#swhy i didnt describe it


JoJoStuck Infodump: Highblood Beta Trolls

realised my predecessor never fuckin finished this series so here-a we go

equius: has a Stand named [REDACTED]. Possesses super strength, the effects of which are affected by milk, but it’s anyone’s guess as to whether the milk will strengthen or nullify it. it literally just looks liek Aurthour

gamzee: neither has a Stand nor is a Hamon user. I like to think he’s just some dude who gets visions and that’s why he’s there.

eridan: has a Stand named [REDACTED] (possibly Bottom of the Deep Blue). Stand has a dormant mode and an attack mode. Harmless in dormant mode; in attack mode, Stand induces hallucinations of their deepest, darkest fears in whoever is in range,including the User. Hallucinations only stop when the user wills it to or the target(s) die.

feferi: a Stand called [REDACTED]. Stand allows the user to age the target up or down. The speed of this is determined by how many targets are there. Possibly also a Hamon user. Stand looks like Condy if Condy were in the style of Corpse Bride or Paranorman (so like… Tim Burton style? I think?)
