#talented friend being talented

fawn-eyed-girl:Natural Habitat: A Jily birthday story for @mickisketchChapter 3, now live on Ao3! He


Natural Habitat: A Jily birthday story for @mickisketch
Chapter 3, now live on Ao3!

Hello everyone! The @mickisketch birthday train continues! I am excited to bring you the next chapter of Natural Habitat, which is now live on Ao3!

Inthis chapter, James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus continue their trek into the mountains, where they finally find what they’re looking for, and where James and Lily find…more.

What exactly is the foursome looking for? Check out this amazing commissioned artby@thunderpot to find out!

Special thank you to @neutronstarchild for the gorgeous banner!

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Thank you so much fawnie!! so amazeballs!

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