

The last day of Taichihaya Week 2022 is here! “I have loved you for so long, I don’t know how to love anyone else.”

We’ll be watching the tag throughout the weekend to catch any late postings as well!

Have to admit, personal fave of mine: Day 7 - ‘There was only one bed’ (8 Apr). Only two days left of Taichihaya Week 2022!


IContribution Taichihayaweek2022/ Taichihaya seem by other’s pov

1. Arata’s pov, he very well knew something special was happening here. I love the way Sensei uses the word “futari” in Japanese to say together. Futari means a pair, a couple, two people, that’s how the club started. A more general way of saying together is Issho ni, which is usually the word Sensei uses. This is the first time Arata feels his jealously welling up

2. Nishida’s pov. Nishida knows very well what both Taichi and Chihaya have been going through since Taichi left the club. “It’s them who’s feeling hungry”. A quite instinctive way to describe their feelings….quite poignant.

3. Just one of the pov’s from Hanano. She is ofcourse always observing Taichi. She knows very well how much Taichi burns for Chihaya cause she is feeling similar feelings even if she is far from being as close to Taichi as Taichi is to Chihaya. She like Arata, also picked up on something special at Yoshino, just like Kana chan. Even the referee picked up on the seriousness of what was playing out.

Day 6 - Soulmates is already underway! Let’s see what you come up with!


For Taichihaya Week Day 5 - Taichihaya from others’ POV - @taichihaya-day

For this day, I wanted to show all the people who support Taichihaya, even those who do so begrudgingly

Kana is one of my favorite characters and her support for both Taichi and Chihaya is so wonderful. She loves both of them and wants to see them happy. Even Sumire, who is in love with Taichi, just wants her two senpais to be happy.


For Taichihaya Week 2022 Day 4 - Poem 48/Poems

Poem 34 is one of my favorites, and I particularly love the connection between the beginning (when Taichi finds Chihaya again in high school) and the end (when Chihaya is playing against Shinobu in the final arc).

Whom, then, shall I have
as someone who knows me—
since even the ancient pines
of Takasago
are not friends from my past.
(Mostow’s translation)


Day 5 already? Taichihaya Week 2022 is half over and it’s been a blast so far! Keep all the great content coming–we’re loving it! Day 5 is Taichihaya from others’ POV. Can’t wait to see what you come up with for this one!

Time to get into some poetry, bc it’s Day 4 of Taichihaya Week 2022 - Poem 48/Poems

Like a driven wave,

Dashed by fierce winds on a rock,

So am I: alone

And crushed upon the shore,

Remembering what has been.


I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;

So I love you because I know no other way.”

Taichihaya in all of the seasons❄️

Day 3: 4 seasons


For Taichihaya Week Day 3 - Four Seasons

Taichi and Chihaya can tie so many pivotal moments to spring, the time of rebirth and new beginnings.


Ready for Day 3 of Taichihaya Week 2022? 4 April is “Four Seasons” – go crazy with that seasonal imagery!

Just a quick reminder that if you post a fic and want to add it to our AO3 collection, just fill in “Taichihaya Week 2022” in the collection field. We’d love to have them all in one place!

Just a quick reminder that if you post a fic and want to add it to our AO3 collection, just fill in “Taichihaya Week 2022” in the collection field. We’d love to have them all in one place!

You can find the collection here on AO3!


Happy Taichihaya Week!!!!

First Day: Birthdays


Fic: Fast Friends

Title: Fast Friends
Author: fmpsimon (on AO3)
Fandom: Chihayafuru
Relationship: Ayase Chihaya/Mashima Taichi
Rating: G
Summary: Years after graduation from Mizusawa High School, Kana finally asks Chihaya and Taichi how exactly they became friends, and it takes a while for the couple to agree on the details.

“In all the years I’ve known you, I’ve always been curious about how you two met,” Kana said, her fingers wrapped tightly around the hot mug of tea. “I know you played karuta together when you were in Elementary School, but you had to have known each other before then, right?” Chihaya and Taichi exchanged glances across the table: Taichi’s face was sheepish, Chihaya’s a bit mischievous. “So,” Kana continued, “how did you become friends?”

Read it on AO3!

Written for Taichihaya Week 2022 Day 2 - First Meeting



Fic: The Not-So-Perfect Perfect Birthday

Title: The Not-So-Perfect Perfect Birthday
Author: fmpsimon (on AO3)
Fandom: Chihayafuru
Relationship: Ayase Chihaya/Mashima Taichi
Rating: G
Summary: Chihaya has planned the perfect birthday celebration for Taichi, and nothing is going to go wrong this year. Or…so she hopes.

“Everything has to be perfect,” Chihaya said as her sister tugged at and combed her hair. She let out a yelp as Chitose yanked the comb through one particularly knotty tangle. “No pain, no gain,” she said through gritted teeth.

Read it on AO3!

Written for Taichihaya Week 2022 Day 1 - Birthdays



A simple illustration I made for my best boy Taichi Mashima’s special day. I love his character so much-I love his flaws, complexity, inner struggles, and how he handles it all. His growth as a character and scenes always puts me on an emotional state, it’s so so human. He deserves all the happiness. I wish you all the luck in the world matsuge-kun! You are loved so pls smile! Happy Taichi Day! @taichihaya-day

Day 2 - 1st Meeting/Becoming Friends - 3 April

We never got to see how Chihaya and Taichi met in canon (so far…?). What do you think happened? Were they fast friends? Did they bicker? Was it a mixture of both?
