#surely there are cute spaces full of cute furries out there


i love cute things, i love plush things, i love art’s and crafts, and i love animals, so~ it stands to reason that i also love furries! and by that, i mean fursuits. i don’t personally know any furries, so i don’t know much about them in general, but that also means i have none i can ask for help in this situation i find myself in! (oT   w To)

you see, i think fursuit artists are some of the most talented creators out there and i adore seeing their work! but i’m also (a borderline sex-repulsed) asexual and every time i try to get near furry spaces i get horribly triggered by sexual content. i don’t have a problem with saucy NSFW content or a bit of fun kink - not at all! - but the amount of straight-up amateur p**n that’s in the mix is totally making it impossible for me.

so if any furries with suggestions see this post~ could you point me in the direction of some wholesome blogs? (T    v  T) maybe it’s just not a space that can be safe for me (my non-furry friends seem to think it’ll never work out) but i figure it’s worth a try to ask! 
