#talented amazing friend is amazing

fawn-eyed-girl: Six Sentence Sunday: Natural Habitat: A birthday story for @mickisketch​ Hello every


Six Sentence Sunday: Natural Habitat: A birthday story for @mickisketch

Hello everyone! You may have heard that the incredible @mickisketch​ is having a birthday VERY soon and you may also know that Mickis has a couple of OTPs. One of course is InuKag, but another one of her favorites is Jily. And Mickis has been a very special friend, not to mention an amazing collaborator, and so I thought, what could be better than to combine a couple of her favorite things for her birthday?

Natural Habitat is a James and Lily college AU where Remus, Sirius, James, and Lily are all taking a college course on Magical Woodland Creatures. They are tasked with finding and studying a Hippogriff, which are known to live in the Monadhliath range in Scotland. They have one week to find it, observe it in its natural habitat, and bring back photos and a record of what it does, what it eats, etc. Neither James nor Lily is excited about taking this trip; Lily thinks James is a class clown, and James thinks Lily is a stuck-up know it all, but Remus and Sirius are hoping that their respective best friends can finally learn to get along…or more!

Happy early birthday, my dear friend @mickisketch​, and I hope you have the most wonderful of days!

Thanks to the amazing @neutronstarchild​ for the banners above AND below! I’m so grateful

Teaser and tags below the cut!

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I can’t believe this is your first Jily!? This is so great! And soo completely them I’m SO excited to read this gwaaahhh!! thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️

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