#synastry chart reading




chart readings: open

hello everyone! it’s me, @libramc/@readingsbylibramc. some of you may already know me and my readings from my previous account, @libramcmoved, where you can read all of my birth chart readings. after two months of only reading natal charts, I decided to challenge myself into doing more types of readings, so requests are currently open!


each readings costs €25. I think it’s a reasonable price, considering that I try to write and analyze as much as I can about a variety of topics. an astrologer usually asks way more, at least around €40 - 150. I’m willing to make these more affordable, as my main goal isn’t exactly earning money, but helping people understand who they are. I’ve grown up way faster since I’ve started learning about astrology, and it even boosted my self-esteem. I want anyone to feel this way, without having to pay hundreds of dollars.


to receive payments, I use a website called ko-fi to make donations. you just have to click on the link at the end of this post or in my bio and then click on the pink button ‘buy a coffee’. the payment is handled by paypal, hence the transaction is definitely safe.


after completing the payment, send me a dm in this account, @readingsbylibramc. in your message, you’ll have to send me the type of chart you picked, your birth date, birth place and birth time, along with your pronouns. it’s extremely important to have your birth time, or the reading will be less complete.


please, understand that reading a chart takes quite some time, especially considering that I also have other clients. it may take me 2 / 3 weeks, in some cases even a month, but itmay vary. so I automatically assume you agree with that when booking a reading from me.

now, let’s get into all the formulas!


a birth chart reading focuses more on the psychology of a person. I’ll talk about your behaviours, and why you behave in a certain way. more specifically, you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart. also, you’ll have the possibility to ask me a maximum of 5 questions. I’ll look for the answer in your chart. you can also read a reading I made for another client here as an example. you can read it, see if it satisfies you and then decide.


a synastry chart is basically a compatibility reading. it consists in overlaying two birth charts on top of each other, and then checking where all the planets fall in each other’s houses. more specifically, I will analzye each house overlay and the most important aspects to consider, to highlight the potential of the relationship and also to warn you about possible red flags. I will also specify if there is marriage / soulmate potential with your partner. it doesn’t have to be a couple reading, though! you can also book a synastry reading for you and your sister or your father, for example, to see where you don’t get along and what you can do to improve your relationship. also, you’ll have the possibility to ask me a maximum of 5 questions. I’ll look for the answer in your chart. remember: when booking a synastry reading, you need to send me both your birth info + your partner’s.


a composite chart is another type of compatibility chart. it seems just like a normal birth chart, with a rising sign, a sun sign, a moon sign, and so on. in fact, it consists in finding the mid-point between two or more charts to determin how the couple or group acts, feels, thinks, etc. it’s basically a reading of the energy of a couple or group of people. the difference between a composite and a synastry chart is that you’ll only start seeing the effects of a composite chart after about 6 months, it’s more indicated for long-term relationships. a synastry chart indicates what the potential of a relationship is, a composite chart indicates the general future and possible struggles of a couple. hence, I highly recommend booking a composite chart reading together with a synastry reading for best accuracy. remember: when booking a composite reading, you need to send me both your birth info + your partner’s. you can also book a reading for a group of people, like your family or your group of friends. just remember to send me everyone’s birth info with their names or person a, person b, person c, etc.


a karmic reading focuses on the destiny line of a birth chart, that is your south and north node. I’ll descrive in-depth your past life, life purpose and all the karma you have accumulated and how it affects you in this lifetime. I’ll also take in consideration other karmic houses and planets, like saturn, the 12th house, the 8th house, etc. to dive even deeper and trying to understand what happened to your soul. also, remember that to get to know and understand your soul purpose, it would be better if you also knew yourself well. because of that, it’s recommended to book a karmic chart reading together with or after a birth chart reading. for this reading, you’ll need to send me your accurate birth info (time, date and place of birth).

feel free to dm me if you have any questions!!


hi everyone, just posted my new chart readings options. go check them out!
