#svt timestamps


[2:21 am]

“It’s you,” he smiled.

“It’s me,” you giggled.

You softly pushed your two bowls of ramen and soda onto the counter for Joshua to scan, shamelessly pulling out money from your 2nd grade Hello Kitty wallet that he had complimented a week ago.

After paying, Joshua slapped a pack of Pepero onto one of the bowls and locked his eyes with your shocked ones.

“For you, my favorite customer,” Joshua winked at you, watching you erupt in laughter.

You slapped the top of one of the ramen bowls and pushed it towards him before grinning back at his surprised face.

“For you, my favorite cashier boy,” you mocked him, sending an exaggerated wink and watching his ears turn the slightest tint of red as he let out a loud laugh.

The two of you sat laughing while eating ramen together outside of the 711 at 2 in the morning, an open pack of Pepero opened between the two of you.
