#supernatural debacle




Misha i misspoke it happened to be jimmy novak apology when

@misha no need to crowdsource advice at a con this time, just use this template


Every few months we’ll get a different Planned Supernatural Ending until we reach the boss level (dean and cas 42 minute sex scene)


i will not forget hes a leo he loves lying he loves creating drama for no reason repeat after me i will not forget hes a leo he loves lying he loves creating drama for no reason



it’s quick it’s easy it’s free! lying about cw’s supernatural










@dimples-of-discontent I made a post about this 8 months ago on my now suspended blog , there were fans on twitter who confirmed this because they saw the deleted tweet , I couldn’t find my post on webcache but I still have some screenshots:

If you examine the gif below you can clearly see by Jensen’s face that he was doing something with his arm/hand off the frame and by how the camera quickly cuts to Jared’s face.

Also do you remember how Jensen described the reunion scene as “understated” and how he seemed unhappy about the fact that the reunion was too short, I truly believe that the scene was shortened and I’m not suprised because this is not the first time and unfortunately for us this is not gonna be the last

well fuck

Dean was in love with Cas here
Dean was head over heels for Cas here.


I remember watching “Tombstone” when it aired on TV and thinking to myself, “That’s it? After all those episodes of Dean grieving, that’s all we get? A hug and then back to business as usual?” MAKES SENSE NOW

Wow this post makes me sad and happy at the same time, it reminds me how devastated I was when tumblr suspended my blog (they never told me the reason) and I had to make a new one @destielette1, they gave me my blog back 9 months later still without giving me any explanation.

Anyway, speaking of Destiel shots that were cut, I think I will upset you even more when you know that there was another time that Jensen touched Cas’ face and it was cut, that was in 11.23 after their hug.

The post is here X


And look at the post X I made a few years ago about another shot that was cut in the cemetery scene in 11.23.

Look at these gifs

You can notice how Dean was about to wrap his arm around Cas’ shoulders and the shot was, once again, cut and they showed a zoom of Sam’ face.

Sometimes I loose sleep when I think of the number of shots that were deleted because we were unlucky that Spn was in this homophobic retrograde network .


Jensen after years of censorship: hey can you film this scene on my phone for me while we do it? Haha no reason


it’s really the way spnblr was 100% convinced that castiel was supposed to be in the finale but now that misha collins said it.. i mean?? the girls are not so sure anymore


by the way i think the spactors (supernatural actors) have a schedule for when to just casually drop pieces of information and pull stupid stunts to keep people thinking about the show because that was part of the faustian deal they all made in order to make the series so popular. they have to coordinate calendars. “on wednesday misha will accidentally-on-purpose on-purpose-accidentally out himself. on friday he will take it back. this will carry us through to june, at which point we will dangle a little gay carrot in the form of belated confirmation of a certain relationship (do NOT say it out loud) just in time for Pride. in july we make the annual blood sacrifice” etc etc


misha at soupernaural cons in 40 years like “um did you know that castiel was supposed to walk into the roadhouse smite john yell gay rights and dip dean into a 24 min kiss WITH tongue?”

me still on tumblr dot:
