#tbz sangyeon x reader


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: ceo!sangyeon x coworker!fem.reader (ft. playboy!jacob)

: fluff

: cuss words here and there, mentions of alcohol

: 1.0k

: happy new year! dedicating my first fic of 2021 to my love, yu, @lsangyeons. ily just as much as i love sangyeon. cute ass couple right here. mwah. i hope you like it.

“you’re late.” your boss uttered as soon as he heard the click of the door and the clack of your heel on the floor of his office, “i’m also here, could have easily stayed home.” that. that, is something he didn’t like. he liked being the boss - not the other way around - not being the one given orders; that’s his job. that’s what irritated him about you, the fact that he spent his whole life not taking shit from anybody and proffering to be the man on top- the one who was superior- in a non narcissistic manner, but if the shoe fits then so be it.

ever since you stepped on the premises of his building, the building worth millions i may add, every little thing you did aggravated him. the way you would always be far in front of other staff in your departement, always one step ahead of them in terms of skills and traits, how you never failed to show up to work (whilst you were late occasionally due to your form of transportation continuing to be unpredictable) but nonetheless, you made up for it in the end with your customer reviews and daily late nights at the office with your contact lenses far gone hidden beneath the endless chocolate bar wrappers and your glasses framing your face instead, as paper upon paper consumed your undivided attention. he could also mention the fact that he noticed how you, regardless of your relationship with, never once was unprofessional and always looked their best at all times.

“you know, if you put as much effort into your work as you do getting under my skin you’d be promoted.” sangyeon cleared his throat and loosened the top of his tie, eyeing the way you lightly placed a stack of documents on his desk, taking a seat that sat just in front, “boss, don’t act like i’m not the most hard working person in this very building - besides you of course - and i put just as much effort into my work as i do at being your most favourite employee.” you retorted as the male opposite found himself unable to form a word, something you did to him more often than not.

it’s not that he was a pushover and let you do as you pleased, teasing him was off limits to everyone and they knew that. all the while you knew, of course you knew, but that didn’t stop you from making it a part of your daily routine. you could say he just had this form of admiration towards you, no, not admiration. you know that feeling as to when you find yourself being completely and utterly whoo-ed over by someone without even having to do anything remotely intimate, like parents watching their child perform their first school performance of twinkle twinkle little star, or, when you’re completely in love with someone that you just adore everything they do and say; proud of them and their accomplishments. you could say that’s how sangyeon felt. except, he wasn’t in love with you.

“you sound in love to me dude.” sangyeon’s close friend, jacob, claimed as he took yet another swig of his drink, lazily seated within the leather booth in the far corner of the bar the two were currently at.

the male scoffed, his face crinkling in disgust from the bitter aftertaste of the liquor in his hand, “and what makes you say that huh? mr playboy himself”. the latter let out a chuckle at that, sangyeon’s dig doing nothing but proving his point.

“i gotta know what love is to be able to stay away from it my dude - it’s simple, i don’t want that shit. therefore i learned the signs and get rid before it gets serious,” jacob winked as he ended his speech, leaving sangyeon in a whirlpool of his thoughts, “if i just sat through your whiny ass for forty minutes, expressing your undenying love for this girl, you better act on it before i actually strangle you with your own intestines.”

whilst sangyeon knew his friend was joking, and rather, he was sure he was exaggerating the feelings he held for you, he knew he had a point, “the worst she could do is say no, right? I say go for it.”

and he did, setting his ego aside, something he would never imagine doing in his lifetime - let alone for a girl of whom managed to capture his heart and occupy his mind twenty-four seven - and within twenty minutes after bidding his farewell to his companion, he was at your front door.

even if he wanted to back out, he had no choice as you stood clad in your pyjamas, rubbing your eyes as he cursed himself for not realising that of course you’d be asleep at this time. hell, he didn’t even think about what he was going to say to you, he could have saved himself by throwing a bouquet of flowers in your face to make up for his jumbled thoughts and his mismatched sentences but in his flurry to confess to you before his confidence (and alcohol) went out of his system that he didnt think of anything but going to see you.

“hey boss, are you okay?” you croaked, breaking the silence that fell upon the two of you.

“i’m sangyeon.” he announced suddenly, being put on the spot, all of his confidence leaving as quickly as it came, rubbing the back of his neck upon realising how stupid he sounded.

your brow lifted, what the hell is he saying? And quite frankly, sangyeon thought the exact same, come on dude, you got this.

“i know you are. are you okay, boss?” you said, pressing the back of your hand to the males forehead, coming to the conclusion that he isn’t ill, intoxicated but okay.

“how do i say this? I want you to stop calling me boss,” he demanded, cutting you off before you could even respond to such a command, “and i want you to go on a date with me.”
