#t make this place home


make this place home


chungha knew one response to when mina confessed to needing a home soon. she had grown quite fond of the younger in the time they’ve known one another. mina was like the little sister chungha never got to have. (admittedly, chungha is okay with being an only child. having a sibling would mean less funding from her parents while she was in korea pursuing her dreams.) asking mina to move in was a no brainer.

if she mentioned it to her parents, she knew they would have no trouble shelling out a couple extra hundred dollars to get the girls into a two bedroom in the same complex but with heartz and the uncertainty of who was being chosen next, chungha figured they could stick it out in a single bedroom for a bit. mina seemed to have no issue with cuddling.

this did mean re-organising on chungha’s part. she had to make room for the additional person in the entire apartment. she invested in a few more smaller shelved dressers and a closet organiser so mina would have space for her things too. it was a big move for mina and chungha wanted to be as supportive as possible. she was the older one and the one with more experience in that regard. she wanted mina to feel comfortable. having a roommate again could be fun.

“jajangmyun is really hearty,” chungha replies with a smile. she was currently folding some of her own clothes in the living room. her theory was that if she folded like her grandmother taught her to then maybe her clothes would take a lot less space in the room. not to mention that some are a little outdated and were deserving of being donated. “you might pass out with a full tummy,” she jokes, reaching out to poke mina. it was a good idea and they had worked themselves out by bringing mina’s boxes in. so chungha got up to prepare the food.

“how’re you feeling though?” she asks as she navigates the kitchen with ease. the kitchen was possibly the only area without anything being changed to it. “now that you’re technically officially moved in. this is your home now. nervous?”

after being added into the heartz project, it only made sense for mina to come to this decision. sure, she’s thoughton it for a while now. there were many times in which she asked herself if she could stillhold out a little longer living with her family, considering they didn’t really kick her out yet. but considering how the environment in that house grew worse the longer she lived there (even more so after being given the contract), she thought it’d be best for herto at least get out of there. 

and yes, though the single bedroom apartment is a big change for her, she’s at least glad that she’ll feel much better living here than she did at her mom’s. she not only gained an older sister figure (who could act like that more often now that they’re both part of heartz together), but also a cuddling buddy!! she wasn’t much of a cuddler, but chungha’s an exception. 

she watches the older fold her clothes as she responds to her fondly, pouting to her response anddoing it more following after the poke. she’s gotten enough of the teasing from daniel, so getting it from chungha enhances the need to whine in response. a part of her wonders if she’d have to deal with this ifshe evers gets the chance to be a heartz member. but she tells herself not to think too much about that possibility. besides, she had to appreciate the now,especially considering she was going to live with someone as coolas chungha. 

“but it’s tradition to eat jajangmyun when you move into a new house, unnie~~~” she whines, just enough so that it’s not unbearably annoying for the older. “and this is my new home, right? so you should reward me with something that can knock me out for the next day, or something!” she giggles after those words come out of her mouth. it’s a way to add to the jokingtone that the other had. 

she gets off the other’s couch to follow after the other. “i’m okay!” she answers with a smile. “i’m actually really excited to live here! i really just hope i won’t be a bad roommate for you.” she pauses to think of what else to say next. “i mean- i hope i can be able to annoy you more, but other than that, i’m just happy to be here.” she’s joking about that… mostly. 
