#tabletop skirmish


Snap shot of running the Frostgrave scenario, “The Orb.”

The survivors from the Frostgrave the Haunted Houses scenario.Three of the five houses had Wraiths (The survivors from the Frostgrave the Haunted Houses scenario.Three of the five houses had Wraiths (

The survivors from the Frostgrave the Haunted Houses scenario.

Three of the five houses had Wraiths (Energy Drain dealing double damage and Immune to non-magic damage) in them so it was an especially brutal scenario.


MVP for Blue Team was Shorne the Woman-At-Arms who defeated two Wraiths and Red Team’s Barbarian (Maug, Daughter of the Bloody Tree) with the aid of her Enchanted Sword.

MVP for Red Team was Lefrain the Apprentice who sacrificed her self down to 1 health summoning demons over and over again to act as meat shields and allowing her team to escape with what loot they could.

MVP for Red Team was Lefrain the Apprentice who sacrificed her self down to 1 health summoning demons over and over again to act as meat shields and allowing her team to escape with what loot they could.

Blue Team’s Oscar (a Thug) died from the wounds a Ghoul inflicted upon him, and Red Team’s Yewn (a Thug) also fell victim to Shorne’s Enchanted Sword while he tried to make off with the Central Treasure Token.


Blue Team rolled pretty poorly on the loot tables, but still made off with 100 gold, a Scroll of Summon Imp, and a +1 Magic Hand Weapon.

Despite getting their asses handed to them and limping off the battlefield Red Team managed to roll well on the loot tables and made it off with 90 gold and (thanks to a natural 20) a Staff of Power (3).

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