
 i like to think that scaramouche will always fight for his pride but when it comes to his height he i like to think that scaramouche will always fight for his pride but when it comes to his height he i like to think that scaramouche will always fight for his pride but when it comes to his height he i like to think that scaramouche will always fight for his pride but when it comes to his height he

i like to think that scaramouche will always fight for his pride but when it comes to his height he’s just completely defenseless, especially against childe

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Childe aka Tartaglia from Genshin Impact, I used Clip Studio Paint’s new timelapse feature but that

Childe aka Tartaglia from Genshin Impact, I used Clip Studio Paint’s new timelapse feature but that is on my Instagram

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 Childe’s questionably written character quest

Childe’s questionably written character quest

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 Hey hey hey! New genshin stickers for y'all and with more to come! Visit myko-fi shop for more! D

Hey hey hey! New genshin stickers for y'all and with more to come!
Visit my ko-fi shop for more!

Art © Me Chihiyro
Genshin Impact © miHoYo

You can see my work on instagram,facebook,artstationandtwitter.

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(75/365) Chilumi Genshin Impact OTP

I can’t believe I never uploaded it here!! So many art has been skipped because I posted nit directly to my IG..lol

For fellow GI fans who love chilumi..? Enjoy~~

But please do not repost!!

Cannot wait to see Xinyan and Childe in the same room the chaotic sibling “we both agree on making the worst decision” energy will be unparalleled I’m so excited


*for those dear Tartaglia lovers, please reblog *

Hey everyone, my name is Nattie, and you could consider me a Local Tartaglia enthusiast. I can’t believe I’m gonna do this but here we go.

I’m not gonna waste too much of your time, lovely tumblr peeps, but I saw another Tartaglia hate post and well, now I’m moved to finally do this. Please understand that before you read this, I have no intentions on forcing you to change your opinion, but I would really really like it if you would do this kind stranger a favor and go into reading this with an open mind. For now I would like you to discard your negative Liyue arc Childe thoughts, and let me take you on this journey.

(Before you begin reading, please understand that this is months worth of deep research, analysis, and facts. There will be some points made based on supported theory but I will tell you where. Lastly, most of all the information regarding the first mistranslation issue is information that belongs to Levinano on Reddit, props to him and I would never try to steal his credit for the information he found. I will leave a link to his Reddit post at the bottom, please go give him some support and read it yourself!)

Ahem. So you’re actually reading this? I really appreciate that if you are, thank you for being open minded. I know there was a lot of crazy stuff that happened in the Liyue arc regarding Childe, and I know it brings a lot of emotions. I’ve been there, I was up till 4am on the night of the release and finished the arc in one go, I know those conflicting feelings because I felt them too. Now, Childe is my favorite character, and has been from the moment I saw him, but I love him because of depth, and this post is why I hope I can open your own hearts to this truly, lovable character.

The Major Catalyst: The huge mistranslation.

Okay! So we all know Childe after you defeat him in the golden house that he summons the large sea monster, creature, thingy. The thing that Rex lapis- *coughs* Zhongli had to defeat many many many years ago from destroying Liyue, the backstory of the Guyun Stone Forest- okay blah blah yall are smart, y’all already know that. BUT, I think what caused the biggest hate for Tartaglia, is why he did this, and the things he said in the English translation. Every game you play that is not your original language will always have mistranslation errors, it’s unavoidable, and as wonderful of a job Genshin does with trying to avoid these issues, it still happens. It happened. Yup that’s right, you heard me. It happened. THAT ONE SCENE, where people want to describe him as an egotistical asshole, was the MISTRANSLATION. Of all the scenes, it had to be such a crucial moment as this one was. Crazy I know, but it really is the scene of the mistranslation. Don’t believe me? Let me show you what I mean. I’m sure you are all familiar with his English lines but let me give you a quick refresh if you don’t remember;


“I had hoped it would never come to this. I absolutely detest working with those who are weaker than I.”

"The truth is, the world belongs to those of us who desire to become strong. I seldom willingly mingle with any dull and boring weakling who think otherwise.

"Unfortunately, we cannot be picky about our methods as Fatui Harbingers. Children must all learn to eat their vegetables sometime.”

These lines are the single most reason people hate Tartaglia as a character- but what if I told you, as I stated before, those lines of dialogue was a mistranslation to the English addition. Levinano was informed that the Chinese and Japanese translations, both say the same thing, THAT ISN’T WHAT THE ENGLISH CHILDE SAYS.

The original translation for Chinese and Japanese goes as following;

My backup plan involves affecting the weak, under normal circumstances I wouldn’t want to be using it.

"but at the end of the day, this world exists for those who seek to become stronger. There’s no room for me to worry about the weak.”

"Not to mention, Fatui Harbingers cannot choose their methods. There are times when even children have to eat stuff they don’t like you know. ”

Now, read the English translation again, and then read the original translation again. Completely different right??! I was shocked myself, it’s stating an entirely different thing then what the English says! Still don’t see why it’s better and what it really means? Allow me to quote Leviano, because I believe he says it better then I could ever put it, but I will give my input.

Leviano; “In the English version, Childe refers to his subordinates and how useless they are compared to him who’s almighty and worthy of being in this world.

In the Japanese version, Childe refers to the people of Liyue. He has stated that the best part about being a Harbinger is the fights, he doesn’t like the deceptive and manipulative things Harbingers do, instead, he likes to run head first for the fight. That’s why he never intended to kill the MC, just to fight him. The people of Liyue cannot put up a fight, hence, he doesn’t like the idea of involving them in the conflict.

Basically, the Japanese version suggests that Childe never wanted to bring harm to the people of Liyue, he has to do what he did because he has to do it. The English version suggests that he’s someone who doesn’t care about his subordinates and views everyone and everything else as trash, and that this world is only fit for “strong people” like himself to live in, hence, he feels no hesitation to summoning the god and destroying Liyue, which makes this version of him psychotic and egotistic.”

INSANE RIGHT???? I bet you never considered that. When it boils down to it, it’s important you understand that Childe loves to fight, he doesn’t like to hurt people. It’s two completely different things. He’s a harbinger for the fights, and most harbingers don’t like Childe because he doesn’t approve of the methods that the Harbingers use to get their way. He’s never approved of this, and he never will because he has a significant set of morals that he is devoted to. So please understand, that Childe is someone who deserves more empathy, because he was forced. Again I repeat, he was forced to summon the creature. Childe does not believe you should hurt or fight those who cannot defend themselves, the people of Liyue had no way to protect themselves. Childe’s morals are against involving innocent into conflicts.

Forced?? What in the world are you talking about Nattie, you’re just some Childe Obsessor who wants people to ignore what he did.

Understand, I’m disappointed in what he did, I’m not ignoring that he did it, but there was a reason why, and why I’m saying he was forced, so before you get upset listen to me carefully.

If you haven’t already figured it out and put the information together, Zhongli and La Signora used Childe, and is the reason he summoned the god in the first place. Zhongli made a deal with the Tsarista to give her his gnosis, La Signora was in on it, Childe was not. Childe was not informed. La Signora, Zhongli and the Tsarista, were the ones who planned to summon the creature all along, but they forced Childe to be the one to do it.

But why would he do it? Couldn’t have he refused? He didn’t have to do it?

In theory, he could have refused. But you need to realize that Childe is a Harbinger, and he’s part of the Fatui, not to mention there are reasons that made him incapable to walk away. The BIGGEST, MOST IMPORTANT REASON OF ALL, is his family. It’s plain and simple. What do I mean? Well. For those who played his story, they would have realized how much Tartaglia cares about his siblings and his family, he would do anything for them, despite his father being the one who sent him off to be in the fatui without a choice. I have Tartaglia myself, and he has a story, which are letters to his sister, that he wrote for her. His sister is the biggest clue to this.

Well that doesn’t really say much?

*Here comes a bit of supported theory*

You can think that, but if you listen carefully, In his character demo video, Tartaglia says something extremely valuable to this case. He begins with, “Dearest Sister.” Meaning this is a letter to his sister Tonia. BUT near the very end of the video Tartaglia says; “The future the Tsarista desires.. The future the people of Snezhnaya desire.. it will be had.” THAT LINE RIGHT THERE. This indicates the relationship Tartaglia has with the Tsarista, despite being completed devoted to her, and looking up to her. Whatever the Tsarista wants, is something the people of Snezhnaya want. It’s something Tartaglia wants, because the future, that future, is a future for his siblings. That future, is a future the Tsarista is promising to give Childe’s family and the people of Snezhnaya. Childe does his job as a harbinger and what he needs to do for the Tsarista, so she can achieve that future. Whatever that future is, Tartaglia wants it for his family. Now does that sound like something you can just walk away from? A future for your family?

Think about it, if Childe had refused to summon the creature that La Signora and the Tsarista asked him to, the Tsarista could have threatened that coming future for his family. All his work, all his efforts and everything that he’s endured for his family could disappear within a moment. Not only that, but knowing how the Fatui works, I want you really understand that the likelihood of Childe being assassinated, and or murdered for refusing orders as a Harbinger, is not at all unrealistic. It would be considered treason. Tartaglia is strong, but the Tsarista is an archon. Childe was playing with death. And to bring his family in this, and use it as a threat against him is also not unrealistic. People will break and bend, and go against their own morals for their family. That’s a human thing guys.


1. Childe was forced against his own morals, by La Signora, the Tsarista, and unknownst to him, Zhongli.

2. The fatui are Ruthless, his life was on the line.

3. And the most important one of all, the future that the Tsarista promises for Childe’s family and the people of Snezhnaya, was riding on him not resisting.

At the end of it all, his weaknesses were put against him and exploited.

At the end of all of this, all I ask of you is to be open. I TRULY HOPE THAT AFTER READING ALL OF THIS IF YOU HAD, YOU CAN SEE THAT CHILDE ISNT ACTUALLY EVIL. Childe is not a monster, and he’s actually just a person, with human emotions like you and me, that was manipulated and forced to go against his beliefs for the success of the Tsarista. Childe did not want any of this, he never wanted to kill the traveler, and he never wanted to harm the people of Liyue. He wants to help him family, and he wants to give his siblings a good future so they never have to get involved with the darkness of the fatui as their way of making a living.

I’m not into Yumejoshi (it’s not bad to be, in my opinion but I’m just saying I’m not), I’m not an obsessor, I’m not a’ fan aggressive. But I truly love Childe’s complexity and who he is as a person, he’s so much more deep beneath the surface then a lot of people want to understand or see. Childe falling into the Abyss at such a young age is also an important factor on why his behavior is the way it is, but that’s another explanation for another day. I just want the characters I love to be happy, and if they’re happy I feel like I’ve done my job. And if I can stop them from being hated over a misunderstanding, then I truly feel I can call myself a true supporter of my character.



IF ANY OF YOU KNOW TARTAGLIA HATERS, SEND THIS TO THEM, REBLOG THIS, LIKE THIS AND SHARE IT! EVEN RETWEET IT ON TWITTER FOR ME! (Please make sure that my name and Leviano’s name are stated and you give credit to us! You can credit me here or with Natalie_Greene, Nattie, and so forth. Or you can credit me by linking a tweet to this post or @ing me on Twitter at Rosemantic4You)

DONT HESITATE TO REBLOG! FOLLOW UP THIS POST WITH #TartagliaDeservesUnderstanding and #ChildeIsNotEvil. I really hope you will do this for me, and for him.

Thank you again, one last time for reading all of this, and for keeping an open mind. Throughout this explosion of information, I truly appreciate it.

Have a wonderful day!!!

P.S heres the link to Leviano’s Original Reddit Post: (give them some love and appreciation please!)


#TartagliaDeservesUnderstanding #ChildeIsNotEvil

 childe isn’t even joking around anymore  tohma, step away ajskdfhjksdf- we love to see it ah  childe isn’t even joking around anymore  tohma, step away ajskdfhjksdf- we love to see it ah  childe isn’t even joking around anymore  tohma, step away ajskdfhjksdf- we love to see it ah

 childe isn’t even joking around anymore  tohma, step away ajskdfhjksdf- we love to see it ah finally more chilumi with a slice of tohma…. luv u, sir- 

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some childe portraits done with my insogang friends!! we did prompts “fangs” and “some childe portraits done with my insogang friends!! we did prompts “fangs” and “

some childe portraits done with my insogang friends!! 

we did prompts “fangs” and “mafia AU” … and all I had was childe in the brain, hehe- enjoy!! 

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the blue seelie says thank u for choosing him, ojou-chan!!! (childe isn’t pleased bsdbjfd-)  a

the blue seelie says thank u for choosing him, ojou-chan!!! (childe isn’t pleased bsdbjfd-) 

 anyway more chilumi for this cute event, thankuu!!

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don’t worry, lumine smacks him back to his senses literally after this moment wahaha  he&rsquo

don’t worry, lumine smacks him back to his senses literally after this moment wahaha 

 he’s just a lil jealous,,, no yandere childe here…… nope- that’s tomato sauce….. 

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man…. i just imagine childe and zhongli would be so great with kids,  lumine’s babysittman…. i just imagine childe and zhongli would be so great with kids,  lumine’s babysitt

man…. i just imagine childe and zhongli would be so great with kids,  

lumine’s babysitting service now open??

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chilumi ft. childe banner rerun  lumine’s always wishing for others, but he doesn’t knowchilumi ft. childe banner rerun  lumine’s always wishing for others, but he doesn’t knowchilumi ft. childe banner rerun  lumine’s always wishing for others, but he doesn’t knowchilumi ft. childe banner rerun  lumine’s always wishing for others, but he doesn’t know

chilumi ft. childe banner rerun 

 lumine’s always wishing for others, but he doesn’t know… what that feels like…(raise ur hand if u will wish for him!!)

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