#taeil x you


Y/n does not get to spend her morning cuddling up to Taeil. But instead spends it helping Haechan figure out his love life and does a little trip down memory lane. 

Part of the long term couples series. 

Rolling over in the bed you reach out for your boyfriend but come up empty. Cracking one eye open you frown at the empty space where he should be. Closing your eyes again you debate if you want to go in search of him or hope that he’ll return to his bed soon.

As you’re laying there debating getting out of bed you hear the sound of running feet outside of Taeil’s bedroom door. The sound stops outside his door and is followed by knocking on his door and Haechan calling out to you.

“Y/n Noona are you in there? I need to talk to you it’s important,” groaning you sit up and tell him to come in.

Haechan waste no time in flinging the door open and launching himself across the room and into the bed. He snuggles into you and leans his head on your shoulder. Your hand instantly finds its way into his hair. You gently run your fingers through his hair.

“What’s going on Hyuck?” You question as he sits quietly beside you.

“I think I have a crush but I’m not sure,” he whispers like if he were to say it out loud that would make his feelings real. Where if they were barely heard then he could keep them at bay.

“You think you have a crush, or you do?” You prod.

“I don’t know,” Hyuck whines while kicking his feet about like a little child and curling further into you, “how did you know you liked hyung?”

You think about that for a while. How did you know that you liked Taeil? You think back to when you had first met him at the park. You were out walking your neighbor’s dog and he had gotten lose on you and ran towards Taeil. Was that when you had first liked him or was it the meet ups after that, or your first date?

“I’m not sure I think from the start I always had a crush on him and as we spent more time together my feelings for him grew.” You admit.

“Did it feel different when you first saw him? Like you just knew that this person wasn’t going to be like any of the other people that you’ve met before.” Your hand pauses in Haechans hair as you think back to the first time you saw Taeil.

It was different from all the other meetings you’ve had with other people. When he had looked up at you with his warm smile and laughed as he petted your neighbor’s dog you remember one of the first things you thought was that you could listen to that laugh for the rest of your life. That you would never grow tired of hearing it and then he started to talk to you and the conversation between the two of you flowed so easily it was like you two had known each other for forever.

“It was. But I think the feeling I had with Taeil was that it all felt so easy. Like we were always meant to be together, and it just made everything simple and right. Does it feel like that for you?” You glance down at Haechan he’s picking at the comforter as he thinks about it.

“No, it doesn’t feel easy and like we are meant to be. It just feels…warm. I know that sounds weird but when I first saw them to every time after I just get this warm feeling in my chest, and I like it. I feel pulled to them.”

“Sounds like a crush to me,” you confirm “so what are you going to do about it?”

Haechan groans and pulls the covers up over him and rolls away from you whining about how he doesn’t know how to ask someone out. And why does liking someone have to be so difficult. You laugh as he continues on with his little tirade.

That is how Taeil finds the two of you. You are sitting up in bed watching Haechan roll about and whining. Leaning against the door jamb Taeil raises an eyebrow in question. You roll your eyes as if to say it’s Haechan before reaching out and patting his head over the blankets.

“Poor Hyuck here has a crush, and he doesn’t know what to do about it,” you coo as an explanation for Taeil. Haechan sits up and glares over at his hyung.

“How and when did you know you liked Y/n Noona?” Haechan demands. Taeil eyes widen a bit before a smile crosses his face and he straightens up from the door.

“I knew it the moment I saw her chasing after her neighbor’s dog. The feeling I had was more like a push telling me that I needed to get to know this person. That I better not let them go because they were important and were going to mean something special to me.”

You let out a soft sigh and you’re sure that you have a goofy look on your face, but you don’t care because that is one of the sweetest things that you have ever heard Taeil say about you. Haechan from his side of the bed is making gagging noises. You shove him causing him to laugh as he rolls out of the bed.

“You two are disgustingly in love with one another. But surprisingly helpful,” Haechan tells you two as he makes, his way out of your room.

“Glad we could be of service!” You call, “and don’t forget we are leaving at one to look at houses.

Haechan gives a distant okay and you assume that he is heading to the kitchen to see what there is to eat and to ask the others that are dating how they knew they liked their significant other. You turn your attention to Taeil and give him a shy smile. He smiles back and makes his way over to you, leaning down to give you a kiss.

“Are you sure you want to bring him with? You know that he’s going to have an opinion about everything.”

“True but it’ll help him deal with you moving out. He needs this besides maybe he’ll tell us more about this crush he has.” You tell Taeil as you stand from the bed and wrap your arms around Taeils waist and lean in for another kiss.

“My moneys on it being someone from the hospital,” Taeil muses as he leads you out of his room and toward the kitchen.

“I just hope they work out. I’ve never seen him like this before.”

“Me either,” Taeil admits. “Maybe he’ll be lucky and get a relationship like ours.”

You smile up at Taeil and hope that Haechan gets that. As you enter the kitchen you see Haechan bugging Johnny and his girlfriend and whisper to Taeil.

“And hopefully they can handle all that his Hyuck.” Taeil laughs and nods in agreement.

Taeil has decided that since you are always busy during the holiday season that he is going to bake you some Christmas cookies and give back to you what you are always giving to others. He just didn’t think baking cookies would be so hard. 

Part of the long term couples series. This can be read as a stand alone. 

           Taeil stood in the kitchen with a giant bowl of cookie batter in front of him. Smoke was still coming from the oven and scattered remains of charred Christmas cookies were over the counter and tabletop. Taeil had thought that it would be a good idea to make you some Christmas cookies. During this time of year your bakery was always busy and because of this you never had the time to make cookies for yourself and enjoy the holiday goodies. Because of this Taeil had taken it upon himself to make you some Christmas cookies and give you what everyone else got from you. Delicious holiday treats.

           Though looking at the cookies in front of him Taeil wasn’t sure he would call them delicious. He wasn’t sure what had happened. He followed the directions exactly. He looked down at his phone to read the instructions again then at the oven that had betrayed him and the burned cookies that were everywhere. Thankfully he had used his old cooking pans and not your good ones. Because the pans were ruined, and he didn’t want to think about having to replace your good cooking pans. But being someone who didn’t give up. Taeil read over the directions again and started to roll out more dough. This time his was going to get it right.

           Placing the new cut outs onto the baking sheets he wondered if he cleaned the pans good enough or if the new cookies were going to soak of the remains of the burnt cookies. Not having many other options Taeil hoped that he got the burnt cookies off enough and slides the pans into the oven and sets the timer. As the cookies baked Taeil went about cleaning up his mess. While he was cleaning and letting the cookies bake, he heard the door to your place open and you calling out to him.

           “Taeil why does it smell like something burned?” Taeil turned towards your voice and watched as you came into the kitchen. Your eyes widen in shock at what you saw.

           Taeil glanced around and while the place was a mess it was far better than what it had been earlier, and he wasn’t sure why you had such a look of horror on your face. Your eyes slowly moved to him, and you took cautious steps towards him. Your eyes continuing to scan the kitchen.

           “Taeil please tell me you didn’t use any of my good baking pans.” You demanded as you came to stand in front of him your hands bunching up his shirt.

           “Don’t worry I didn’t use your baking pans,” he assures you and your grip on him relaxes and your forehead connects with his chest.

           “Thank goodness. I was worried that I’d have to break up with you.”

           “Funny Y/n real funny,” Taeil laughs. You pull your head away from Taeil’s chest and give him a serious look.

           “I’m being completely serious Taeil. I would end our relationship if you destroyed any of my good baking pans.” Taeil thinks about teasing you more about this but sees the seriousness written on your face and thinks better of it. Instead, he moves towards the oven to check on the cookies. Opening the door, he peeks in at the cookies and sees that they are starting to get that golden look to them. Shutting the oven door Taeil turns back towards you with a proud smile on his face.

           “The cookies are almost done, and I promise that this batch is perfect.” He declares.

           “What happened to the other batches?” you ask looking around for the other cookies.

           “It’s probably best if you don’t know. Your bakers heart probably couldn’t handle it.” Taeil informs you.

           “Taeil…” you start but Taeil jumps in before you can finish.

           “Y/n just know that I made them with love, and they are in a better place now.” You don’t buy that, and your eyes find the garbage can. Looking back at Taeil you see a guilty look on his face.

           “You didn’t!” You start to move towards the garbage, but Taeil blocks your path.

           “Y/n seriously it’s just better that you don’t know what happened to them and instead think that they are beautiful cookies that are in someone’s home or stomach.”

           You don’t agree with Taeil and dive under his arms and lift the lid to the garbage can. What greets you makes your bakers heart cry, and you gasp at the sight of the burnt cookies. Turning back towards Taeil you can’t believed how badly he had burned them. How long had he had them in the oven and what was he baking the new cookies on?

           “Taeil I’m only going to say this once. Move away from the oven and the Christmas cookies.” Taeil doesn’t move but instead crosses his arms over his chest and pouts at you.

           “No, I may have messed up the first batch, and the second, and possibly the third! But this batch is going to turn out right and I’m going to decorate those cookies and give them to you. Because you always make people delicious Christmas cookies, but no one ever makes them for you, and you deserve to have some made for you.” Taeil demands. At this statement your heart warms and while you want to step in and save the cookies you also appreciate that your boyfriend wants to do this for you.

           “Alright, I’ll leave you to it but just let me peek at the cookies and see how they are and then I promise to leave you to it.” Taeil relaxes and gives you a nod. You look in at the cookies and can tell that they are done. You’re also worried that they are going to be black on the bottom but don’t bring up that to Taeil.

           Instead, you turn off the oven and move towards your boyfriend. You wrap your arms around his neck and go up on your tip toes to give him a quick kiss before informing him, “The cookies are done. That’s it for me interfering. I’m leaving the rest up to you. Let me know when the cookies are ready to be eaten.”

           You then give Taeil another quick kiss and exist the kitchen. You hear Taeil moving about in the kitchen and smile to yourself. You can’t remember the last time someone baked for you. You were always the one doing the baking and while you were almost positive that Taeil’s cookies were slightly burnt you had already decided that you were going to eat and enjoy them. Because they were made by Taeil.

           An hour later you’re called back into the kitchen. As you walk in you notice that the kitchen is spotless. The burnt pans are sticking out of the garbage, and you have to bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing. Taeil is standing by the table with an assortment of cookies laid out and a giant smile on his face. You don’t bother to look at the cookies and instead move quickly to Taeil. He opens his arms to you and pulls you in close to him.

           “Thank you for making me Christmas cookies,” you tell him as you give him a squeeze wanting him to know just how much you appreciate it.

           “Don’t thank me just yet you haven’t tried them yet. They might be awful.”  You tilt your head back to look up at Taeil who is studying his cookies with a worried look on his face.

           “I don’t care about how they taste.” You tell him. “I’ll like them anyway because you made them for me, and I can’t recall the last time someone has baked something for me and not the other way around. So, thank you for my Christmas cookies.” Taeil eyes soften, and he leans down to kiss you. You taste frosting on his lips and smile into the kiss. At least he tastes good, you could care less about the cookies.

Taeil is watching Y/n close down the bakery for the day. As he watches you he can’t help but take advantage of having a moment alone with you.

Part of the long term couples series.

Sitting in one of the booths in your bakery Taeil watches as you clean the display case humming along to the music that was still playing over the speakers. Your hair was piled high on top of your head. The apron you are wearing has spots of flour covering it and Taeil thinks that he has never seen you looking more lovely. When he had first met you, he had found you cute and liked the way you would go on these little tangents about baking. Then as the two of you started to get to know one another and you went from being cute to beautiful inside and out to him.

           Not being able to resist being on the other side of the room from you Taeil slides out of the booth and makes his way towards you. You are still focused on the case and humming away. Unaware of Taeil making his way over towards you. When his arms encircle your waist, you give a slight start before relaxing into his arms and laughing at yourself for being so jumpy. Taeil leans down to bump his nose against your cheek before speaking to you.

           “Are you almost finished?” Taeil runs his nose down to the croak of your neck where he places some soft kisses. Leaning your head back onto his shoulder you tilt your head slightly to the side to give him better access to your neck.

           “I’m almost done and then we can go,” you assure Taeil as you slide the glass door back into place before turning around to face him. “I just need to wipe down the tables and then we can go.”

           You kiss the underside of Taeil’s jaw before pulling away from him to get the rag and bucket to wipe down the tables. Taeil watches you disappear behind the swinging door, to only return a few moments later with a bucket full of soapy water and rags in your hand. You toss one towards him that he catches and follows behind you towards the tables.

           “Are you going to be pay me for this labor?” Taeil questions as he rings out the rag and starts to swipe it over the table.

           “No, you’re my boyfriend this is part of the privilege of dating me, washing down the tables,” you tease, cocking your hip and raising an eyebrow at Taeil daring him to say otherwise.

           “I have never been more honored,” Taeil teases back, holding up his hands in surrender. You dunk the tips of your finger into the bucket and then flick them at Taeil. Holding up his hand to block the water you giggle as you stick your fingers into the bucket again. This time Taeil stops you before you get a chance to splash water on him again by capturing your hand in his and pinning it against his chest.

           “Be nice or I won’t help you wipe down table’s anymore,” Taeil threatens. You narrow your eyes at him, taking a step closer to him you flex your wet hand against his shirt.

           “You would never be so cruel.” You state before slipping your hand out of Taeil’s and going back to wiping down the tables. He knows you’re right he would never not help you. Returning to his table Taeil goes back to wiping it down.

           In a few minutes the two of you have the table’s wiped down. You put the bucket and rags away and return back to the front of the bakery. You go about shutting off the lights to the place. Taeil watches as you filter about the room. The streetlight soon being the only light for the two of you. Taeil watches as the soft glow from the light reflects off of you. The soft music is still playing creating the perfect atmosphere for the two of you.

           Making his way towards you Taeil pulls you in close to him his arms wrapping around your waist. Smiling up at him your arms wrap around his neck. You’re fingers finding their way into his hair and you slowly stroke them through his hair, “Dance with me.”

           “Here? In the bakery?” You question as you let Taeil start to lead you in a slow dance.

           “Yes here. It’s as good as any other place,” Taeil’s not wrong and dancing in your empty bakery means you don’t have to worry about bumping into any other couples and having to share the dance floor.

           “What has brought on this moment of romance?” You question as you look into Taeil’s eyes. He leans down to kiss you gently pressing his lips to yours. You smile into the kiss enjoying the moment that Taeil has created for the two of you.

           “It’s not often that I get to just spend time with you without any interruptions or worrying about someone watching us. I have to take advantage of these moments.” He confesses. Leaning your head against Taeils chest you try and press yourself closer to him. Not wanting there to be any space between the two of you.

           “I’m glad you did. You’re my favorite dance partner,” you whisper not wanting your voice to disturb the peaceful atmosphere that has settled over the two of you.

           The two of you spend the next two songs in each other’s arms swaying back and forth to the music. Sometimes Taeil will spin you out and then back into his arms. Other times he’ll dip you before pulling you in back close to him. His warmth surrounding you and as the two of you dance you thank all of your lucky stars that Taeil had walked into your bakery and continued to keep coming back until you agreed to go on a date with him.

           Looking up at Taeil you run your thumb over his lips. He puckers them against your thumb before taking your hand in his and kissing the palm of your hand. He then brings it down to his chest resting the two of your hands there, “We should get going it’s getting late.”

           “One more dance. I’m not quite ready for this moment to end.” You mumble against Taeil’s chest.

           “Alright one more dance.” Taeil smiles down at you, and he continues to move you across the bakery floor. Taeil tells himself that one day he needs to thank Johnny for convincing him to walk into this bakery with him to get a coffee otherwise he never would have met you and be here dancing with you by the light of a streetlight in your bakery.
