#t shock attack


shock attack


chungha nodded. the respect was on her face. “you know for all the shit i pull with your brother not even i managed to do that. good job,” she says, rising her hand to high-five the younger for her efforts. “ah yes the godly child that he is.” chungha jokes. but she’s quick to add, “he’s probably so happy to have you here.” thinking to the rough months both she and daniel had some time ago affirmed that even if he denied it, chungha knew he was glad to have his sister in the same company as he. he’s lonely, chungha wants to say but she knows not to.

she and daniel were alike in that respect.

ah there goes the mention again of debut and a good opportunity. she has been in better spirits since her talk with both daniel and juyeon but she still can’t shake the sour chord the twanged when the heartz project was ever mentioned. “yeah they’re really cool.” and they were. the videos were divine and as chungha has seen online, there seems to be a connection between the girls and their music. how incredibly clever and innovative. chungha wonders if she’ll ever be amongst them but she doesn’t say this to mina. she can’t let it become something of doubt. “thank you!”

she manages a smile and purposely doesn’t say anything about what her reaction would be like if she didn’t debut. (she’d be pissed) but her stomach is growling as if on cue for something to eat. “it’s okay, really!” she says with a soft smile. though the truth is her heart ached that she wasn’t going to spend any time with mina. she wanted to be with her, watch her learn the ropes. she wants to see her reaction to the gym facilities or how she fairs in the showers. chungha wants to be next to her every step of the way. remembering that she wouldn’t be there has her bringing mina back into her embrace, laughing as she waddles them over towards the line. “i sit in the middle because i like being the centre of attention,” chungha jokes. it wouldn’t be long until daniel joined them as well.

“promise me you’ll survive your first day. i feel so bad for leaving you on your own like this.”

her giggling is expected when chungha raises her hand for mina to high-five, obviously returning it for her accomplishment. “it’s the perk of being his little sister,” she responds to him with a confident smile. “even ifi didn’t really expect that from him either. i just know for surethat i have impact.”when chungha adds onto her statement, mentioning her brother being happy that she was here, she nods her head. “he should be! i’m amazing~” she says confidently. she laughs off her joke for the time being, nodding her head and smiling sincerely for what she says next. “honestly? i’m happy to be here with him, too.” and she meant it, even if it didfeel weird to admit to the other. 

if she had to be honest, she doesn’t think there was really any othercompany she wanted to be apart of besides sphere. sure, she liked all the artists from samsung’s four other companies. she definitelywouldn’t mind being in a company as intense as trc or as popular as kt. hell, she probably would’ve been happy being with yuzu and yoojung at royal. but after seeing bothdaniel and chungha on the mgas andget casted by sphere (even if it was years later), she could only hope to be in those companies with them. being casted by one of samsung’s companies, let alone by sphere, was an honor. but being casted into a company with trainees that she considered practically considered inspirations?ablessing. 

when the other pulls her into a hug as they walk to the line has her a littlesurprised, but she definitely wanted to return the hug. as the both of them waddle into the line, she laughs at the other’s comment. “good.so do i,” she responds with a laugh. “we can be the center of attention together while daniel just sits and eats his food. or gets embarrassed by us… though, that might come later. maybe we’ll be more embarassing during lunchtime.” 

the next comment warms her heart and she feels herself pout from how wholesomeit sounds. “of course! i promise you i’ll survive! you don’t need to worry about me, unnie.” she gives her a thumbs up. “it’s not like i’m going to cause a ruckus later on… but let’s grab a plate so i can guarantee you i won’t do something stupid later on.” 

shock attack


she’s sure they’re getting some looks for their stunt in the corridor at such an early hour but chungha can’t bring herself to care. it just felt so good to have mina there. it was just unfortunate she wouldn’t be able to give mina the personal tour. she’d be busy with heartz group evaluation prep today.

“good!” chungha replies with a smile. staff couldn’t be mad at that. mina could coast for now. “i hope your commute here wasn’t too bad.” it could be really difficult to adjust to the travel times and finding your way here. especially so early. train traffic was a headache.

chungha laughs. “wow you made him curse?” she was joking but now that she thinks of it, she doesn’t think she’s ever heard daniel curse in front of her. admittedly chungha curses enough for the both of them. daniel probably never really needed to. it was good that daniel knew (now) though. he could take over with showing mina around since chungha clearly couldn’t.

she was reminded of that fact when mina mentioned spending the days together. it wipes the smile off of chungha’s face. now comes the (sort of?) hard part. “actually….” she takes mina’s hand. might as well lead her to the cafeteria for breakfast. she was going to need the energy. “we won’t have a lot of time together.” it sounded bad but chungha was quick to explain.

“i’m actually a part of a predebut training project for sphere’s new girl group. it takes up most of my time.” it sounded like a good thing but it meant that mina would have to get around on her own. “we have evaluations every month but it’s separate from normal sphere trainees. the debut prep is supposed to take up to two years. and if i’m considered for the group i might be busy the entire two years.” she grimaced. it sounded so intensive when she phrased it that way. “but i’ll be here for breakfast, lunch and dinner! that’s usually when i see daniel too.”

when chungha repeats to her what she had proudly announced, she puts her hands on her hips and gives a confident pose (much like how the animal crossing villagers do it). “i sure did!” she answers with a big grin. “he was also his usual sappyself with me. you know how he is. super wholesome and stuff.” she’d say something a little more meaner,but she holds back from it. she wouldn’t want the wrong staff member to get the wrong impression.

she’s confused as to why chungha’s smile gets off her face, her confused look showing on her face. before she asks as to what’s wrong, the older holds her hand gently to lead her to the cafeteria for breakfast. it’s great, considering she was feeling hungry anyway, but she couldn’t help but still feel concerned over the other girl.

she pouts at first when chungha explains that the both of them won’t spend that much time together, but her face lights up at the mention of chungha being in a projectfor sphere’s new girl group. “heartz, right?” she asks with excitement. “i’ve seen the songs they’ve released so far. they seem really cool-”

she pauses. that wasn’t her mainpoint. “but oh my gosh, unnie. that’s amazing! i’m so happy you got this opportunity!” she says excitedly. she’d pull the other into a hug again, but this time she just holds her hand tighter so she doesn’t potentially embarrass the other… again. “two years sounds like a lot, but as long as you’re going to be successful in the end, then that’s all that matters! because if you don’t end up debuting, i’ll be super upset.”

speakingof breakfast, the sound of her stomach growling is louder than she wanted it to be. she finds herself blushing. “hopefully, thatwon’t happen in the future,” she says with a light laugh. she clears her throat. “it sucks that i won’t be able to see you as much, but i’ll try to make the time we see each other count! starting… now… with wherever you usually sit.”
