#takeru momose


Nooo! Send them to me first!

Me too, MC, me too!

Do I want to know why Tsugaru saw Goto’s underpants? Of course I do!

First there was Tsugaru talking about his scenes in Instructors’ routes:

And then they appeared:

I understand you, Tsugaru. I would also like to see more “guys doing their things” than romance, but I suppose I’m in wrong place for that…

And there was surprisingly a lot of Momose in those Tsugaru’s scenes, so i’m totally satsfied by this little bonus story ♥️

Yeah, it sounds very much like them…


I think i should do this too. Before my boss will see what i’m doing here.

I don’t think that’s what is going on here, Tsugaru…


Random Voltage Headcanon #8

Takaomi Tsugaru’s and Takeru Momose’s kids

For those who didn’t read it, I have published an angst scenario where Tsugaru’s and Momose’s kids make their appearance. So, I decided to make a post about them.

(Let’s make it clear. I don’t headcanon that MC will die, as it is shown in the scenario I am talking about.)

I headcanon that Tsugaru will not only adopt Noa but also have at least a kid with MC. From what I remember, it’s canon that Tsugaru said that he wanted a big family. 

So, meet Usagi Tsugaru. Her name means “rabbit” because it would be impossible for Tsugaru not to continue the “Little Hare” joke. I headcanon that he will be the one to name her, and she will be the carbon copy of her mother. 

Usagi’s best friend is Takaru Momose, who is her junior by a year. I am sure that Momose will name his child after his best friend - Takaomi. So, what the genius me have done? I looked up names that have Takaomi’s kanji in them. And I have found Takaru, which is perfect because it combines Takaomi and Takeru’s names. I am a genius, as I said. 

Moreover, I headcanon that Usagi and Takaru won’t be just friends when they grow up. And, not to spoil anything, but someone asked me for more scenarios of the detectives bringing their child(ren) to work. Teens Usagi and Takaru will be there, I promise. 


Tsugaru taking care of his kids after MC dies (Scenario)

Trigger warning: Homicide, blood, depression, death, anger issues, grief

Summary: Tsugaru was living his best life, until a call from Noa returned him to the day he was ten years old. Though, at that time, he lost everything he had. Of course, his wife was his world. But he had to remember that for his kids, he was their world and they needed him.

Word counting: 3816

Keep reading

Read Otome, they said. There will be happy ends, they said. You won’t fall for a character because of angst they said :’ D

GNAAAAHHH. This is like the ultimate bad end for Tsugaru and ohgod confront him with the exact same scenario all over again. Parenting is hard, single parenting is harder, single parenting while always being reminded of your drama is next level.

Tsugaru just wanted to be a good dad and then this

When he had to be ripped away from the dead body I FELT THAT. Shirogane tossing him in the shower while on a breakdown himself HAAAA. History repeats itself.

I absolutely love how you involved everyone in this and pictured how everyone deals with the grieving. You did not even need to see just how out of it Tsugaru was directly after it but could imagine painfully well just by how much the others saw and felt. With this incident his world died and thus his point of view did too. Very clever!

Also Momo getting emotional losing his closest partner on missions! While also possible being anxious that Tsugaru offs himself. I think if it werent for the children and Shiroganes support Tsugaru really would have done it uuggghh. Also ahhhh you even gave Momo a family and it made me so happy while sobbing ughhh. And it made Momos life appear even more perfect to Tsugaru, further crushing him ajkhfjkshglhdlfhgdö (also possible romance route between Usagi and Takaru in the futre lakflksfjghljt)
I am so conflicted so much to love and so much to sob

The true MVP of it all was Noa. He slowly patched the family back together, he’s such a good boy and understands Tsugaru best. I love how he slowly brings Tsugaru back to life with a fixed schedule. And ahhh the end was so bittersweet.

I am so proud of Tsugaru that he managed to continue for his kids, enjoying seeing Baby Hare grow, this time as a guardian. Only to soon be faced by her gowing her own path after the speech. He will be even more possessive of her and will check her boyfriends to their bone.

Still Tsugaru deserves this happiness with his children. And though it must have been unbearably hard - still is - he continues to do well. Proving his in laws that he is a good dad. God this stinged the most. He must have had so many self doubts of being worthy of the family and them resenting him over it ahhhhhhh. Please children work your magic and stick this family back together.

ANYWAYS THANK YOU SO MUCH KAMYRU. i had a good cry, and this is all i could wish for even though it hurts! some of those thoughts were exactly scenarios i had in mind if that happens and actually reading it felt so fascinating!! Thank you thank you thank you

Way to kick me in the feels : ‘D

They’d both sacrifice themselves for the other. Momo because he is mortified to lose his role model and the one thing he built up his life on and Tsugaru because he just cannot deal with losing even one more loved person. Tsugaru does not value his life a lot and thinks he does not have a family that would morn him. According to this Momo seems to have a (bigger?) family and a girlfriend (soon to be fiancee?), so his death would be more tragic in Tsugarus opinion. Haagh

I hope he will realize that Shirogane already sees him as his son soon and that they will catch up on their family time.
Also I dearly hope it won’t come to a situation where either Tsugaru or Momo survives (though my angst drama gremlin mind would be delighted aaahhhh- Just imagine that outcome would be an actual bad end NOOoooOO-).
Don’t let this be a death flag for either of them : ‘D 

Look at Momo’s sad face

You made Momo sad hahaha
MC herself is upset that he talks so bluntly when he should say sweet nothings like Goto, yet that’s what she comes up with xD

Always dragging your lovely colleague into the fray.
The poor guy probably already felt bad because his nose is hypersensitive and he had to bear with the stench the whole time they had to search for evidence in the garbage and now he gets shooed away by his beloved boss. Which surprised me as well, because Tsugaru probably eats a lot of stinky stuff too haha

Also not me getting ideas for a branching Momo route when he said that.

Do they have separate shower rooms for men and women? They did not have them in the academy at least? If they do not, I can see them bickering the entire time in their separate shower cabins - blaming each other for taking too long in the garbage xD Until…

Anyways I would really feel bad for Momos girlfriend. I want to meet her so badly. How is she like? How does she support Momos devotion for Tsugaru? Is she a Tsugaru fan too? So many questions
