#talking is hard


Do not hug Eli Maiman. His soul is so pure he will send you straight to heaven with a single touch.

Kevin Ray is actually secretly a piece of broccoli.

Nick’s metallic pants are actually just a reflection of his soul.

The song ‘sidekick’ is based off of a Nicholas Petricca’s origin as a superhero. He lives a double life, similar to Hannah Montana.

The song come under the covers is really about Nick making a pillow fort. He is too pure for your dirty mind!

Walk the moon is actually an animatronic band controlled by very shy, very sparkly aliens.

Every time Sean Waugaman smiles, a kitten is born

Walk the moon are not real humans with real human emotions, they are in fact just sparkly outfits that don’t match what-so-ever

If you listen to one Walk The Moon song you turn into sunshine.

Nicholas Petricca was not actually born. He was, rather, created in a lab out of sunshine, happiness, and sick synth beats.

Walk The Moon is not actually a band, but in fact a cover for the secret and underground NASA project to get back at Russia by forming a colony on the great star us earthlings know as the moon.

Kevin Ray does not actually own any edgy pants. What you are seeing are ghostly, carbon projections of his past lives.

Eli maiman is not actually a human being. He is, in fact, pure cinnamon roll.

Despite their tireless claims, no member of Walk The Moon can actually lift a car up all by themselves
