all these people are seriously in trouble, we gotta do something” fake Sam went on.

“Why” Dean asked confused about why they would want to risk their life even if they don’t know how to save these people.

“Because that’s what Sam and Dean would do” fake Dean guessed.

You smiled, even if you didn’t know Sam and Dean for a long time, you knew it brought pleasure to Dean hearing this.

The five of you split up, you and Dean would be with the actress, trying to convince the children to open the doors for the three others to go to the graves and burn the bones.

“I don’t want to do this” the actress confessed.

“We’re right here sweetheart, we got your back, trust me this is gonna work” Dean tried to reassure her even though he wasn’t sure about himself, he gave you a look that said he didn’t know how this will end, you gave him a nod to tell him it will work.

“Boys? boys, come here th-this instant” she tried to sound angry “you come when I call you, do you understand me?”

“Miss Gore?” the three boys appeared before her.

“You boys have been very naughty, now you open the doors ! Open the doors right now !” she scolded.

the doors were opening more and more, fake Sam succeed and got out.

“Very naughty, you hear me? Naughty naughty naughty” the actress mimicked.

You nodded towards Dean to tell him it was working, the boys were afraid but suddenly the actress’ phone began to rang.

“Oh no” you whispered, Dean gave you the same look you had.

The ghosts regained their confidence back, the fans managed to get out but they blocked the doors after hearing the phone, Sam couldn’t leave.

You and Dean came out from where you were hiding, Dean was holding an iron bar and you were holding your iron knife.

“Run” he said to the actress, she did what she was told and got out of the room.

“Show time” you added, gripping at your knife.

You two went after the boys, one of them disappeared leaving one for each of you, you swung your knife to the throat of one of them while Dean was fighting the other one. You prayed that they were almost done with the graves, you didn’t know how long you could keep going like that. You were thrown across the room, you threw one of you knives at one of the boys, he resurfaced and tried to scalp you with his knife you tried to fight back as hard as you could, you saw that Sam and Dean were in the same situation, you hoped that it would be over soon and then all of the ghost vanished, it was over.

“You okay?” Sam asked the two of you while helping you get up.

“Yeah, I didn’t know children could be that strong.. or crazy” you responded regaining your breath.

“Well we smashed the sons of bitches, thanks to the two crazy Sam and Dean” Dean chuckled, he was grateful that they were here and that they risked their lives even if they weren’t trained.

“You know maybe that guy was right, maybe we should put these things on a bungee” Dean suggested holding up his weapon.

You looked at him confused.

“This guy, the hookman said it during the conference” Dean informed.

“Ah, that totally makes sense” you replied sarcastically.

You gathered your things, it was almost time to get back to the road, but first you thanked the fans who helped you.

“Thanks guys, you were really helpful back there” you admitted.

“I never thought you would be the thanking type of girl” fake Dean said.

“Well don’t push it” you smirked.

Dean took your place and talked to the guys, they explained why it would be cool to be Sam and Dean, to save the world, have a brother who would die for you, who wouldn’t want that. 

‘He does have a point’ you thought to yourself.

You said bye to Chuck and Becky then made your way to your car, packing your stuff in the trunk, you were ready to leave. But not without saying goodbye to your working buddies on this hunt.

“You know you have a pretty cool Ford thunderbird” Dean addressed to you.

“Thanks, it’s a 1957, and you do have a beautiful Impala” you retorted.

“A smart hunter and a person who knows about car, aren’t you the perfect girl” Dean winked that made you chuckle.

“Leaving already?” Sam said joining the both of you.

“There’s work to do, it’s the Apocalypse, but you knew that, you’re the ones who started it” you asserted, they gave you a confuse look. 

“How do..” Sam began.

“How do I know? come on everyone knows” you chuckled.

“Don’t you want to kill us?” Dean asked interested about why you acted like you didn’t know.

“Killing you won’t do any good, besides you’re Michel an Lucifer’s vessels, the angels would only bring you back” you began “And you’re good guys, you’re obviously idiots but you’re not bad” you admitted, when you first heard about the guys who started the Apocalypse, you wanted to tare them appart, it’s your personality, but you thought about it and you knew that it was inevitable.

“You’re the first hunter to say that to us” Sam told you.

“Most of hunters don’t think, they just see the facts and act. I say that if it wasn’t you, the angels or the demons would have figured another solution to start the damn thing. All bastards if you want my opinion” you added.

“I never thought about it like that” Dean admitted.

“See, act but don’t think” you winked.

“Thank you for that, and for everything, you really are an amazing hunter” Dean complimented.

“You’re one hell of a good team too, like I said, idiots, but good team” you mocked them.

“Yeah I supposed we are” Sam laughed “take care Y/N, maybe we’ll see you again”

“I think we will, you might need my help again sometime” you winked.

“Probably” Dean smiled.

“Bye boys, and remember, don’t say yes” you advised.

“You can count on us” they said.

You entered into your car and drove away, a few moments later, a certain angel appeared next to you on the passenger seat.

“Damn it Cass !” you shouted losing the control of the car for a bit.

“I see you met the Winchesters” he replied.

“So that’s why you wanted me there, you wanted me to meet them. Why?” you demanded.

“They need you to advice them, they don’t always see the right choices” Cass retorted.

“Why me?” you asked.

“Because you will have the ability to convince them, you don’t know it yet but they will care for you and your point of view will be really important, you have the balance of both of their personalities, you’re the one who can lead them into the right way” he informed you.

“So that’s why you rescued me from Hell, you want me to advice two men who clearly don’t like to take opinion from others than them” you remarked.

“Yes, they need your help, they just don’t know it yet” the angel went on “like you said to them, you know how to think in ways they don’t”

“Great and now what?” you asked sarcastically.

“Now you will go where they’ll go, I’ll tell you when I know” he said before vanishing.

You didn’t quite understand your value to the Winchesters just yet but something told you that you will find out soon enough.

A/N : So I don’t know if the end is good, tell me if you like it or not and if you want a part 2, maybe I could begin a series if you find that it’s good enough. If you have ideas, remarks, anything, feel free to send them. Thanks !


Check out my imagine on this account

The love we think we deserve

Pairing: Dean x reader

Word count: 2.5k

Warnings: tw: abusive relationship, light swearing, angst

A/N: if this is something you’re dealing with, please reach out to someone. You deserve so much better. Stay safe ❤️

*I do not own any Supernatural characters and/or gifs I may use*

You’re standing in front of the solid door of the bunker. You notice the door is just as dripping wet as you must be. Because it’s pouring and you walked all the way here. You had to walk because you didn’t have a car, or money for a car, because your boyfriend of two years just broke up with you. You’d ran out of the house without even thinking about things as money or clothes or even toothbrushes. So the combination of all of these would probably be a good excuse for your appearance right now. Because you’re an outright mess. Your clothes are obviously sticking to your body at the most unflattering places, your hair is clinging to your cheeks and there’s mascara all over your cheeks too. Apparently waterproof mascara isn’t waterproof enough to surmount rain and tears.

This was the only safe place you could think of going. One where you wouldn’t be judged. Where, no matter what you did, you could always come back. You were secretly hoping the concrete walls of the bunker could hold back the memories that were taunting you and make you feel safe again. Or rather that the people who were in the bunker would do that trick for you.

Once you’ve knocked you faintly hear the sound of heavy boots moving, the sound becoming clearer and louder until it stops and the door opens a crack. Open just wide enough to see who’s waiting in front of it, but not open enough for any unwanted visitors to come barging in. As soon as he recognizes your face though he opens up further, fully opening up the door and revealing himself to you as well.

“Dean,” you breathe out in relief as his broad form is revealed, smiling slightly as you notice he still hasn’t ditched the flannels.

“Y/N?” he asks, obviously surprised to see you. Or just startled because of how you’re looking right now. You can’t tell what’s going on in his head, but you see the wheels turning as he tries to figure out why you’re here right now, why you’re here looking like this. See after you left to live with your, now ex-, boyfriend, you kept visiting the brothers every now and then, not wanting to lose contact with both them and the hunter-world. But you usually called or texted in advance to make sure they weren’t on a hunt or trying to save the world from ending or anything. You’d never turned up at their doorstep unannounced.

You’d never turned up at their doorstep completely drenched either, seeing as you always either took the car or used an umbrella.

“What are you doing here?” he follows up, still puzzled but with worry washing over his features.

You shrug apologetically but don’t get a chance to answer. “Why don’t you come in first, we’ll get you some dry clothes sweetheart,” he speaks up again, stepping aside and holding the door for you so you can enter, and shutting it behind you once you’ve done so.

You follow him down the staircase and down to his room, shortly glancing over at the library where you spent so many hours reading to check if Sam’s there. In his room Dean walks straight on through his closet while you look around, noting nothing much has changed since you left. He rummages through his things for a while before he grabs you a pair of sweatpants, socks and one of his flannels. “Don’t worry, they’re clean,” he grins as he hands them to you, referencing to the fact that you usually used to do their laundry.

Rolling your eyes at him you take the bundle, but unable to suppress a small smile. “I’ll be right back then,” you announce before making your way to the closest bathroom to get changed and hopefully clear your appearance up a bit as well.

“I’ll be here when you’re done,” you hear Dean calling after you just before you shut his bedroom door behind you.

After having entered the bathroom and turned on the light, you suck in a deep breath before stepping in front of the mirror. As if that will fix anything right away.

It doesn’t.

It doesn’t remove the dried mascara that’s run down your cheeks in several shaky lines and dried, it doesn’t fix your frizzy, half wet hair or remove the locks of, once wet, hair that have stuck to your cheeks in the process of drying. And it sure as hell doesn’t make your eyes any less red or puffy.

You decide it’s a miracle Dean didn’t have a heart attack on the spot when he opened up and saw you.

For the moment you just leave it be though. You simply strip out of your clothes and put on the items Dean gave you, his scent now surrounding you. Just for a moment you allow yourself to close your eyes and enjoy the smell of it. Strangely enough having it calm you down a little more.

Stepping in front of the mirror once again, you throw some water in your face to enable yourself to rub the make-up of your face and attempt to cool your eyes to make them a little less puffy. After wiping the hair out of your face and briefly brushing through it also, you figure it’s not going to get any better than this and hobble back to Dean’s room, feeling your feet beginning to ache from the walk. You leave your wet clothes there, hanging over the heater, to dry.

“Hey,” you say softly when entering the room, closing the door behind you. “Thanks for lending me your clothes.”

You find Dean sitting on his bed, laptop on his lap. Probably scouring the news to check if there’s been any weird incidents that seem like their kind of thing. He looks up when you enter though, flashing you a smile. “No problem sweetheart,” he responds while shutting his laptop and putting it on the wooden nightstand besides his bed. “You look better,” he remarks. He looks as if there’s more he wants to add, but he bites back the words.

It’s not like you really believe it, but you’re too tired to start that argument so you smile back. “Thanks.”

Then it stays silent for a moment. You know Dean’s waiting for you to speak up. Waiting for you to tell him what got you turning up at his doorstep like that. You don’t, though. Somehow Dean’s socks are a lot more interesting to study right now. At the same time you’re well aware of how Dean’s eyes are fixated on you. Burning with the need to find out whether you’re okay or not, and if you’re not what happened.

But when you don’t speak up, and don’t make any effort to either, he does. His words careful and well thought out as they always are. “Sweetheart,” he begins. “You know I’d never push you to talk about something you don’t wanna talk about, but are you okay?”

“Uhm,” you mumble, looking up and facing him. A reassuring look on his face, as if he wants to tell you that whatever is going on he’d be there and make sure you would be okay. And that look is really all it takes for you to explode. “We broke up,” your blurt out.

“What?” he asks, shock on his face. You know he had expected a lot, but not this. You’d told him it was going great the last time you saw him. Even though it wasn’t you still didn’t think he would actually break up with you though. Dean gets up and takes a few steps towards you. “What happened?”

You take a couple of shaky breaths before answering. “I-I don’t know,” you stutter, mentally cursing the tears that are welling up in your eyes. I mean, you were well aware of the fact that maybe it wasn’t going to last a lifetime. There were all sorts of things that could happen. You just didn’t think it would end so soon. You didn’t think he would just drop you as he threatened to. “He just said he didn’t want me anymore,” you shrug.

“He didn’t- he didn’t want you anymore?” he exclaims, spitting the words out with a disgusted look on his face. “He didn’t want you anymore?” he repeats, emphasizing. “Y/N, that’s not how you- why do you always let men do this to you?”

“Why do I always let men do what?” you ask taken aback and a little confused. Call it selfish, but you’d expected Dean to comfort you. To tell you the loser didn’t deserve you anyways and that you’d come out of this stronger than you were before. Or at least something along those lines. This was about the last thing you thought he’d say.

“Let them treat you.. Like you’re nothing. I mean you always give them everything you got, and they never do the same for you,” he elaborates. And you don’t know whether to be mad or upset or offended because of it.

At that moment though, somehow, there’s only one thing you can think of saying. “We accept the love we think we deserve,” you murmur, referencing The perks of being a Wallflower only mildly sarcastically.

Dean scoffs, “don’t do that.”

“Don’t do what?” you counter.

“Pretend as if there’s a reason those guys do what they do. As if it’s justified. Your life is not some fucking story in which dating nothing but shitty boys will somehow give you a happy ending at the end of the line,” he snaps. You want to interrupt, tell him to stop, but he gives you no chance to. “I mean you always give them so much-“

Now you’d known Dean for a long time and you are well aware of how he uses a lot of gestures to emphasize or illustrate what he’s saying, and how sometimes, when emotions are running high, those gestures tend to get bigger or harsher. But as he lifts his hands this time you can’t help but flinch and take a step back, fear suddenly washing over you. You feel your heart beginning to pound in your ears, oxygen suddenly seeming to have run out.

And of course Dean notices, stopping dead in his tracks. Instantly putting the pieces together and figuring out why his movements got you reacting the way you did as he slowly lowers his hand. “Oh my god,” he breathes out. “Did he..?”

He tries moving closer towards you but he doesn’t get far before you stop him. “Please don’t,” you beg, wrapping your arms around yourself. Trying so desperately to protect yourself. To lighten any of the pain that might or might not be inflicted. You know Dean could and would never hurt you like that, yet your breath seems stuck in your throat. Your eyes are feverishly searching the room, looking for the fastest way out. The fastest way to escape. You never really were able to though. He always got to you.

“Y/N,” Dean says softly, returning your attention back to him. “You’re okay. You’re fine. I’m not going to hurt you, okay? I’m not,” he reassures.

You nod, unable to vocalize. Your entire body is shaking and the amount of adrenaline that is flowing through your veins right now is making your head spin.

“I need you to breathe for me, okay?’ he continues, voice ever so steady. “Just breathe with me. In and out.. easy,” he demonstrates, sucking in a breath through his nose and softly blowing it out through his mouth. It takes a while and a couple of tries, but eventually you seem to be able to copy and breathe a little better again. “Can I come closer?” he asks while quickly adding it would also be okay if you don’t want him to come any closer. He’d stand here with you all night if that’s what you needed.

But you nod again. “Y-Yeah,” you stammer, still a bit shaky.

“Is it.. Can I hug you?”

After giving him permission to do so he carefully gets closer to you. At first you pull back again, reflexes kicking in, but you remind yourself it’s Dean this time over and over. Things are different. And then you hesitantly let yourself relax a little, not backing up any further. He puts his arms around you, slowly and loosely at first and tighter once he’s convinced you feel safe enough not to resist and push him away.

Instead you start sobbing, wrapping your arms around Dean‘s waist as your tears dissolve in his flannel. The way you looked when you entered the bunker was bad, but this was worse. You hated for him to see you like this. And yet you couldn’t stop. It all came rushing over you. The pain, the fear, the sadness. And somewhere in the back of your mind anger and relief are rising too.

Dean just lets you ride it out, whispering sweet nothings in your hair while he rubs circles on your back. Once he feels your crying has calmed down to the occasional hiccup he doesn’t pull away. “Sweetheart, whatever he did to you, it won’t ever take away from you,” he says instead, immediately addressing the fears that’d been taunting your for months. “You’re still the same incredible, strong, beautiful you I’ve always known.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” you whisper against his chest, voice raw from crying.

“But I am,” he states with not the slightest bit of doubt in his voice. “And if you’ll let me, I’ll help you see that too. We’re gonna get through this.”

“What if I’m not?”

“You are,” he reassures. “It’s gonna take time, but you are.”

You want to believe him. Want to be as sure of yourself as he seems to be. But it’s all still too fresh. As if it any given moment you could do something wrong and mess everything up. And of course you’d have to pay for that.

“Sweetheart, you still with me?” Dean asks, interrupting and effectively breaking your train of thought. You mumble in response, to which Dean pulls way, looking down at you. “How about this, if you want to go take a shower,” he starts, moving on when you shake your head. “Then get comfy because we’re just gonna relax for now, okay? I’m going to make us some tea and get you some of that chocolate you like so much and then we’re going to watch some movies. We don’t even have to sit on the bed together if you don’t want to, I’ll take the ground if you need me to. And no horror, just something light. Okay?” He asks, pausing shortly to check if it’s okay with you.

“Okay,” you nod.

“Then that’s what we’re going to do for now. Tomorrow we’ll face the world. We’ll get you back to feeling like your badass self. For now we’re going to just let ourselves be,”

You feel yourself nodding along to his words, still not fully believing them but knowing Dean would get you there. Knowing that you are going to get through this, and that you will be okay.


Dean Winchester x reader


Factory Setting - reader thinks Dean hates her, but things end up taking a different turn (fluff/angst)

Hands - Dean has been dating the reader for a while but one day he decides he doesn’t love her anymore (angst)

Code Red - Dean takes care of the reader when she’s on her period (periods, fluff)

Lost in the Moment - Dean and the reader go for a drive together. They watch the sunset and have some food. At the end of the night Dean comes with some unpleasant news (angst) (part 2 coming)

Three words - sometimes it’s hard to tell someone you love them. And sometimes that brings out insecurities (mental health, fluff/angst)

Dancing - reader is home alone and after spending the night studying it’s time to put on some music and dance (angst)

A letter from Dean - reader has a bad day, but tries to hide it. Little does she know Dean has her back (mental health, sorta fluffy?)

The love we think we deserve - reader turns up at Dean’s doorstep looking like a mess. A heated discussion leads to a discovery that can’t be was forgotten (abusive boyfriend, angst/fluff)

Truth, dare and confess - Dean and the reader go to a bar going for some drinks. But the reader ends up taking it a little too far and Dean has to take her home (alcohol consumption, fluff)

A gigantic pie - Dean’s found a recipe to bake a big pie, but the reader doesn’t seem on board. That’s when Dean takes matters into his own hands (fluff)

Sherlock Holmes x reader

Start with Hugs - after an exhausting case Sherlock makes a deduction about the reader. One that she can’t seem to appreciate. He’s gonna have to apologize (mental health; mentions of suicide)

Pairing: Dean x reader

Warnings: implied mental illness

Word count: 850

A/N: soo I mainly wrote this for myself ‘cause I needed this. But I figured there are probably more people who could use a message like this, so I hope it helps. And if you ever need to talk to someone, I’m always just a message away <3

*I do not own any Supernatural characters or gifs I may use* 

You’d started slipping back into your old habits again.

It usually went like this. You were happy for a while. But then slowly that happiness started to fade out and it’d slowly get replaced by a much sadder, heavier feeling that would weigh down on you. You’d take that weight with you for a while, hoping it would get better. At the same time knowing that it wouldn’t, but you being you, you refused to talk to anyone about it. As you carried on that weight would get heavier and heavier. And that’s when you started finding your escape in your old, nasty habits.

It usually takes a couple of weeks and a few break downs before you completely break down and everything that you’d been holding in comes rushing out during one late night conversation. Usually with Dean.

Right now you were past the heavy feeling. Past the old habits. Even way past the breakdowns. You’d broken down more times than you could count and yet the words wouldn’t come. You weren’t allowing them to.

Not that it really made a difference right now. Sam and Dean were out on a hunt, which left you to be alone in the bunker. Even if you’d wanted to talk about it, there wouldn’t have been anyone to talk to. You didn’t really have any close friends aside from the Winchesters. At least not close enough for you to confide in about this subject.

They’d asked you to come along, Dean especially pointing out they could use you. But you couldn’t get yourself to believe him. You knew you’d only slow them down. And you just couldn’t get yourself to care enough to come and act like everything was alright. So you came up with a weak excuse, that you knew neither of them believed but luckily they didn’t push you.

And that left you where you were right now.

Sitting in one of the armchairs in the library. An abandoned book laying on the floor, a cup of tea standing cold and forgotten on the side table. You’d been sitting in the same place, in the same position for the past three hours at least, constantly alternating between blankly staring at the wall and pointlessly scrolling through your Instagram. Your knees have been hurting for the past hour, but still you don’t move.

Eventually though, you unfold your legs from underneath you and get up, having decided on just going to sleep. You leave everything as it is and go straight to your room.

As you shut your bedroom door behind you though, your eyes instantly fall on something white laying at the edge of your bed. Now, there might be clothes laying all over the floor, your desk might be a mess, but you sure as hell know that that wasn’t there when you left your room earlier.

You approach and pick it up, noticing it’s an envelope with your name written on it. Sitting down you open it and slide out a piece of paper, your eyes darting over what’s written down on it.

Hey sweetheart,

I know you haven’t been feeling like yourself lately and I know you have been keeping it all to yourself. Maybe it’s just because you don’t want to talk, or it’s because you want to be strong and don’t want to bother us. That’s why you put up your brave face, act casually as if nothing is wrong. But I know there’s something behind that façade, I know something’s going on in that pretty head of yours.

You’re the one person who’s always there for me and Sammy when we need someone. You always do these little things for us, like putting Sammy’s favourite book on top on his pile of never ending books just so its easier for him to grab it or asking me to take you for a drive when you know it’s really me who needs to clear their head. You always notice when something is going on and offer us a shoulder to cry on, not once judging us for it.

Yet you never admit it yourself. You’re always ‘good’ or ‘fine’ or ‘just a bit tired’. You don’t have to be the one that’s always okay. You don’t have to be the one who can’t fall apart just so we can. It’s okay not to be okay.

I know you’ve been through so much already and that sometimes you don’t see a light at the end of this tunnel, but sweetheart me and Sammy? We got you. We can put your favourite book on top as well, I can take you for a drive when you need it. We will sit with you and we’ll stay. Because we’re family, and that’s what family does.

So sweetheart know that, whatever is going on, we’re here for you. Just don’t give up. You are the strongest, sweetest, most beautiful woman I have ever met and I need you to just hold on. If you can’t do it for yourself then do it for me. Do it for Sammy.

We need you.



Happy Birthday Jared

I would like to take a moment and wish the man that has helped me so much since I found out about supernatural. Mr Jared Tristan Padalecki, the funny thing about how he’s helped me is that he’ll never know, But even so I want to thank him anyway for making AKF and for showing us that even if you do have trouble in your life or demons in your life don’t let it get you down. We love you Jared have a great birthday.
