#tagged tagged tagged


I was tagged by the sweet @dontworrymum-differentiscool, thank you for the tag♡

Birthday - September the 15th.
Relationship Status - Single.
Zodiac Sign - Virgo.
Siblings - 1 older sister, 2 younger sisters and a brother.
Pets - I don’t own any pets :( I would love a Black Stallion, they are beautiful!
Wake up time - Around 6/7am.
Love or Lust - Always love.
Lemonade or Iced Tea - Lemonade, I’ve never actually tried Iced Tea!
Cats or Dogs - I’d probably choose cats to be honest. 
Night or Day - Day. I love early mornings though!
Text or Call - Text. Sometimes I just prefer to write rather then talk.
Light or Dark Hair - Dark hair.
Short or Tall - I’m 5ft 10 so pretty tall!
Chapstick or Lipstick - Lipstick, although I don’t really wear make up!
City or Countryside - Countryside with a pretty scenery.

I’d like to tag @helliebonhams and @lulukind and any others that would enjoy answering :)
