
tags5colors: Domri Rade  Pre Mending or Post Mending: PostStatus: Dead, spark harvested by Bolas. tags5colors: Domri Rade  Pre Mending or Post Mending: PostStatus: Dead, spark harvested by Bolas. tags5colors: Domri Rade  Pre Mending or Post Mending: PostStatus: Dead, spark harvested by Bolas. 


Domri Rade 

Pre Mending or Post Mending: Post

Status: Dead, spark harvested by Bolas. 

Age: mid-late teens. 

Primarily Color(s):Red/Green

Other Color(s): N/A

Race: Human


Know Visited planes (that we’ve seen in cards): Alara (Reborn)

Sets/Storylines: Gatecrash, Ravnica Allegiance, War of the Spark 

Known Other Planeswalkers (that we’ve seen as a planeswalker card): Bolas

Mini Bio: Native to the plane of Ravnica, Domri was orphaned to the broken streets and decrepit ruins of the city outskirts. He spent his adolescence on the run, dodging Boros patrols, slipping out of Azorius binding spells, and avoiding Orzhov kingpins looking to ensnare him in their godless syndicate. Though he longed to fight alongside the Gruul Clans, he was so small and wiry that none of the Clans actually claimed him as their own. When young Domri looked for allies, he found them in the wild beasts of the battle-torn Rubblebelt.Domri’s affinity for wild creatures grew out of his natural distrust of rules, hierarchies, and authority figures. While he has little talent in hunting and slaying beasts as many Gruul warriors do, he can weave magic that summons, commands, and enhances these beasts. He proved his mettle in combat by spurring a herd of ragebeasts to defend his home turf, nearly singlehandedly destroying an Orzhov procession that sought to exploit the denizens of the region. After the battle, Borborygmos named him an honorary member of the Gruul Clans.Domri is now a Planeswalker, but he still has much to learn. As his abilities grow, his restraint fades. Seeing that there are multiple planes has made him even more reckless about the state of his home world. He summons ever more monstrous creatures, revering ferocity over discipline, never curbing his rash impulses.

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tags5colors: NarsetPre Mending or Post Mending: PostStatus: AliveAge: UnknownPrimarily Color(s): Blutags5colors: NarsetPre Mending or Post Mending: PostStatus: AliveAge: UnknownPrimarily Color(s): Blu



Pre Mending or Post Mending: Post



Primarily Color(s):Blue

Other Color(s): White

Magical abilities: Nullify and intensify magic, Ojutai Magic

Non-magic abilities:Martialist 

Race: Human

Homeplane: Tarkir (Dragons timeline)

Know Visited planes (that we’ve seen in cards): Kamigawa, Ravnica

Sets/Storylines: Dragons of Tarkir, War of the Spark

Known Other Planeswalkers (that we’ve seen as a planeswalker card): Sarkhan, Tamiyo, Ugin?, Ajani?, Elspeth?, Dovin?

Mini Bio: In a world where history unfolded differently, Narset was the khan of the Jeskai, a clan of warrior monks. She seemed on the cusp of enlightenment, but her true potential remained latent, untapped. 

In this timeline, she is one of the foremost scholars of Tarkir’s history-and a Planeswalker. At a young age, Narset gained the personal notice of one of Ojutai’s skywise. She attracted the dragon’s attention as she would often mimic the exercises performed by both the dragons and her elders, mastering them after no more than a casual glance. The skywise recognized hers as a mind with the potential for nearly limitless growth, so she was taken on as a student. Narset quickly mastered not only the exercises but the Draconic language itself, and over the following years she became one of the youngest of the clan to learn directly from Ojutai. But as Narset grew older she began to feel restless. She harbored a longing, although she was unable to identify what for, and she started to question whether or not the skywise dragons truly knew all the answers to the questions of life. When, in relatively short order, Narset achieved the status of master, she cared more for the autonomy that the position granted than the highly sought-after honor. She spent many a day alone, exploring the deepest and dustiest cavities in the Ojutai strongholds, slowly piecing together clues that illuminated the forbidden past. Her peer, Taigam, warned her of the danger in seeking out knowledge without the dragonlord’s permission, but Narset saw no harm in research. She discovered the truth of the past of Tarkir. It was not always a world ruled by dragons as the teachings of Ojutai claimed; at one time humanoid khans led mighty clans that dominated the land. Narset also learned of a powerful spirit dragon from whom all dragons were formed. It was this being that most interested her. She could feel something more in the histories that described him, something similar to her own wanderlust. She took to meditating in these secret chambers, spending hours that crept into days and even weeks without making an appearance above. Now that her Planeswalker spark has ignited, she has the ability to walk the Blind Eternities, the space between planes, and discover new worlds, but her devotion is to her home plane of Tarkir. Narset knows that the mysterious past might hold the key to long-lost magic, power that might not just benefit her clan, but the whole of Tarkir. So she carefully and painstakingly continues her research. She will wait, ever patient, for her time.

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tags5colors: UginPre Mending or Post Mending: PreHow they are alive post mending: Natural longevity tags5colors: UginPre Mending or Post Mending: PreHow they are alive post mending: Natural longevity



Pre Mending or Post Mending: Pre

How they are alive post mending: Natural longevity as a spirit elder dragon



Primarily Color(s):Colorless

Other Color(s):N/A

Race: Spirit Elder Dragon

Homeplane: Dominaria

Know Visited planes (that we’ve seen in cards): Zendikar, Tarkir (both timelines), Ravnica

Sets/Storylines: Zendikar, Fate Reforged, Battle for Zendikar, Ixalan, M19

Known Other Planeswalkers (that we’ve seen as a planeswalker card): Sorin, Nahiri, Sarkhan, Bolas, Narset?, Jace, Gideon, Chandra, Nissa

Mini Bio: Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is a Planeswalker, twin to Bolas and he is ancient beyond measure. His long life has given him a unique perspective on the Multiverse; he sees it as an unbroken whole and seeks to understand its deepest mysteries. He has studied the energetic patterns of entire planes–their creation, destruction, and renewal–and he has applied these universal principles to creating his own form of magic. Ugin’s magic deals with the transmutation of matter into energy, and it is a power that can be wielded by all.

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