

Growing up you could say that I was incredibly lucky; my family as always fostered an open environment of communication, any question we had about anything, we were free to discuss. It ensured that we never went to obscure places to find answers we were searching for, and from my mother’s point of view (with her midwife’s head on) we always had the right answer too. And she would explain it the best she could, whether that was by whipping out a medical textbook. Or giving up with them and drawing a better picture herself.

But as I’ve got older the roles of the teacher and the student has morphed and changed, it’s me sometimes explaining what things mean to her. This has found her exploring new phrases (few of them publishable!) and also how I found myself explaining what a dental dam was on a spring Sunday evening. As someone who works in the sexual health area, she was fascinated at the prospect of protection for oral sex.

A dental dam is a relatively new contraceptive method and works as a piece of latex stretched over the vulva. It can also be used during oral sex performed on the anus. This therefore protects the giver from the potential STIs held by the receiver. They can also be made by cutting off the tip and the base of a condom, to make a square. It is recommended that a thin condom be used to retain sensitivity. I have to say it made for an educating if not interesting evening, exploring new contraceptive methods.

Yet, I think it’s important to continue this discussion and questioning, even if the person explaining has changed over the years. When protection or even words are changing with such speed and ferocity, it is important to always keep learning to ensure that we fully understand. Even if you do end up discussing contraception with your middle aged mother.

By Beth
