#sysmeds just gotta derail any mention of their shittiness




sysmeds: get shitty at people for using the word ‘alter’ if they aren’t diagnosed with DID/OSDD

also sysmeds: unconsensually labels other people’s system members as alters (usually in scare quotes - you know, just to remind you they don’t think you exist) even when the system doesn’t use the term

???? make it make sense

You lot cleary don’t care enough about labels to realise that “sysmed” is a transphobic term

It’s not, it’s recognizing that y'all are doing the exact same shit with plurality that your forebears did with transness: Trying to medicalize it and frame it as solely a cause of suffering.

It’s something that trans people have been recognizing and calling out.

It is not transphobic for trans people to point out parallels to the tactics used to hurt them. It is VERY transphobic to insist that trans people shut up about these parallels.

And none of this has any bearing on the fact that it’s really shitty to tell someone they can’t use a term, then force it on them.

Sincerely, a system with zero cis members and for whom “alter” is a fighting word.
