#sure it’s a tf2 zombie apocalypse



If you’ve ever wondered what the first TF2 fanfic to be uploaded to Ao3 was, it was a Red Oktoberfest fic about zombies.

Here it is if you would like to read it.

Alrighty, I’m just gonna put this here..

That brief review doesn’t do this fic enough justice.

Respawn of the Dead is honestly so beautiful and detailed. Everything is organized perfectly and it really does take you on a trip, it gets you obsessed with the story.

The fact there are so many interesting relations and horrible (yet sometimes expected) twists just adds to it! I don’t believe this fic will ever go outdated or anything of the sort, it’s just too good.

If you have the time and patience to read every word of this fic for what it is, I definitely recommend reading it. It’s 100% worth it and I’m sure you’ll love it as it much as I do once you’re finished!

The author took the idea of a zombie apocalypse and turned into something so chaotic,well-thought,intuitive… it’s so shocking how great of a read it is. The emotions they want you to feel are the emotions you sure as hell are going to feel.

This fanfiction is not a product of it’s time— Hell, I’d even consider it timeless.

Give it a read whenever you have the chance!
