#taeil drabble


Taeil is watching Y/n close down the bakery for the day. As he watches you he can’t help but take advantage of having a moment alone with you.

Part of the long term couples series.

Sitting in one of the booths in your bakery Taeil watches as you clean the display case humming along to the music that was still playing over the speakers. Your hair was piled high on top of your head. The apron you are wearing has spots of flour covering it and Taeil thinks that he has never seen you looking more lovely. When he had first met you, he had found you cute and liked the way you would go on these little tangents about baking. Then as the two of you started to get to know one another and you went from being cute to beautiful inside and out to him.

           Not being able to resist being on the other side of the room from you Taeil slides out of the booth and makes his way towards you. You are still focused on the case and humming away. Unaware of Taeil making his way over towards you. When his arms encircle your waist, you give a slight start before relaxing into his arms and laughing at yourself for being so jumpy. Taeil leans down to bump his nose against your cheek before speaking to you.

           “Are you almost finished?” Taeil runs his nose down to the croak of your neck where he places some soft kisses. Leaning your head back onto his shoulder you tilt your head slightly to the side to give him better access to your neck.

           “I’m almost done and then we can go,” you assure Taeil as you slide the glass door back into place before turning around to face him. “I just need to wipe down the tables and then we can go.”

           You kiss the underside of Taeil’s jaw before pulling away from him to get the rag and bucket to wipe down the tables. Taeil watches you disappear behind the swinging door, to only return a few moments later with a bucket full of soapy water and rags in your hand. You toss one towards him that he catches and follows behind you towards the tables.

           “Are you going to be pay me for this labor?” Taeil questions as he rings out the rag and starts to swipe it over the table.

           “No, you’re my boyfriend this is part of the privilege of dating me, washing down the tables,” you tease, cocking your hip and raising an eyebrow at Taeil daring him to say otherwise.

           “I have never been more honored,” Taeil teases back, holding up his hands in surrender. You dunk the tips of your finger into the bucket and then flick them at Taeil. Holding up his hand to block the water you giggle as you stick your fingers into the bucket again. This time Taeil stops you before you get a chance to splash water on him again by capturing your hand in his and pinning it against his chest.

           “Be nice or I won’t help you wipe down table’s anymore,” Taeil threatens. You narrow your eyes at him, taking a step closer to him you flex your wet hand against his shirt.

           “You would never be so cruel.” You state before slipping your hand out of Taeil’s and going back to wiping down the tables. He knows you’re right he would never not help you. Returning to his table Taeil goes back to wiping it down.

           In a few minutes the two of you have the table’s wiped down. You put the bucket and rags away and return back to the front of the bakery. You go about shutting off the lights to the place. Taeil watches as you filter about the room. The streetlight soon being the only light for the two of you. Taeil watches as the soft glow from the light reflects off of you. The soft music is still playing creating the perfect atmosphere for the two of you.

           Making his way towards you Taeil pulls you in close to him his arms wrapping around your waist. Smiling up at him your arms wrap around his neck. You’re fingers finding their way into his hair and you slowly stroke them through his hair, “Dance with me.”

           “Here? In the bakery?” You question as you let Taeil start to lead you in a slow dance.

           “Yes here. It’s as good as any other place,” Taeil’s not wrong and dancing in your empty bakery means you don’t have to worry about bumping into any other couples and having to share the dance floor.

           “What has brought on this moment of romance?” You question as you look into Taeil’s eyes. He leans down to kiss you gently pressing his lips to yours. You smile into the kiss enjoying the moment that Taeil has created for the two of you.

           “It’s not often that I get to just spend time with you without any interruptions or worrying about someone watching us. I have to take advantage of these moments.” He confesses. Leaning your head against Taeils chest you try and press yourself closer to him. Not wanting there to be any space between the two of you.

           “I’m glad you did. You’re my favorite dance partner,” you whisper not wanting your voice to disturb the peaceful atmosphere that has settled over the two of you.

           The two of you spend the next two songs in each other’s arms swaying back and forth to the music. Sometimes Taeil will spin you out and then back into his arms. Other times he’ll dip you before pulling you in back close to him. His warmth surrounding you and as the two of you dance you thank all of your lucky stars that Taeil had walked into your bakery and continued to keep coming back until you agreed to go on a date with him.

           Looking up at Taeil you run your thumb over his lips. He puckers them against your thumb before taking your hand in his and kissing the palm of your hand. He then brings it down to his chest resting the two of your hands there, “We should get going it’s getting late.”

           “One more dance. I’m not quite ready for this moment to end.” You mumble against Taeil’s chest.

           “Alright one more dance.” Taeil smiles down at you, and he continues to move you across the bakery floor. Taeil tells himself that one day he needs to thank Johnny for convincing him to walk into this bakery with him to get a coffee otherwise he never would have met you and be here dancing with you by the light of a streetlight in your bakery.
