#surprisingly sensitive o



The coffee is most certainly needed and almost immediately, he sips from it, and realise that Jaemin has unfortunately waited for a good while. He scrunches his nose in response to the question rather than answering it, knowing well that the other is just joking around. “I’m sorry though, I have to cram all classes early and it’s just too much already.” He indirectly reveal it being a difficult transition from having one busy schedule to two busy schedules, and he has a feeling that they might need more coffee through their session. “Shall we find a place to sit down? And I can get us some more to drink,” he then suggests,

Jaemin is never afraid to admit that he can be a bit… extra. As someone who always sees himself as a background character dying to be the protagonist, it’s what he does to try and get people to remember him. An extrovert without an outlet is dangerous, so might as well get all of that social energy as often as possible. Some people find his flamboyant personality as a nuisance or an obvious attempt at trying to be the center of attention. They’re usually not wrong about the latter. Jaemin usually doesn’t care though. His natural desire to keep the peace prevents him from blowing up at people that sneer at him. On top of that, he is his favorite comedian. If no one is going to laugh at his jokes, he might as well laugh at his own!

Luckily, Taeyang seems to get a laugh out of his whacky jokes. Jaemin laughs harder at Taeyang’s snort than his own joke. Settling down a bit, Jaemin is surprised at his friend’s apology. Maybe his jokes came off as actual insults to Taeyang’s busy schedule. Jaemin furrows his eyebrows, worried for his friend. Jaemin’s main desire is to be an idol but there is no denying that the road to it is a rocky one. Reading about all of the grueling training they have to go through is one thing but being a trainee and a student… Jaemin’s surprised that Taeyang is even able to meet with him. Before Jaemin can interject with his own apology and hopefully pick Taeyang’s brain about his wellbeing, his friend suggests they settle somewhere. Hoping to cheer his friend up, Jaemin goofily wiggles his eyebrows. “You know I’ll always need more to drink, ‘cause I’m always spilling tea.” How many “spill the tea” jokes has Jaemin made this past month?

As they walk into the library, the overwhelming amount of people stops Jaemin in his tracks. The modern library must be attracting people from other places here. He’s never seen it this busy! There’s no way they can study efficiently with so many distractions… well, maybe Taeyang could but Jaemin will be wanting to eavesdrop every two seconds. For once, Jaemin is thankful he spent literal days in the library during finals. Without a word, Jaemin drags Taeyang to the elevator. As they get in, he explains, “I found a good spot on the top floor that’s quiet and has a good view.” They step out and Jaemin leads Taeyang down a hallway until they’re met with one of the SKKU library’s signature windows. There’s a long table big enough for a lot of people, but no one is there. Collapsing into his chair, Jaemin takes a swig of his coffee and sighs. “So, what do you have to study for?”
