#paper terrain


Snap shot of running the Frostgrave scenario, “The Orb.”

Setup to run the Frostgrave scenario The Haunted Houses with paper miniatures.

Buildin’ some more modular walls.

Been working on some more modular walls, this time some generic rocks. I figure they should be able

Been working on some more modular walls, this time some generic rocks. I figure they should be able to work well for defining caverns, cliff faces, hills, etc for a variety of different environments. 

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I just released this Modular Ruined Wall set for free on my www.printableheroes.com website catalog.I just released this Modular Ruined Wall set for free on my www.printableheroes.com website catalog.I just released this Modular Ruined Wall set for free on my www.printableheroes.com website catalog.I just released this Modular Ruined Wall set for free on my www.printableheroes.com website catalog.I just released this Modular Ruined Wall set for free on my www.printableheroes.com website catalog.I just released this Modular Ruined Wall set for free on my www.printableheroes.com website catalog.I just released this Modular Ruined Wall set for free on my www.printableheroes.com website catalog.I just released this Modular Ruined Wall set for free on my www.printableheroes.com website catalog.I just released this Modular Ruined Wall set for free on my www.printableheroes.com website catalog.I just released this Modular Ruined Wall set for free on my www.printableheroes.com website catalog.

I just released this Modular Ruined Wall set for free on my www.printableheroes.com website catalog.

A bit of a digression from the normal creature/hero miniatures I do, but I wanted to make some simple backdrops for my promo shots and then things kind of escalated… realized with a bit more work I could make some neat modular pieces that could be rearranged at will to create all kinds of layouts and hopefully be super useful to GMs/DMs and tabletop war/skirmish gamers.

This first set is a bit generic, just to get a foundation to build more specific/exciting things on in the future if people find ‘em useful. Would absolutely love feedback.
Cheers and thanks!

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