#taz pomme


So I’ve Started Reading Vast Error

Let me just say, I have ideas and interesting thoughts, especially between the Sylph of Rage Taz Pomme and the Bard of Breath Arcjec Voorat, I mean I have thoughts on the whole bloody thing and the dynamic of each troll and how it fits so nicely together piece by piece by how their aspects both clash and compliment each other but let’s take it slow and heck maybe you’ll see more from me on the topic of the best spiritual successor to Homestuck I have ever laid my eyes upon.

Anyways, so from my understanding Slyphs are kind of a healer/support type of class for lack of better terms they help or try to help through their aspect, so seeing a Sylph of Rage in here is very interesting because oftentimes you don’t see Rage as being well… helpful honestly. Yet from my reading and understanding Rage players tend to be people who get things done, people of passion, people of emotion, people of anger, people of rage, and most importantly people of Focus. And yet here we are with Taz who apparently is in probably one of the most unhealthy states a Sylph of Rage could be in as stated by her Denizen whose interaction suggests she needs to be broken down before she can actually help through her aspect keep this in mind for later.

Next up we have the Bard of Breath, you know the Class that passively destroys things specifically their aspect, now in the case of Arcjec I feel like he’s already destroyed that “freedom” and his bard abilities are well on passive display of which he is coming to terms with because it can be used for good when not let to go off on its own… like he was… for several years. From what I’ve read this is a Class aspect that needs to either be contained, put on a kind of metaphorical leash, or… OR and get this be given focus.

I don’t know what’s happened in their past, nor do we all, the story is still ongoing and the pieces are still being put together but, we know something bad happened between Taz and Arcjec. Part of it could of him passively destroying the freedom they once had, part of it could be the things Taz did that caused the whole fallout amongst most of them, we don’t know, but we can clearly see the negative traits of the Bard already at play here, unlike in Gamzee’s case where he started off chill and then WENT TOTALLY OFF THE FING CHAINS. This causes me to think that due to being a Bard of Breath and hey there could be more pieces to the puzzle and more negative things to play here, and heck he could even potentially when utilizing his power properly destroy the freedom that the antagonists currently have thus screwing them over, but we don’t know how that’ll play out yet.

So here we have Taz and Arcjec, who surprisingly compliment each other as dysfunctional as they may currently be it seems to be, amends are being made to some degree as the story progresses, and He like the Previous breath player in Homestuck John both seem to be the first ones who actually enter the game, so that’s interesting but besides the point. Anyways, the person giving him focus, the person forcing a change onto him, a person forcing things to happen is none other than Taz, who btw is the only one who I believe could get him off of his butt and get him moving whether he liked it or not. She in a very Rage-like manner did, in fact, end up helping him through well… Rage. Unlike the others who can and will move on their own Arcjec needs motivation, he needs direction he needs a push, he needs an eye to be kept on him, otherwise, he destroys the freedom around him as well as to some degree identity but that’s more of a heart players thing.

Their dynamic is fascinating and it seems wounds to some degree are starting to mend, and I want to see more of this dynamic because when you look further it is almost like the perfect pairing in this regard and it has me kind of floored. I could talk about the other perfect pairings and how they fit and then start writing up a shipping wall of canon and non-canon relationships like the heir of heart I apparently am but what am I? Nepeta? Meulin? Heaven forbid… although… I wouldn’t be against it. Needless to say, I am fascinated and desire to see how all these dynamics play out and heck I may even end up talking about personal character issues like what is currently going on with the Heir of Light but that is not for this time, it’s just so fascinating and I want more.
