
Birds are really putting me through my paces recently! Another shattered skull fixed with hot glue,

Birds are really putting me through my paces recently! Another shattered skull fixed with hot glue, strong thread and a lot of patience. Also - bonus shattered wing and leg bones, my favourite. #sarcasm #taxidermist #pheasant #taxidermy #taxidermyprocess #skull #fracture #gamebird #white #leucistic #bird #birds #taxidermyco #dead #clean #wip #art #artist #animals #vultureculture #tgif #weekend #commission #suffolk (at Taxidermy Co. UK)

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Considering I’m rocking a kidney infection right now, I’m pretty chuffed with the progress I’ve made

Considering I’m rocking a kidney infection right now, I’m pretty chuffed with the progress I’ve made on the muntjac buck today keeping him hydrated so I can finish tomorrow ☺️ #taxidermyco #taxidermy #wip #taxidermyprocess #muntjac #deer #taxidermydeer #interiordesign #homedecor #commission #art #wildlife #vultureculture #animals #oddities #stuffed #cute #handmade #suffolk #taxidermist (at Taxidermy Co. UK)

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