#surprise xan is trying to make something


I am STRUGGLING with how gender and sex work with meshes in the Sims. I used two meshes, one for masculine frame, one for feminine, and tried to make them functional for all genders. And for the last two hours, I’ve been stuck here:

If I lock by frame:

  • trans-femme looks fine ✔️
  • male looks fine ✔️
  • female looks fine ✔️
  • trans-mascbreaks❌

If I lock by gender:

  • trans-masc looks good ✔️
  • male looks good ✔️
  • female looks good ✔️
  • trans-femmedistorts❌  

If I lock by gender andframe:

  • None of the trans Sims get clothes ❌ ❌ ❌

If I don’t lock anything:

  • There’s two of everything and you have to guess which one is right ❌

Even using separate meshes, I can’t get it to work right. Am I losing my mind or is this just really hard? Is there a secret I need to know? orz Someone help
