#suport local


Check In 100

Hi Friends+ random people who stumble upon this blog. Let’s check in ( again). I have used this blog for so many things over the long period I’ve been on tumbler. I am going through so many life changes right now that I want to use this blog again, partly because I want to use it to promote my shop, but I also know it’s partly due to comfort. Let’s start with the shop. I had an Etsy shop for a solid couple of months before someone decided to report my posts 127 times. This person also happens to be my ex-assistant manager who was harassing and bullying me at my place of work- it’s been a wild couple of months. Because I had to leave Etsy, I also had to say goodbye to my sizable Etsy paychecks, which at one point allowed me to only need to work my day job one day a week. ANYWAYS, It’s a whole ordeal with a restraining order now involved and me needing to go back to my day job 5 days a week. But, I now have my own website where I sell my products. I sell mostly 90s themed cups, t-shirts, and masks made with vinyl. If you wanna check it out, please do beanstuckdesigns.comorinstagram.com/beanstuckdesignsorfacebook.com/beanstuckdesigns

Next update, I’m moving because I was accepted into grad school. I am currently waitlisted for the September date( at #2). I am moving to one of the most expensive cities in the province, which is terrifying, but I signed my lease and all that goes along with a new place before my Etsy shop shut down. So I am terrified because I know I am barely going to be surviving for the first little bit while there. I am really banking on getting good hours at my day job- which I was lucky enough to have transferred to a store in the new city and my shop doing well enough that I make rent, bills, and food.

OK, that’s enough ramblings for right now. I am going to be promoting my shop products on this blog for a while now to try and gain momentum with sales and such. I need your help though!!

Here is what I need from you:

Buy something-if you like something

Reblog, Like, Share

Share my website on any and all platforms you can ( Facebook, Facebook groups you are a part of, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

Literally, anything helps. I am just trying to get my shop out there and reach as many people as I can so I can survive :)
