#sweet victory


Here’s to a good Superbowl Half time show!

#spongebob    #sweet victory    

So just this morning, I heard about Stephen Hillenburg’s death after his battle with ALS.

For those of you who don’t recognize, Stephen Hillenburg’s is the creator of Spongebob Squarepants. He was also an animator, a cartoonist, and a marine biology teacher.

His passing is being mourned by fans all across the world.

However, in spite of this tradegy, fans are rallying together to sign this petition: https://www.change.org/p/nfl-have-sweet-victory-performed-at-the-super-bowl

If you couldn’t guess by the link, it’s a petition to have Sweet Victory at the Super Bowl halftime show. Yes. THAT Sweet Victory. Currently, we’re a little over 20,000 signatures away from 200,000. As anyone on the internet can tell you, Change.org changes very little. But I think that in the best situation, we can at least get a statement from the NFL, and honestly that would be EPIC.

At first, this petition was just started as a joke but the fact that it has over 177,000 signatures makes this an interesting story to follow through to its conclusion.

I’m not going to ask you to sign the petition if you don’t want to. That’s just stupid. But I actually found an article about this on FOX NEWS of all places and I wanted to share.


Have a great rest of your day and Happy blogging!
