


Has anyone on swedengate tag brought up the literal genocide of the indigenous Sami people… along with their imperialism in general like…

Also FYI I’m not saying “why is no one talking about this ” I’m saying now that Sweden is trending it’s a good time to bring up Swedens other more serious wrong doings so more people learn about them… which is what this post is saying… i literally picked this tweet bc it was in a nice list format



The entire population of Sweden getting collectively called out on twitter is funny as hell so far because every single tweet by a Swedish person is either like “first of all being racist is my cultural heritage…” or it’s “god, finally, I’ve been trying to tell everyone for years that my country is full of assholes”

Oh I guess this didn’t spill over enough to tumblr so this is what happened:

  • There was a twitter thread asking people about their weirdest encounters with someone else’s cultural practices.
  • Someone said that when they were just a child, they visited with a Swedish family who made them stay in another room while they ate meals and didn’t offer them any food or snacks.
  • This picked up lots of responses like “wait, what? That happened to me too but I just thought this one family were freaks???”
  • I don’t need to tell most people why most reactions to this were positively aghast that anyone anywhere expects guests to either bring their own food or just suffer.
  • The thread truly exploded only when some Swedes not only admitted to it but got defensive about it, calling it selfish and childish to expect food as a guest. Yes even from personal friends and yes even as children, because you should apparently actually be grateful enough that you’re even allowed in someone else’s home at all.
  • Other Swedish citizens chimed in to say they feel like they’re in the minority for having any concept of sharing or giving in general and that their other Swedish friends keep track of every cent they owe them for every little thing.
  • Immigrant and racial minority Swedes began to add that the whole “be grateful you’re even allowed here” attitude is how they’re treated everywhere they go just for existing.
  • From there, a whole lot of discussion, again mostly from people living there, about how Sweden has a cutesy, harmless image to most of the world only because its leadership and media work so hard to downplay its true prevalence of active white supremacy and hardcore nationalism.
  • “#swedengate” starts trending.
  • Sweden is being cancelled like it’s a celebrity and every Swede who gets upset about it just immediately demonstrates exactly what was being criticized in the first place:

Actually this part in itself is not funny at all. It’s just funny how many of them had to lock or delete their accounts like they genuinely thought these were normal things to say.




sweden should’ve sat there and shared the food. we only knew them for flatpack furniture now look what they’ve done to themselves

i’m literally losing my mind swedes can’t be real

We may be half a world apart but their rich assholes share a lot of traits with our rich assholes



if you expect people to upend their minutely-detailed meal plans for the day with no warning, that kind of makes you the entitled dickhead. it’s literally just a matter of knowing to ask, and if you aren’t culturally equipped for that (we know how it is with american schools!!!!!!!! they don’t even teach you to SHIT) then today is your opportunity to learn.





sweden should’ve sat there and shared the food. we only knew them for flatpack furniture now look what they’ve done to themselves

i’m literally losing my mind swedes can’t be real

so I googled the thing in the last tweet there & I wished I hadn’t so now all of you get to see: smorgastarta

what the fuck is wrong with y’all

apparently swedes don’t want to share food bc they’re embarrassed by it

#that looks like a much larger even more fucked up version of seludka podshuba or however the fuck you spell it 

excuse me herring under a fur coat (seledka pod shuboy) is an excellent and tasty dish. i mean i hate it because the herring might randomly contain bones and im always on guard but thats the problem with me vs the concept of fish the TASTE is GOOD
