

Tauragender or Taurgender: When someone’s gender stays the same for an extended amount of time due to the comfort they feel with that gender. The gender may change but the individual is reluctant for that change due to stubbornness, but when they do allow the change it is usually for the better.

Based on the zodiac sign Taurus.

Term coined by: Anonymous


[image description: a flag with nine stripes. the second and eighth stripes are narrow, and the center stripe is much wider than the others. from top to bottom they are: dark red, tan, light tan, brown, white, brown, light tan, tan, dark red]

Full size [Here]

Designed by: [Deactivated]


[image description: a flag with nine stripes. the center stripe is much wider than the others. the color order is the same as the above flag. centered in the center stripe is the taurus symbol. through the symbol, four concentric ovals can be seen. the outermost is dark red, and get lighter as they go in, with the innermost being red]

Full size [Here]

Designed by: Me

Color meanings: 

Red: From the false notion that bulls are angered by the color red (they are actually colorblind) and also to represent the stubbornness that is present in tauragender individuals.

Golds: From the prevalent depiction of golden nose rings bulls have.

Brown: Bulls are often brown in color.

White:To represent the good feeling a tauragender individual has when they finally accept their new gender.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!
