#talking trees


Good gracious godly goodness … I missed the hell out of this cabin.

Never thought that I’d miss this place as much as I did.
But I found a new place of operations for my team, I have a stack of papers, all of them labeled “EMERGENCY”.

But I have an incredible receptionist named Jasmine and she likes to read all of these reports.
She has also taken care of the cats, killed everyone who has come here with the intent to kill me, and watered the trees in order to not cause any of them to die and thus causing the ENTIRE FREAKING FOREST TO CRY FOR A WEEK.

That seriously happened once.
A freaking tree fell down, died, and the entire talking forest just started crying, and they wouldn’t stop for like a week.

But thankfully we know to stop something like that.

Moving along, the state of the world appears to be like a game of Wack-O Mole.
We take care of one problem and the next thing we know, another pops up. I spent a little more than a month taking care of my team after they get abducted and already we have issues.

But … I got the team mobilized.
Giant bats in South Africa, a small creature causing illusions in India, a pillar of liquid metal in San Francisco, and a metahuman group in Greenland trying to reach into other realities.

Funny not on that last problem, there are some metahumans who actually believe that their abilities are just manifestations of them reaching into other realities and harnessing the skills or natural abilities of themselves in another world.
Example: a man can fly, so he thinks that he must be a bird in another world and that he is simply harnessing it’s potential.

That is more than likely not true for these metahumans. These ones are probably just related to some kind of powerful entity that had a breeding fetish 4,000 years ago. Or descendants of people experimented on by mad scientists in the early years of human development. Or they are the descendants of wizards who inscribed specific spells onto their genetic code.

Or any of the other millions of other reasons why someone would manifest abilities.
Me, for instance, I am a genetic descendant of Genghis Khan, who was a genetic descendant of a VERY powerful alien god that died at some point on earth.
But not before making lots of kids.
Now I am VERY diluted, it has been far too long for any of my latent abilities to have any kind of actual effect in our gravity.
Not to mention that it requires me to have ingested a large variety of chemicals that would normally kill the average human.

But this is all outside the point.
My next update will be the status reports of my new teams handling these problems.

And no, Qu’Bert did not get to keep that new giant body he made.
I put it in storage, he can have it back when he needs it, not just when he wants it.
All he even does in that body is put everything on really high shelves and make tall jokes.

I have enough of that nonsense when Mary is in Heat and does nothing but make fun of how much smaller than her I am.
