#genshin impact traveler


Happy Valentine’s Day!! Here are some silly Genshin Impact doodles, feel free to share with friends, family, partners, and more!!

lumine returns from gathering cecilias

the chibi photo is credited to Sweet Paradise x Genshin collab!

a gift from an old friend

happiest (belated) birthday to the best bard in mondstadt!!!

Hey guys, are there any of you who play Genshin Impact? Add me as a friend! My account on the asia server and UID825797936

“Where do you want to go next? If you’d like to see Liyue’s tourist spots, I have a few references.”

Zhongli finally took the party on the tour he kept promising every 30 seconds.

Probably not gonna finish it but here’s my abyss princess lumine

Fishing make CO-OP REQ more active ngl. I try to mimic the official chibi style!~ Fishing make CO-OP REQ more active ngl. I try to mimic the official chibi style!~ Fishing make CO-OP REQ more active ngl. I try to mimic the official chibi style!~ 

Fishing make CO-OP REQ more active ngl. I try to mimic the official chibi style!~ 

Post link

I have a theory about Genshin Impact.

What if it was Paimon to kidnapp Traveler’s sibling? I just started the story quest in Liyue, so maybe I need to play more into the game to have answers, but she feels really weird even in world.

First off, she is named after a King of Hell like all of the known Archons so far. I am not saying she is an Archon, and maybe they just thought it was cool to name characters after demons, but she is the only exception to this rule, as far as I can tell (or the wikia).

She doesn’t really seem to be from any race found in Teyvat. Then again, there is still so much to travel and maybe her people are going to pop up at some point. Also she can fly and appear from thin air which is very convenient from a gameplay point of view, and probably that’s all there is to it. She also has that weird universe/constellation theme to her that looks very magical and mysterious.

I can’t recall every dialogue -so this is only the vibe she gave me- but she seemed to have weird specific knowledge about the world but then missing completely on important parts of the world building. But like oddly.

Why is she sticking around with Traveller? We saved her from drowning (speaking of, she can fly, can’t she? How was she drowning? She ran out of stamina while floating above the lake?) and she felt like sticking around, but is it really worth it to travel the whole continent? It can be that they’re are just good friends and Paimon is having fun, sure, but why stopping here if you can come up with conspiracy theories?

This is just me, maybe, but the lady who kidnapped Traveller’s brother looks a bit like Paimon. Especially the way the hair fall on her face BUT it doesn’t really mean anything, because, how Paimon herself suggests while discussing Venti, Archons can change shape. The two of them looking alike would be just a ~narrative/character design~ bonus. The shape of their eyes (but not their colours) look similar, accounting for the fact that Paimon is a child. Their hair colour is also the same, but they share it with 1/3 of the cast.

Traveller conveniently finds Paimon in a lake shortly after losing their sibling and finding themself in a strange world. Paimon is also the one who suggested they travel to meet the Archons. Also, I can’t speak for Morax and the others yet, but Traveler’s encounter with Venti ended with him losing his Gnosis after keeping it concealed for decades disguised as a bard. After meeting Traveller and Paimon it was only a matter of days before the Fatui found him too. Maybe it’s just bad luck.

The Cryo Archon gave the Fatui powers beyond the regular Vision. We have extraordinary powers. Maybe it’s thanks to her.

So my theory: 1) Paimon lost her place as an Archon and wants revenge, using us and MC’s sibling as pawns, and the Cryo Archon, The Abyss Order and the rest as distractions.

2) Paimon actually is the Cryo Archon and she actually is the true villain of it all.

3) Maybe something else. Maybe she really is just cute emergency food.

Either way, I suspect she knows where my brother is

h i r a e t h

(n) “a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past.”
