#tamora pierce books


Concept character sketches for Sir Lianokami of Conté, Crown Princess of Tortall (a main POV character), and my dragon oc (another pov character and kinda villain and uhhhh love interest??? ;)) for a fic I’ve been thinking about writing lately. In this au/fic, Dragons of very powerful and/or noble/divine lineage have the ability to take on a human(ish) form, though admittedly they Rarely do so bc they see putting on human skins as a degradation to their pride. When Magma'Ra, a direct descendent of a dragon god, is banished by her brother and cast out to the human realm and forced to permanently take on a human appearance, it’s not exactly what she was hoping for, not when she was in direct line to inherit instead of her brother. However, being a dragon in the human world isn’t all bad she finds, after all, she’s physically stronger and her magic more potent than the average human, and humans are so easy to manipulate and control with dragon magic/allure. Perhaps, until she finds away back to the dragonlands to challenge her brother for her rightful place, she can play around conquering the human realms? you know. For fun, to pass the time ;)

This wlw fic will feature both Liano and Magma'Ra as the main pov characters, and focus on their relationship. Liano is a very moral and straight-laced character, while Magma'Ra is literally a dragon and not confined to human morality measures lol, though Liano ends up being a positive influence on her, spoiler i guess haha. Anyway! Not sure if this is the sort of fic that is worth writing or if anyone would even be interested in reading it??? But it’s fun to think about :D Especially since I’ve had the headcanon for a while that powerful dragons in Tortall universe can take a human form, and it’s fun to play with that idea :)

hm.. a mystery is underfoot! A little excerpt from my Tortall Necromancer Fic (or comic?!) that I hope to write/draw one day! Right now I’m like,, seriously wanting to turn it into a full on long form fancomic but we’ll see

Another Tortall oc for a fic i hope to (one day lol) write! Ammë, a baby elemental created by Chitral (from a sentient fragment of his consciousness) to keep him company in the absence of the Dominion Jewel. Curious and obsessed with humans, she eventually ventures outside of Chitral’s domain to explore the human realm. She has (limited) power over the earth (plants/flowers/etc, mostly tied to her emotions) and much more controlled power over the weather, gaining her the title amongst humans: “The Weather/Wind Witch” :)

(also her design is not final probably as about ¾ of the way through this i was like “Ah. Rapunzel” LMAO,, so yeah,, might play around with her design a bit more haha)
