#sysmed cw






If your first reaction to learning about plurality was “Interesting… I kinda wish I was like that-”, you may already be plural, and even if you aren’t, it’s okay to want to be plural, and it’s okay to make a system if you really want to.

Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.

why the fuck would you wanna create a system. just say you’re an osdd/did fetishist and go. some of yall reek of fucking privilege. ppl with did/osdd fucking suffer from their disorder and some of yall really just see “wow imaginary friends” and decide you want that. if someone saw someone missing a limb and cut theirs off because they wanted to be cool would that be okay?

dont encourage people to create systems. its offensive to people with osdd and did.

Turns out you are not the centre of the world, shocking I know. Some of us believe in non disordered plurality, and in fact live that reality every day. We do not consider our existence a tragedy. It slaps actually.

>if someone saw someone missing a limb and cut theirs off because they wanted to be cool would that be okay?

can we talk about this argument because i see it a lot and what?? you know people with BIID exist right? even then, i dont fit the BIID diagnostic criteria and i still feel like i would like my body better if i didnt have arms, and i didnt know people without arms existed before i saw an amputee IRL.

maybe it’s because i think having a prosthesis would be “cool”, maybe i actually have dysphoria around my arms, you dont know me enough to make that call and im not going to tell you- just like nobody owes you an explanation as to why they might want plurality for themselves.

i know thats not the point of this post but it speaks volume to me that sysmeds are so quick to jump to implying peoples bodily autonomy can be revoked when what they want is too “weird” or “harmful” in their eyes
